Tag Archives: Hong Kong

Asia: ANROEV activities and initiatives for 28 April

ANROEV has supplied a list of some of their affiliates’ initiatives in various countries campaigning for the recognition of COVID 19 as an occupational and compensable disease.

ANROEV affiliates activities [pdf]

Hong Kong: CSGWU and HKCTU highlight Karoshi on International Workers’ Memorial Day

In Hong Kong the CSGWU and 職工盟(HKCTU) held an #IWMD2019 assembly in front of the Legislative Council, highlighting karoshi (death from overwork) fatalities; between 2013 and 2018 Hong Kong recorded 635 fatality cases where no accident occurred and therefore not considered work-related, meaning no compensation for the workers’ families.

Hong Kong: Construction union CSGWU demands government recognises death from overwork

To mark International Workers’ Memorial Day, Hong Kong Building and Wood Workers’ International (BWI) affiliate CSGWU will hold a public memorial event near the Central Government’s building, with one of their key demands to be for the Government to recognise karoshi (death by overwork) fatalities as workplace accidents.

28 April in Hong Kong

Joint union activities for 28 April in Hong Kong

In Hong Kong CSWGU will conduct joint activities with other local unions raising issues on compensation and prevention of industrial/occupational injury.