You are cordially invited to the BWI Malaysian Liaison Council Webinar Series: Occupational Health and Safety in Our Sectors.
In Malaysia, COVID-19 was successfully considered an occupational disease by the Social Security Organization (SOCSO) in 2020. This improved occupational safety and health standards for workers within the building, woodwork, construction, and forestry sectors. However, occupational hazards and accidents are still widespread within industries, affecting locals and migrants alike.
The Building and Woodworkers International (BWI), together with the Malaysian Liaison Council (BWI-MLC) of affiliate unions are participating in the Global Alliance on Healthy and Safe Workplaces Campaign, that seeks to negotiate with employers in workplaces to sign a declaration jointly recognising the importance of healthy and safe workplaces. These declarations will be collected globally and used to lobby the International Labour Organization (ILO) to include occupational health and safety as a fundamental right for all workers. Affiliate participation in this campaign will ensure that Malaysian employers within BWI sectors are committed towards the improvement of OSH standards beyond the context of the risks posed by the COVID-19 pandemic.
The first of the webinar series will push forward the Global Alliance campaign, by educating trade unionists on the importance of the ILO recognizing occupational health and safety as a fundamental right for workers. Furthermore, the BWI-MLC will discuss common causes of occupational safety and health accidents, injuries, and hazards in the context of Malaysia, within the construction, forestry, and timber with wood processing sectors. This foundation will be the basis upon further strategizing of target companies and bodies, like the Malaysian Department of Safety and Health (DOSH) and the Construction Industry Development Board (CIDB) to sign the joint declaration, recognizing the immediate need for healthy and safe workplaces in Malaysia.
Date: May 1, 2021
Time: 02:30 PM-04:15PM (Kuala Lumpur)
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