Category Archives: 2022 Ghana

Ghana: TWU 28 April activities in Kokuago Brang Ahofo  Region

Ghanaian affiliate Timber and Woodworkers’ Union (TWU) will hold a #iwmd22 commemoration in Kokuago Brang Ahofo  Region, Wiawso, Ghana, distribute materials to workplaces to raise awareness  of workers’ safety, and ensure at least three company signatures of the BWI OHS Declaration that work safety be considered a fundamental human right.

Ghana: BWI affiliate announces greening and safety awareness plans for 28 April

Global building unions’ federation BWI has announced the 28 April plans of its Ghanaian affiliate Timber and Woodworkers’ Union (TWU).

TWU will hold a workplace Work place greening and tree plantation ceremony to Commemorate IWMD in Kokuago Brang Ahofo  Region, Wiawso, Ghana . TWU will distribute at least 2,000 posters fliers, letters, etc. to workplaces to raise both employer and employee awareness  of workers safety.

TWU will also ensure at least three signatures of the BWI OHS Declaration that work safety be considered a fundamental human right.


Ghana: Building and wood workers’ union federation BWI announces 28 April plans

Global building unions’ federation BWI has announced the 28 April plans of its Ghana affiliates.

Construction and Building Material Workers’ union (CBMWU) , General Construction Mining and Quarry Workers Union (GCMQWU), Public Utility Workers’ Union (PUWU) and Public Services Workers’ Union (PSWU) will hold a joint safety inspection.

The inspection will be at company level and will include the signature of the BWI OHS Declaration with employers : “To promote OHS and evaluate the impact of OHS campaigns in the Construction sector and to also sign the  BWI declaration that worker safety be a fundamental right for the workers at workplace.”