Category Archives: 2017 Scotland

Scotland: Communities across Scotland mark International Workers’ Memorial Day

Throughout Scotland communities will gather on Friday 28th April to remember those killed or who have suffered injury at work. International Workers’ Memorial Day provides an opportunity for trade unions to reinforce their commitment to campaigning for safer and healthier workplaces where workers are protected from harm and treated with fairness, dignity and respect. STUC: more

Scotland: Scottish Hazards Campaign reports 28 April events will be held across Scotland

International Workers’ Memorial Day (IWMD) will be marked at events across the country on Friday 28 April 2017.  Listings can be found on the STUC’s website.

Should you wish to know more about the background to IWMD and to get ideas for organising, read this flier prepared by Greater Manchester Hazards Centre and watch their new film.

If you’re preparing speeches/materials for IWMD, make sure you tell “The Whole Story” on work-related injury, deaths and illness, by using the details contained in this presentation, again prepared by GMCH.

Details of how to obtain resources such as purple forget-me-knot ribbons, “Union Workplaces are Safer Workplaces” car stickers, posters, stickers, etc is available in this leaflet.

Can we ask that you send photos of your events to Ian Tasker @ the STUC – and to us at Scottish Hazards using .

Scottish Hazards Campaign