Category Archives: 2017 Brazil

Brazil: 28 de abril – CSA: “Insegura e injusta la discriminación nos afecta a todos”

Por indicación del compañero Laerte Teixeira, Secretario de Políticas Sociales, compartimos con ustedes la nota y el video elaborado por la CSA a proposito de la Conmemoración de este 28 de abril; día que recordamos a las/os trabajadoras/es  fallecidos o están enfermos por causa del trabajo, que para este año tiene como lema: Insegura e Injusta – la discriminación en el trabajo nos afecta a todos en el marco de los cambios y regresividad de derechos que afectan a la clase trabajadora en la región. 

Esperamos puedan utilizar el video en sus actividades

BWI affiliates take action in Brazil

FETICOM-SP Seminario para discutir el manejo de la bolsa de cemento y sus consecuencias en la vida de los trabajadores.
CONTICOM-CUT Paticiparán en la Huelga General en protesta a las reformas laborales y sociales del Gobierno de Temer el 28 de Abril
Llevarán a cabo evento anual llamado “Abril Verde”: Sindicatos afiliados a CONTICOM realizarán durante todo el mes reuniones con trabajadores en los cuales se hablarán sobre SST y su importancia para la industria de la construcción
FETRACONSPAR Desarrollarán el VIII Seminario de Perfeccionamiento de Salud y Seguridad en el Trabajo del 25-28 de Abri. Dirigido a obreros de la construcción que forman parte de los sindicatos afiliados a FETRACONSPAR
SINDTICCC Participarán en la Huelga General en protesta a las reformas laborales y sociales del Gobierno de Temer el 28 de Abril
SINTEPAV-BA Participarán en la Huelga General en protesta a las reformas laborales y sociales del Gobierno de Temer el 28 de Abril
SINTEPAV-CE Participarán en la Huelga General en protesta a las reformas laborales y sociales del Gobierno de Temer el 28 de Abril
SINTRACONST-ES Desarrollarán un Seminario Alusivo al Día Internacional en Memoria de las Víctimas de Accidentes de Trabajo, el 27 de abril
Participarán en la Huelga General en protesta a las reformas laborales y sociales del Gobierno de Temer el 28 de Abril
STICC-POA Desarrollará el 6° Semianrio de Valorización del Trabajo y la Vida. Trabajadores, empresarios, políticos, líderes de opinión y ponentes discutirán sobre lo que ha cambiado y lo que aún va a cambiar en la construcción civil, SST y en Brasil como sociedad, después del comienzo del desmantelamiento de la corrupción que afectó al país
SITICOM-CHAPECÓ Participarán en la Huelga General en protesta a las reformas laborales y sociales del Gobierno de Temer el 28 de Abril
SINTRACOM SUL MINAS Participarán en la Huelga General en protesta a las reformas laborales y sociales del Gobierno de Temer el 28 de Abril

Brazil: International solidarity with the General Strike April 28th

The Building and Wood Workers’ International (BWI) has followed with big concern the legislative initiatives promoted by the Brazilian Government in labor relations and social security.

Particular concern is the urgent approval by the majority of the parliamentarian government in the Chamber of a legislative proposal that regulates the subcontracting of labor and services (called “outsourcing”), totally unrestricted and without guarantee of rights for workers employed in the called activies-end of the company.

Likewise, the measures introduced by the government in the “social security reform” lead to an unlimited precariousness of social security, with economic, social and human losses for the current and future generation of working men and women.

As if it were not enough with these contemptible measures of social protection and labor, the government of Mr. Michel Temer attacks frontally to trade unions by proposing a labor “reform” that will result in the weakening of the unions and Collective Bargaining in Brazil, which will result in a reduction of salaries, benefits and rights at medium and long term.

The Brazilian State is acting against all commitments made at the United Nations system on reducing poverty and improving living and working conditions for its citizens. The current government, apparently driven by interests of the “market”, acts against its people and, in particular, against the working class.

This is the reason why, BWI calls on all its affiliates in Latin America and the Caribbean to issue solidarity actions with the NATIONAL GENERAL STRIKE that the Brazilian unions plan to carry out on April 28th – International Workers’ Memorial Day – in defense of their working and living conditions and against the outsourcing of unrestricted and precarious work.

On April 28th, BWI trade unions will be sending letters of protest to Brazilian Embassies in several countries, along with unions affiliated to the Public Services International (PSI) and IndustriALL Global Union, other Global Union Federations mobilized in support of Brazilian workers.

According to BWI General Secretary, Ambet Yuson, “trade unions have a central role to play in the world of work. Workers are often confronted with governments and employers who facilitate, collaborate and even enforce human rights violations. It would be more appropriate for the government to seek ways to resume the thousands of unfinished projects across the country, whose very high investments are already deteriorating. Meanwhile, nearly 13 million people lost their jobs and public revenues, of course, collapse, which reduces the State’s fiscal capacity and leads to a loss of public safety, health and education”.

“This is why”, – Yuson continues – “BWI Brazilian affiliates approved at the begining of this year the Campaign Employment Now – We want to work, asking for the resumption of unfinished projects of the Program Minha Casa, Minha Vida”. Workers were concient of been under attack since then.

But, Brazilian workers are not alone: worldwide, the large family of BWI will be supporting in solidarity on this coming April 28th.

Support to the general strike on April 28th, 2017!
International solidarity now!
Against precariousness!
Against the reduction of pension rights!
Against the weakening of trade unions and collective bargaining!
BWI is fight and solidarity.

Brasil: 28 de Abril – Dia Mundial em Memória das Vítimas de Acidentes e Doenças do Trabalho

Below, details of activities organised in Brasil, by the national trade union forum on work and health. Among a range of demands, the unions call for new investment in health and safety, including enforcement. They highlight the risks of insecure work, a rise in unemployment and an erosion of employment rights and welfare benefits. Calling for a workers to join a strike, the poster says labour reforms have led to more accidents and more deaths at work. Related note from Isamar Escalona of Confederación Sindical de Trabajadores/as de las Américas follows…

Estimado, compartimos con ustedes el material elaborado por las centrales brasileriras a través del Fórum Nacional de las centrales sindicales brasileras sobre Salud Laboral, a proposito del 28 de abril.

Prezados/as companheiros/as,
O Fórum Nacional das Centrais Sindicais em Saúde do Trabalhador, tendo em vista o desmonte do Sistema Único de Saúde com o congelamento do investimento em Saúde por 20 anos com forte impacto nas políticas publicas de vigilância e proteção da saúde do trabalhador; seguido do sancionamento da lei 4302/98 que institui a terceirização em todas as atividades das empresas, precarizando as condições de trabalho , bem como; a reforma trabalhista que retira e flexibiliza direitos duramente conquistados nas últimas décadas e; a reforma da previdência que dificulta a aposentadoria e restringe direitos aos benefícios acidentários/previdenciários. Portanto, diante do cenário de dificuldades, o Fórum decidiu denunciar à sociedade no dia 28 de Abril as consequências das reformas impostas pelo atual Governo Michel Temer que atinge duramente o conjunto da classe trabalhadora no Brasil, que ainda vem sendo atingida pelo desemprego e perda de renda. Nesse sentido , afim de dar publicidade , aproveitamos para encaminhar link abaixo para impre os anexos para postagem nas redes sociais e internet.

Isamar Escalona
Responsable de los Programas de Economía Informal y Salud Laboral
CSA – Confederación Sindical de Trabajadores/as de las Américas