Category Archives: 2018 Bangladesh

Asia/Bangladesh: Workers Memorial Day, 28 April and Rana Plaza Commemoration day 24 April

From the Asian Network for the Rights of Occupational and Environmental Victims (ANROEV), giving details of events to commemorate the anniversary of the Rana Plaza factory collapse in Bangladesh, and to mark International Workers’ Memorial Day on 28 April:

Dear Friends,

ANROEV is a unique solidarity group, which works towards making Asian workplaces safe. It also provides members a platform to demand OSH rights of workers and victims in Asia and Strengthen the OSH movement in Asia. As part of the movement, ANROEV Secretariat intends to organize different events to observe the Rana Plaza Commemoration Day on 24 April and Workers Memorial Day on 28 April.

Since its beginning of ANROEV platform, members are playing a pivotal role to run platform activities in an effective way. ANROEV acknowledges supports required from members to run platform successfully. ANROEV’s initiatives would not have been possible without members’ supports.

ANROEV Secretariat collaboration with the Rana Plaza Victims Rights Network, AMRC and OSHE Foundation have intended to organize different events to mark those days.

 24 April Rana Plaza Commemoration Day:

Activity list:

  1. Pay respect at Memorial Site in Savar on 24 April 2018 (9am)
  2. Organise a Human Chain of Victims at Memorial Site with demands  (10am)
  3. Banner Campaign  at Savar area  by Victim Network (23-24 April 2018)
  4.       Discussion meeting with Victims , 24 April 2018.
  5. Local Media based advocacy to highlight victims status and issues (20-24 April 2018)

28 April Workers Memorial Day:

Activity list:

  1. ANROEV Statement
  2. Special News Feature on 28 April, Workers Memorial Day based on our Network members activities.
  3. Sharing regular update information with network members.

ANROEV Secretariat believes that this is a valuable endeavor that will have significant impact to ensure workers’ rights.

ANROEV Secretariat is thankful for your continued support and look forward to get information.

With best regards –

Coordinator | ANROEV 

ANROEV  Secretariat
C/O- OSHE foundation
House #19, Lane #1, Block # A, Section # 6 Mirpur,
Dhaka-1216, Bangladesh
Tel: +88-02-9032947-8 |


Bangladesh: Workers’ Dhaka rally will mark 28 April

Building and Wood Worker’s International (BWI) affiliate Bangladesh Building and Wood Workers Federation (BBWWF) is conducting a 28 April  workers’ rally to raise occupational health and safety awareness in Dhaka. The rally will include workers from Dhaka Metro Project.