Category Archives: 2022 Canada

North America: This past week, we took some time to remember those we lost to workplace accidents and illnesses


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This past week, we took some time to remember those we lost to workplace accidents and illnesses. Let’s never forget their names as we continue our work for healthy and safe jobs. Continue reading North America: This past week, we took some time to remember those we lost to workplace accidents and illnesses

Canada: 28 avril – Ne les oublions pas – FTQ

Chaque année, le 28 avril est le Jour commémoratif des personnes décédées ou blessées au travail. C’est l’occasion de se rappeler que le travail fait encore trop de victimes et que nous devons continuer à faire de nos lieux de travail des endroits où il est possible de gagner sa vie sans la perdre.

Cette année, cela est encore plus vrai avec l’entrée en vigueur de nouvelles dispositions de la Loi sur la santé et la sécurité du travail qui vise à faire de la prévention dans tous les milieux de travail.

Événements et activités

Des cérémonies et minutes de silence seront tenues dans différents lieux à travers le Québec.


L’événement se tiendra à la place Square-Victoria. Vous êtes attendus à partir de 9h30.

  • Minute de silence prévue à 10h
  • Cérémonie des croix de 10h à 10h30
  • Discours des dirigeants de 10 h 30 à 10h45.


Lieu de rassemblement: devant le bureau de la CNESST situé au 1650, rue King Ouest, à Sherbrooke

  • Début de l’activité à 14 h 45 par un cortège automobile funèbre intersyndicale
  • Départ du Cortège à 15h30, arrêt devant le bureau de la députée
  • Ensuite, arrêt à la Coopérative Funéraire du 24 juin et dévoilement du monument en l’honneur des personnes décédées au travail
  • Prise de paroles.


Deux rassemblements devant les bureaux de la CNESST à 17 h 15:

  • À Sept-Îles au, 700, boul. Laure.
  • À Baie-Comeau au, 235, boul. La Salle.
  • À Port-Cartier : 17h15 – Local des Métallos au, 178 Portage des Mousses
  • Au Fermont : 20h30 – Au monument commémoratif (devant le local des Métallos)


Rassemblement à 12 h devant le bureau de la CNESST à Québec avec banderole indiquant le nombre de décès.

Bas Saint-Laurent

Rassemblement intersyndicale à 9 h 30 devant le bureau de la CNESST et prise de parole :

180 rue des gouverneurs, Rimouski


Rassemblement devant le bureau de la CNESST ou le bureau du ministre Legault.


Mobilisation pour une minute de silence dans les milieux de travail avec diffusion sur les médias-sociaux.


Rassemblement de 12 h à 13 h devant les bureaux de la CNESST à Val-D’Or, au 1185 rue Germain. Personnes responsables : Gilles Chapadeau et Sonia Charette

Pour plus de détails, consulter la page Web des conseils régionaux.

Canada: National Day of Mourning: Work shouldn’t hurt

National Day of Mourning: Work shouldn’t hurt

On National Day of Mourning April 28, PSAC recognizes the exemplary work of PSAC members who saved countless lives defending the health and safety of workers during the pandemic.

From mandating employers to develop COVID-19 protocols, administrative controls and ventilation and sanitation policies, unions and activists have played a key role in keeping workers safe. Their work has been possible because of the strong health and safety legislation, compliance and enforcement that unions have fought for to protect workers in Canada and around the world.

Unfortunately, not all workers have access to these same protections, and we have a responsibility to ensure all workers have a right to a safe workplace.

In Canada, many workers, especially gig economy workers, do not have basic health and safety protections like the right to know about hazards in the workplace. Other workers, including long-term care, gig and frontline workers, have insufficient sick days and limited health and safety protections. In the 2022 budget, the federal government has committed to providing 10 days of paid sick leave for federally regulated workers, but these benefits need to be extended to all workers.

That’s why PSAC and other unions are pushing governments to make occupational health and safety a fundamental right at work through the United Nations’ International Labour Organization (ILO). Here, we organize together under the same vision: work shouldn’t hurt.

Both in Canada and around the world, millions of people continue to die because of their work. The most recent data from the Association of Workers’ Compensation Boards of Canada (AWCBC) shows that in 2019, 925 workplace fatalities were recorded in Canada. That’s on top of the 271,806 accepted claims for lost time due to a work-related injury or disease.

Canada must be a leader and act to ratify and implement core ILO health and safety conventions that guarantee occupational health rights and protections for all workers, as well as protections against violence and harassment.

