Category Archives: 2019 Belgium

Global: Objectif – zéro cancer professionnel

ABVV-FGTB: Chaque année, dans l’Union européenne, on enregistre environ 2,6 millions de nouveaux cas de cancers (sans compter les cancers de la peau qui ne sont pas des mélanomes). La mortalité est de l’ordre de 1,3 million de personnes par an. Chez les hommes, la cause de mortalité principale par cancer est le cancer du poumon; chez les femmes, il s’agit du cancer du sein.

Selon l’Organisation mondiale de la santé (OMS), 20% des cas de cancers sont d’origine génétique et 80% sont attribuables à des facteurs environnementaux. L’OMS estime que 30 à 50% des cancers pourraient être évités grâce à des stratégies de prévention efficaces.

Mais saviez-vous que le cancer est la première cause de mortalité due aux conditions de travail en Europe ? Le cancer cause de 20 à 30 fois plus de décès que les accidents du travail.

Objectif – zéro cancer professionnel (Target – zero cancer at work) Download

Objectif : zéro cancer professionnel

Global: Doel – nul kanker op het werk

AVBB-FTGB: Kanker is nog steeds een belangrijke doodsoorzaak bij sterfgevallen gelieerd aan een beroepsactiviteit. In deze brochure lezen delegees hoe ze het aantal gevallen van kanker op de werkvloer kunnen terugdringen.

Doel – nul kanker op het werk (Target – zero cancer at work) Download

Doel: nul kanker op het werk

Global: ABVV-FGTB – De kankers en hun beroepsgerelateerde oorzaken



Infogids IVV/Gevaren: de risico’s op beroepskankers in één oogopslag

De kankers en hun beroepsgerelateerde oorzaken – PDF A4
De kankers en hun beroepsgerelateerde oorzaken – PDF A3

Union members in Belgium take action to stop workplace deaths

To raise awareness on health and safety and workplace deaths BWI’s Belgian affiliate ACV-CSC held a demonstration in Brussels on 29 April 2019. The participants were dressed in white with a white mask to symbolize the number of deaths due to accidents at work each year in Belgium.

The union is also contacting members of Parliament who are members of the Social Affairs Committee to have their signature on a declaration of commitment. The purpose is to obtain their support for an amendment to the legislation to provide workplace accident victims with an immediate copy of the workplace accident report.

Belgium: ACV-CSC activities for 28 April will call for improvements to safety law

Trade Union Federation ACV-CSC has sent the following announcement of their planned  activities for 28 April: 

Our national action at the ACV-CSC is divided into 2 parts:

  1. Monday 29 April 9.30 am, Place Horta in Brussels (close to the Ministry of Employment) : an awareness campaign via a symbolic action. 150 ACV-CSC members will lie on beds. They will be dressed all in white, with a white mask. This action symbolizes the number of deaths due to accidents at work each year in Belgium. The action will last one hour. We had done a similar action in 2013 (image below).
  2. Political action : we contact the members of Parliament who are members of the Social Affairs Committee to have their signature on a declaration of commitment. Our purpose is to obtain their support for an amendment to the legislation to provide workplace accident victims with an immediate copy of the workplace accident report (written by the employer). We believe that such an amendment to the legislation will make it possible to limit the refusal of insurers to recognize work accidents, because the worker could immediately report a failure or error in the workplace accident report. With the commitments of as many members of the Parliament as possible, our demand should be heard.

ACV-CSC has also published informative documentation for its members but also for workers across the country (see attachments… in French and Dutch)

ACV-CSC will also conduct several regional actions (for example on 26 April in Liège a workshop around Health and Safety at work).