Category Archives: 2023 India

Asia-Pacific: OHS as a right, make it happen! #iwmd23

37 unions throughout the Asia Pacific region organized various mobilisations, concerted actions, and other activities to support the adoption of workplace health and safety as a fundamental worker right. This was in response to BWI’s call to its affiliates to push governments and employers to implement the said right as it marked the 2023 International Workers’ Memorial Day. The unions in India, Nepal, Cambodia, Bangladesh, Malaysia, Sri Lanka, Pakistan, Indonesia, Myanmar, South Korea, and the Philippines organised demonstrations, held meetings to raise awareness on workplace safety, and distributed free personal protective equipment (PPE). In other places, unions and the employers  collaborated on joint actions to reaffirm their commitment to upholding safe and healthy working conditions.

In Nepal, the BWI-Nepal Affiliates Committee (BWI-NAC) organised a campaign action at a construction site in Bhaktapur. Crecentia Mofokeng, BWI Regional Representative for Africa-MENA, joined the activity. She was in Nepal for the Homenet International Congress.

In South India, the TKTMS organised a march that culminated in a town hall meeting attended by construction industry employers’ representatives. The INCWF sponsored a health and safety training at two cement plants in the state of Karnataka. At the same time, the Rajasthan state’s RPKNMS and AHBWU held popular activities to raise OSH awareness among stone quarry employees. Elsewhere in India, BWI affiliates TCTU, AIKTMS, DANMU, MAMU, NMPS, CFBWU, OKKS, OFMFPWU, RWO, INBCWF, SGEU, PMLU, AHPWDIPHCWU, CLU, HKMP, BMS, BMS Gujarat, BNKMU, UPGMS, and KSCWCU also reported IWMD-themed events.

For its part, the ACE-EU in Pakistan convened a joint training with employer representatives to promote OSH as a fundamental and implementable right of workers., while the PFBWW called for a workers’ meeting at  the IFI-funded Tarbela Dam infrastructure project and the BWF led awareness activities in the brick kiln industry.

Meanwhile, health and safety rallies and meetings, led by BBWWF and BSBWWF, dominated the marking of the IWMD in Sri Lanka.

The NUBCW organised a legal and advocacy course in the Philippines to lobby for the implementation of OHS laws in the country. In addition, the NUBCW held an anti-sexual harassment training and lecture for Engineering Equipment Incorporated unions, as well as their human resource professionals and workers.

The SERBUK in Indonesia and the BWTUC in Cambodia honoured the day with a series of campaign actions and mass mobilisations. They asked their respective governments to prioritise workers’ health and safety and their right to safe workplaces.

Finally, Malaysia’s UFES, TEUPM, and STIEU, as well as Myanmar’s BWFM, continued OSH campaigns to raise

Asia-Pacific: Raising awareness of the ILO recognition of work safety and health as a fundamental right

BWI trade union affiliates in Cambodia, India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Myanmar, Nepal and the Philippines marked this year’s International Workers’ Memorial Day by raising awareness on the International Labour Organisation’s (ILO) adoption of occupational health and safety as a fundamental right of all workers. They said that it is an important victory that must be fully maximised. The Asia Pacific trade unionists called on their respective governments and employers to recognise this right and see to it that it is fully implemented in all workplaces.

India: Glimpses from actions in Tamil Nadu – RWO & SGEU

Glimpses from actions in Tamil Nadu – RWO & SGEU

India: Making health and safety a right, not a privilege!

Health and Safety is a Right, Not a Privilege! Glimpses from OKKS, OFMFPWU & INBCWF Odisha State and UPGMS, Uttar Pradesh State, INDIA

India/Pakistan: Committing to upholding and enforcing safer and healthier workplaces

Revisiting commitment to uphold health and safety – BWI Affiliates convene OHS meetings with employers who signed joint declarations – ACEEU, Pakistan (Construction Workers) and RPKNMS, India (Construction & Stone Quarry Workers)

India: The 28 April message is ‘Health and safety is non-noegotiable!’ – #iwmd23

#MakeItHappen Health and safety is a non-negotiable! Unions in India conduct awareness meetings in Delhi (MAMU), Punjab (BMS) and Himachal Pradesh (AHPWDIPHCWU)

India: Multiple union activities are planned to mark 28 April across India

Across India BWI affiliated unions are planning activities to mark International Workers’ Memorial Day including:

RPKNMS and AHBWU will each organise seminars for stone quarry owners who are signatories to the occupational safety and health declaration where they will discuss safety and health measures at their worksites.

CLU Safety and health awareness raising will be held for the construction and stone quarry industries.

TKTMS is planning an occupational health and safety  oriented  mass meeting and rally – this will be a multi-stakeholder event with the  participation of selected employers, Govt. representatives and union members – including participation of the Joint Declaration on occupational health and safety signatory Chennai Civil Engineers Association with whom the

HKMP and UPGMS  are each organising awareness raising activities with selected brick kiln owner joint signatories to the   joint declaration on occupational health and safety.

AHPWDIPHCWU  is organising a rally followed by meeting including participation of selected contractors with whom joint declarations were signed.

BMS Gujarat is organising a joint safety and health awareness raising meeting.

INCWF is running a meeting to raise the issue of occupational health and safety at a cement plant in Karnataka State.

KSCWCU is organising a joint safety and health awareness raising meeting.

CFBWU will be holding a candle lit vigil and promote the awareness of occupational health and safety issues.

MAMU will organise a  worker safety meeting involving grass roots workers.