Category Archives: 2022 Poland

Poland: 28 April event report from OPZZ

Dear Colleagues,

We would like to share with you the OPZZ’s activities to memorialise Workers’ Memorial Day.

Today two hundred eighteen candles were lit under the OPZZ headquarters building in Warsaw. It is a tribute to the 218 victims of accidents at work in 2021.

In front of the OPZZ building, 218 candles were lit to symbolise the victims of last year’s accidents at work, emphasise the importance of worker participation and stress the role of social dialogue in creating a safety culture at work.

A press conference on safety and health at work was also held.

Andrzej Radzikowski, President of the OPZZ, said:  These burning candles symbolise those who died at work. In 2021, it was 218 people. Today, we particularly remember the miners who died in recent days in the Pniówek and Zofiówka coal mines. He said: we honour their memory and express our sincere condolences to their families.

Practice and statistics show that in workplaces where trade unions and the social labour inspectorate actively operate – safety at work has higher standards, and employees are better protected. The time has come for a systemic debate on working conditions in Poland, especially given new threats and challenges resulting from technological progress – continued Andrzej Radzikowski. – Digitalisation of work processes and technological changes have increased the risk of psychosocial problems at work.

Previously unseen phenomena have appeared, such as blurring traditional boundaries between work and private life, limiting the employee’s right to disconnect from the phone and the Internet, or the lack of social interaction. Workplace stress is an ongoing challenge. The number of cases of mental disorders is increasing.

Andrzej Radzikowski drew attention to the fact that the number of victims of accidents at work in Poland is increasing. In 2021, almost 70,000 workers suffered accidents at work – 10% more than the year before, and 218 people died at work.

As a society, we still bear the enormous social costs of accidents resulting from more than 2.5 million days of incapacity to work and the high medical and social costs of post-accident disability.

We trade unionists are hurt by pathologies in the labour market, which have a terrible impact on work safety. Without their elimination, there will be no improvement in safety – stressed Andrzej Radzikowski.

Best regards,

Magdalena Chojnowska

International department of the All-Poland Alliance of Trade Unions (OPZZ)

Poland: Światowy Dzień Bezpieczeństwa i Ochrony Zdrowia w Pracy

Światowy Dzień Bezpieczeństwa i Ochrony Zdrowia w Pracy

Pod hasłem: Kultura bezpieczeństwa – wspólna sprawa

28 kwietnia 2022 r.

Szanowni Państwo,

Uprzejmie informuję, że na stronie obchodów Światowego Dnia Bezpieczeństwa i Ochrony Zdrowia w Pracy 2022 ( udostępniliśmy nowe materiały informacyjno-promocyjne przygotowane z okazji obchodów. Wśród nich polecamy Państwu szczególnie raport Międzynarodowej Organizacji Pracy pt. „Wzmacnianie dialogu społecznego na rzecz kultury bezpieczeństwa i zdrowia”(ang.) wraz z tłumaczeniem na język polski wybranych jego części:

  • wprowadzenia w tematykę Dnia
  • rozdziału dotyczącego współpracy pracodawców i pracowników na rzecz skutecznego zarządzania bhp.

Problematyka wybrana na tegoroczne obchody Dnia będzie tematem najbliższego posiedzenia Rady Ochrony Pracy w dniu 26.04.2021 r.

W kwietniowym wydaniu miesięcznika „Bezpieczeństwo i zdrowie w pracy” można przeczytać artykuł poświęcony obchodom. Jest on także udostępniony w wersji elektronicznej na stronie Dnia.

Serdecznie zachęcamy do wykorzystania materiałów dot. budowania kultury bezpieczeństwa pracy i ich dalszego upowszechniania. Z pozdrowieniami,

Dorota Pięta
Centralny Instytut Ochrony Pracy – Państwowy Instytut Badawczy
Ośrodek Promocji i Wdrażania
ul. Czerniakowska 16
00-701 Warszawa
tel. 48 22 623 37 22

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World Day for Safety and Health at Work

Under the slogan: Safety culture – a common cause

April 28, 2022


I would like to kindly inform you that on the website of the celebration of the World Day for Safety and Health at Work 2022 ( we have made available new information and promotion materials prepared on the occasion of the celebration. Among them, we recommend in particular the report of the International Labour Organization entitled “Strengthening social dialogue for a culture of safety and health” (English) with a translation into Polish selected parts of it:

  • introduction to the theme of the Day
  • the chapter on cooperation between employers and workers for the effective management of OSH.

The issues selected for this year’s celebration of the Day will be the subject of the next meeting of the Labor Protection Council on 26.04.2021.

In the April issue of the monthly “Safety and Health at Work” you can read an article devoted to the celebrations. It is also available in an electronic version on the Day website.

We cordially encourage you to use materials on building a culture of work safety and their further dissemination.

Kind regards,
Dorota Pięta

Central Institute for Labour Protection – National Research Institute
Promotion and Implementation Centre
Czerniakowska 16
00-701 Warsaw
phone 48 22 623 37 22

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