Tag Archives: CLAWUZ

Zimbabwe: Cement and lime workers mark 28 April in three workplaces

Zimbabwe BWI affiliate Cement & Lime and Allied Workers Union of Zimbabwe (CLAWUZ) will conduct educational  occupational safety and health workplace visits at three workplaces. Representatives from the employers, the union, occupational safety and health committees, and workers are expected to be in attendance.

CLAWUZ webpages https://neccementandlime.co.zw/

Zimbabwe: Campaigns, site visits and workshops on 28 April

CLAWUZ will run workshops and conduct site visits to promote the implementation of OHS as a fundamental human right.

On 28 April GAPWUZ is conducting a workplace safety inspection on the compliance of employers to PPE use and overall safety in the timber industry.

Zimbabwe: Safety campaign to recognise safety as a human right

Zimbabwean BWI affiliates ZCATWU, CLAWUZ, GAPWUZ and
ZEWU will be running a safety awareness campaign and recognising occupational health and safety as a fundamental human right.

The affiliates also intend to monitor all safety misconduct and violations at the workplaces and bring it to the attention of the employers/management to rectify the issues. There also have committed to sign at least three  BWI OHS Declarations to be a fundamental right for the workers at workplace


Zimbabwe: CLAWUZ youth urge Government and employers to protect young people

A video message from the Chair of the CLAWUZ youth-Zimbabwe.

“We demand governments and employers to take urgent action to protect young workers’ health, jobs and their future.” #BWI2020IWMD

Zimbabwe: 28 April construction union message of zero tolerance for work hazards

The BWI affiliates in Zimbabwe (CLAWUZ, GAPWUZ, ZCATWU, ZEWU) commemorated IWMD at RIO DOURO with a campaign for zero tolerance for workplace hazards.

Zimbabwe: Construction unions targeting actions for International Workers’ Memorial Day

Global union federation Building and Wood Workers’ International (BWI) affiliates in Zimbabwe are conducting on occupational safety and heath Awareness Campaign 29 April Harare, Zimbabwe. CLAWUZ, GAPWUZ, ZCATWU and ZEWU are targeting actions at unions leaders, OHS committee members, company management and the workers to identify all occupational hazards accidents investigating procedures and check on compliance.