CTSP (Mauritius) held a virtual activity on Saturday 24 April. The activity had a series of other connected activities, ie. local and national level. Read more
CTSP (Mauritius) held a virtual activity on Saturday 24 April. The activity had a series of other connected activities, ie. local and national level:
Explanation on the posters in different languages
Pictures by our staff and the leadership
Letter addressed to the Minister of Labour and Industrial Relations demanding :
(a) That a Covid-19 OSH Regulations be promulgated
(b) That Covid-19 be recognised as an Occupational Disease
(c) And a series of measures that employers and government should take immediately
Virtual meeting with our union delegates through ZOOM and broadcasted live on FACEBOOK where workers had an opportunity to ask questions to our 3 experts on OSH, namely (1) The President of the CTSP – Brother Reeaz Chuttoo (2) Ms Farheen Domun – our OSH Consultant (3) Dr Ackmez Chuttoo – Occupational Physician
Letter of invitation to the Press
The above mentioned virtual meeting was followed by the Press, TV and Radio included.
A pamphlet in our local language on OSH as per model from BWI (where one of our unions, the CMWEU, is affiliated)
Jane Ragoo
General Secretary – CTSP (Mauritius) Confédération des Travailleurs des Secteurs Publique et Privé
5 Nalla Street (Ex 6-10), Elias Street – Rose Hill, Republic of Mauritius