The Union of Construction and Furniture Industries Workers of Londrina (SINTRACOM Londrina), affiliated to Building and Wood Workers’ International (BWI), mobilized during April in a campaign for better health and safety conditions at different worksites of the region.
The union’s directors were present at 48 workplaces where they spoke to workers about potential safety hazards that will lead to injuries and fatal accidents in the construction industry such as falls from heights, burial and electric shock. At the end of the month, a large meeting of the members of the Internal Committees for Accident Prevention (CIPAs) was held, to highlight the importance of the Committee by valuing the work of construction workers.
On the 28th, an action was conducted out placing 209 crosses symbolizing each of the deaths resulting from occupational accidents in the year 2017.
Con motivo del 28 de abril, Día Internacional de la Salud y la Seguridad en el Trabajo, desde CCOO de Construcción y Servicios queremos que se visibilicen los trastornos musculo esqueléticos como primera causa de baja laboral y exigir un trabajo sin riesgos
Nos acercamos al 28 de abril de 2019, que, por si alguien no lo recuerda en este contexto de campaña y de mensajes electorales, también es el Día Internacional de la Seguridad y Salud en el Trabajo, fecha que habitualmente sirve para recordarnos que el mundo del trabajo produce víctimas, para homenajear y recordar a las propias víctimas y para hacer ance de las políticas preventivas con la esperanza, siempre, de corregir errores y reivindicar cambios que construyan un mundo del trabajo más seguro.
Le proposte dei sindacati ed il video del flashmob del 30 aprile in Piazza Montecitorio in occasione del Safe Day, la giornata mondiale della salute e sicurezza sul lavoro
Anche quest’anno FenealUil, Filca-Cisl, Fillea-Cgil organizzano una iniziativa in occasione del SafeDay, la giornata mondiale della salute e sicurezza sui luoghi di lavoro. Il 30 aprile, dalle ore 10:00, saranno in piazza Montecitorio per ricordare tutte le vittime sul lavoro ed illustrare un pacchetto di proposte concrete per contrastare questo dramma nazionale, inviate nei giorni scorsi anche alle massime autorità dello Stato ed ai rappresentanti del Governo. Nel corso dell’iniziativa davanti alla Camera dei Deputati, con la collaborazione di alcuni artisti di strada sarà allestita una installazione dal grande impatto emotivo.
“Purtroppo il nostro settore – ricordano i sindacati – resta uno dei più colpiti dagli infortuni sul lavoro e dal fenomeno delle malattie professionali. La nostra attenzione ed il nostro impegno è continuo, ma la giornata della sicurezza resta un appuntamento importantissimo per coinvolgere tutti, occorre agire – dicono – per contrastare ed eliminare le cause, aumentando i controlli e le ispezioni, contrastando il lavoro nero ed il dumping contrattuale, investendo in prevenzione e formazione. Le proposte non mancano e saremo in piazza anche per rilanciarle e per ricordare che, dopo la Francia, nell’Unione Europea, l’Italia è il paese in cui di lavoro si muore di più, secondo i dati Eurostat confermati dall’Inail nel 2018.
BWI affiliate Rakennusliitto has reported on its 28 April activities in Finland. There was a moment of silence across multiple work sites on Monday 29 April. Each workplace held its own activity with employers joining the event.
Below are pictures from an event held at a Helsinki construction site.
April 22-28: The Brazilian Association of Exposed to Asbestos (ABREA) organized a series of events under the banner of “Protection Week against Asbestos.” The event was supported by the Inter-Union Health and Safety Council in Osasco and the Region where the event took place. The objective of the event was to evaluate next steps of the organization after the ban on asbestos in Brazil. An international delegation of Ban Asbestos Network, with delegates from Indonesia, India, Japan and United Kingdom attended to the meeting.
The week included an ecumenical event, honouring the victims of asbestos and the launch of the book “Eternidade”, by the journalist Marina Moura, which tells the story of the creation of ABREA and other regional organizations fighting against asbestsos.
The social movement made a very positive assessment of the ban on asbestos in the country, but, recognizes there is still a lot of work to do including fair compensation for those exposed to asbestos, environmental decontamination and the end of asbestos export. Brazil is the main asbestos exporter to India and the second exporter to Indonesia.
In Hong Kong the CSGWU and 職工盟(HKCTU) held an #IWMD2019 assembly in front of the Legislative Council, highlighting karoshi (death from overwork) fatalities; between 2013 and 2018 Hong Kong recorded 635 fatality cases where no accident occurred and therefore not considered work-related, meaning no compensation for the workers’ families.
Short Video : At for International Health and Safety Day 2019 under theme “Promotion health, safety and social protection for workers in the construction sector.”
Demand to the government to address the key following issues;
1) Improve better working conditions and wages for construction workers
2) Improve labor policy on Occupational Health and Safety for construction workers;
3) Full implementation of National Social Security Fund (NSSF) for construction sector.