Category Archives: 2023 Africa
Kenya: 28 April marked by union safety lobbying of concrete company
Kenya Quarry and mining workers union (KQMWU) took a workplace OHS campaign meeting at Warren Concrete limited to lobby for the implementation of OHS as a fundamental right during the April 28th IWMD.
Kenya Quarry and mining workers union (KQMWU) took a workplace OHS campaign meeting at Warren Concrete limited to lobby for the implementation of OHS as a fundamental right during the April 28th IWMD.
Zimbabwe: ZCATWU carries out work safety inspections on International Workers’ Memorial Day
Zimbabwe Construction and Allied Trade Workers Union (ZCATWU) celebrating the IWMD 2023 Carried out some worksite inspections and engaged company management to recognize OHS as a fundamental right for workers.
African unions commemorate International Workers’ Memorial Day

To commemorate International Workers’ Memorial Day a group of shop stewards from different trade unions in Sub-Saharan Africa came together, in Ghana, to visit and learn about adherence to occupational health and safety standards at state-owned Tema oil refinery and Trafigura’s Tema multiproduct terminal known as Blue Ocean. As symbols of remembrance the workers and delegation wore black ribbons and carried black candles.
Kofi Poku, the union branch chairperson at the terminal said,
“Blue Ocean is known to be conscious on health and safety issues and workers make significant contributions towards creating a safe working environment. The visit by IndustriALL is commendable and highlights the commitment of organised labour at global level to ensure health and safety at work.”
A meeting preceding the visit discussed country reports which focused on: accident reporting systems in Togo, campaigns for health and safety laws in mining that protected workers’ rights in South Africa, and campaigns against precarious work as workers, in Ghana, Nigeria, Kenya, and Uganda, with short contracts faced more health and safety risks than those on permanent contracts.
The meeting also heard that Madagascar’s garment and textile factories’ contract workers faced risks that were worsened by sexual harassment which was targeted at young women workers. The meeting discussed the positive impact of the Bangladesh Accord on Sub-Saharan Africa especially the involvement of brands through global framework agreements after the Rana Plaza disaster which happened a decade ago.
In Mauritius, unions were campaigning for proposed amendments to Articles 7, 10, 11, and 22, to the Rotterdam Convention, a global treaty to facilitate informed decision making by countries to manage chemicals in international trade and exchange information on hazardous chemicals and their potential risks. The campaign by the CTSP received government endorsement, and Mauritius’ position will be presented at the 11th conference of parties to the Rotterdam Convention that is currently taking place in Geneva, Switzerland.
Glen Mpufane, Industrial director for mining and lead on health and safety, said:
“Workers have made immense sacrifices on health and safety and as trade union activists we are in solidarity on their demands for safer workplaces. It is a victory for workers that health and safety is now one of the fundamental rights at work and this is why we must have knowledge on international labour conventions and recommendations. However, as we remember the injured and dead, we must adapt our programmes to include human rights’ due diligence and demand responsible business conduct from employers.”
Glen added that workers must remain vigilant on identifying hazards and risks at the workplaces including wearing of appropriate personal protective equipment in hazardous areas and exercising the right to refuse unfair and unsafework.
The participants are part of the Sub-Saharan Africa occupational health and safety committee whose members are drawn from the chemical, garment and textile, mining, oil and gas, and other industrial sectors. This visit was organized by IndustriALL affiliate, the Ghana Transport Petroleum and Chemical Workers Union which organizes workers at the Tema Oil Refinery and Blue Ocean.
Mauritius: Union safety campaigning and training to mark 28 April
CMWEU BWI affiliate in Mauritius jointly with the national Centre CTSP celebrated IWMD 2023 with a public Campaigns on OHS as fundamental right and a training workshop on the worksite inspections. CMWEU is calling employers and government to implement the National Law on OHS adopted in Mauritius in November 2022 .
DR Congo: Acting together to secure the right to safe and healthy work
Commemoration of Worker’s Commemorative Day this April 28, 2023 with some members of the federation National Woodworking and Building FNTBB/RD-Congo. SST is a fundamental right for workers. Let’s act together for this.
Tanzania: Campaigning for safe and healthy work
TUICO the BWI affiliate in Tanzania has commemorated the IWMD 2023 by a public campaign for OHS as a fundamental right for workers. The unions used the opportunity to give certificates to unions health and safety inspectors at workplaces who have received appropriate trainings.
Nigeria: National President of CCESSA addresses construction workers on 28 April – #iwmd23 [Video}
Ayodeji Adeyemo the National President of CCESSA addresses construction workers on 28 April
Ghana: Wood and Forestry union TWU holds social dialogue to improve OHS – #iwmd23
The Timber and Woodworkers Union (TWU), BWI affiliate in Ghana held a social dialogue meeting on occupational health and safety (OHS) policies in Kumasi on April 28th, 2023. The meeting brought together representatives from the TWU, government officials, employers, and workers to discuss ways to improve OHS policies and practices in the Wood and Forestry Sector.
Burkina Faso: SNTBB marks 28 April with safety seminar
The National Union of Building and Wood Workers (SNTBB) of Burkina Faso celebrated the International Commemorative Workers Day (#JICT2023) by a national seminar held in Tenkodogo on April 29, 2023 under the theme: “Role of the Union in ILO C167 ratification; Role of OST in enterprises for better worker health”