Category Archives: 2020 Brazil

Brazil: Protect the Workers! Stop the COVID-19 – SINTEPAV-BA

SINTEPAV-BA, Brazil joins the ICM campaign: ” Protect the Workers! Stop the COVID-19 “.
#BWI2020IWMD #28Abril2020

Brazil: Proteger os Trabalhadores! Parar o COVID-19 | SINTEPAV-BA

Victor, Diretor do SINTEPAV-BA, Brasil envia uma mensagem como parte da campanha da ICM: “Proteger os Trabalhadores! Parar o COVID-19”.


Emerson Gomes, Vice-Presidente do SINTEPAV-BA,

Brazil: Dia mundial em memoria das vitimasde acidentes e doenas do trabalho – Abril Verde

Abril Verde is a running a series of Facebook activities for worker health and safety to mark International Workers’ Memorial Day.

The Abril Verde Green April movement is “an initiative of the Union of Safety Technicians of the State of Paraná,” that “aims to bring to society the issue of the safety and health of the Brazilian worker. ”