Category Archives: 2021 Ukraine

Ukraine: 579 people officially killed so far in 2021 – 28 April

We only have 579 people officially killed since the beginning of the year (! ) – due to accidents at work and trade, and 249 of them are due to coronavirus. And behind every number is someone’s life…
Less than a week ago, on April 23, he did not return from work to his wife and children Dmitry Kurasov, who worked at the mine ′′ Blagodatna ′′ PRAT ′′ DTEK Pavlogradvugillya ′′ – died during the collapse of the breed.
He was a conscientious worker and activist of the Independent Union of Miners of Ukraine, and he was called the golden voice of Western Donbass, and he even participated in the ′′ X-Factor “. Without a father there were two sons – one and five years left. On July 22, Dmitry would have to be 30 years old.
Today, on World Labor Day and Memorial Day of the dead, I want to remember all the dead, and remind that the lives of workers and workers are priceless.
Bright memory to those who did not return from work whose life was broken through hard work…
May be an image of one or more people and text that says "3 початку 2021 року в украϊні 579 травматизм на робот осіб загинули через 249 3 них померли через нфкування COVID-19 24 квтня день охорони прац вшанування пам'яті працвникв, які загинули на роботі конфедераця выльних профсплок украни (квпу)"

Ukraine: Union and employers sign declaration on occupational health and safety

The BWI-affiliated Ukraine Construction and Building Materials Workers’ Union (PROFBUD) and the Ukrainian National Building Chamber (the employers’ and business association of Ukraine) on 15 April signed a joint declaration recognising the importance of safe and healthy workplaces.
The declaration is part of BWI’s “health and safety is our right” campaign leading to the International Workers’ Memorial Day on 28 April. It commits the declaration signatories to policies and practices that promote occupational health and safety. It also supports the call to the International Labour Organisation (ILO) to recognise workplace health and safety as a fundamental right. #SaveLivesAtWork #IWMD21