Category Archives: 2021 Hungary

Hungary: #IWMD21 Savez samostalnih sindikata Hrvatske

Hungary, #IWMD21
Savez samostalnih sindikata Hrvatske
Today is National Work Protection Day and International Day of Remembrance of the dead workers – we pay tribute to all the victims at work and demand safe and healthy jobs!
And there is no health without mental health! If you missed it, listen to our conference yesterday on how the pandemic impacted workers:

Hungary: MASZSZ holds commemoration and bodymapping conference


April 27 – laying of wreath at the Memorial of Victims of Work related accidents and illnesses. Special commemoration of Covid-19 victims.

April 28. 14.00 – online conference for safety reps/ trade union officials – commemoration, stock taking of OSH situation with seniour labour inspector and experts on challenges of home-office work and presentation of “bodymapping” method

Károly György

nemzetközi titkárMagyar Szakszervezeti Szövetség / MASZSZ Hungarian Trade Union Confederation