International Workers Memorial Day Thursday, 28 April 2022

Across Scotland events will be held to remember those who’ve sadly lost their lives at work over the past year; to pay tribute to the sacrifice of so many workers during the pandemic; and to thank all those who continue to do vital work at great risk.

Find an event near you (this listing will be updated with fuller details when available)
Aberdeen Persley Walled Garden, Bridge of Don, AB22 8AQ Thursday 28th April 1.00pm
Alexandria Memorial Tree, Christie Park, Saturday 23rd April 1.00pm
Alloa Workers’ Memorial adjacent to Clackmammanshire Council Headquarters
Bathgate Workers’ Memorial, Bathgate Sports Centre, Torpichen Road Thursday 28th April
Bonnyrigg Michael McGahey Memorial, George V Park Thursday 28th April 12.30pm
Clydebank Truth and Justice Square, Dumbarton Road
Coatbridge Summerlee Heritage Museum, Heritage Way Thursday 28th April
Dundee Memorial Tree, adjacent to Discovery Point, Riverside Drive Thursday 28th April 12 noon
Edinburgh Memorial and Tree, West Princess Street Gardens Thursday 28th April 12.30pm
Falkirk Municipal Buildings, West Bridge Street, Falkirk
Fife Memorial Tree, Beveridge Park Thursday 28th April 12 noon
Greenock Grand Hall, Inverclyde Council HQ
Glasgow Workers’ Memorial People’s Palace/Winter Gardens, Glasgow Green Thursday 28th April 12 noon
Hamilton Townhouse Beckford Street Thursday 28th April
Inverness Workers’ Memorial, Friar’s Shott/Huntly Street Thursday 28th April 12.30pm
Irvine Memorial Garden, Kilwinning Road
Kilmarnock Memorial Tree, Dean Country Park Saturday 30th April 10.45am
Paisley Workers’ Memorial, Renfrewshire House, Cotton Street Thursday 28th April 12 noon
Renfrew Workers’ Memorial Cairn, Robertson Park Thursday 28th April 11.00am