PSAC also recommits to hold all employers to the highest standards of health and safety in the workplace, so all workers can go home safely at the end the day.

You can observe the National Day of Mourning by:



Alliance de la Fonction publique du Canada

Canada: Jour de deuil national : le travail ne doit pas faire mal

Jour de deuil national : le travail ne doit pas faire mal

À l’occasion du Jour de deuil national, le 28 avril, l’AFPC souligne le travail exemplaire des membres de l’AFPC qui ont sauvé d’innombrables vies en protégeant la santé et la sécurité des travailleuses et travailleurs durant la pandémie.

En obligeant les employeurs à mettre en place des protocoles liés à la COVID-19, des mesures administratives et des politiques de ventilation et d’assainissement, les syndicats et les militants ont joué un rôle clé dans la sécurité des personnes salariées. Ce travail a pu être réalisé grâce à la réglementation solide en matière de santé et de sécurité, à son respect et à son application, réglementation pour laquelle les syndicats se sont battus afin de protéger les travailleuses et travailleurs au Canada et dans le monde entier.

Malheureusement, les travailleurs et travailleuses ne bénéficient pas tous de telles mesures de protection : il nous incombe de veiller à ce que tout le monde ait droit à un lieu de travail sûr.

Au Canada, de nombreuses personnes, notamment celles qui cumulent les petits boulots, ne bénéficient pas des protections de base en matière de santé et de sécurité, comme le droit de connaître les dangers sur son lieu travail. D’autres, notamment le personnel du secteur des soins de longue durée, de l’hôtellerie et des services de première ligne, ont peu de jours de congé de maladie et de protections en matière de santé et de sécurité. Dans le budget 2022, le gouvernement fédéral s’est engagé à offrir 10 jours de congé de maladie payés aux travailleuses et travailleurs assujettis à la réglementation fédérale, mais cet avantage doit être offert à toutes les personnes qui travaillent.

C’est pourquoi l’AFPC et d’autres syndicats font pression sur les gouvernements pour que la santé et la sécurité au travail deviennent un droit fondamental, par l’entremise de l’Organisation internationale du Travail (OIT) des Nations Unies. Ainsi, nous travaillons ensemble selon une même vision : le travail ne doit pas faire mal.

Au Canada et dans le monde entier, des millions de personnes décèdent en raison de leur travail.Selon les plus récentes données de l’Association des commissions des accidents du travail du Canada (ACATC), en 2019, 925 décès en milieu de travail ont été enregistrés au Canada. Cela s’ajoute aux 271 806 demandes acceptées en raison d’une blessure ou d’une maladie liée au travail.

Notre pays doit montrer l’exemple et agir pour ratifier et mettre en œuvre les conventions fondamentales de l’OIT en matière de santé et de sécurité, qui garantissent des droits et des protections liés à la santé au travail pour toutes et tous ainsi que des protections contre la violence et le harcèlement.

L’AFPC s’engage également à exiger que tous les employeurs respectent les normes les plus élevées en matière de santé et de sécurité dans tous les lieux de travail afin qu’après chaque journée de travail, tous les travailleuses et travailleurs puissent rentrer chez eux indemnes.

Pour participer au Jour de deuil national, vous pouvez :

Alliance de la Fonction publique du Canada

Canada: Day of Mourning – 3rd Anniversary of Start of Pandemic and 30th Anniversary of Westray Mine Disaster


This year April 28th marks the third Day of Mourning since the start of the Covid-19 pandemic. Each year, on the Day of Mourning, people come together to “Mourn the Dead and Fight for the Living.” The pandemic has shown us the importance of legislative measures to keep us all safe. Let’s also take a moment to think about the human cost of Covid-19 and the impact it continues to have on workers.

“Throughout the pandemic, we have witnessed how vulnerable workers are,” says Daniel Legere, President of the New Brunswick Federation of Labour. “An issue that must be added to governments’ radar is acknowledging, defining, and having a plan to deal with long-covid. It affects at least 10%, and up to 50%, of people diagnosed with Covid-19.”

Without access to protected, paid sick days, workers have been forced to choose between going to work sick, or not getting paid, and in some cases losing their jobs. All workers should have access to 10 paid sick days per year as well as 10 emergency-leave days per year.

The failure to keep workers safe is a problem that existed before the pandemic, nonetheless. This has led to too many preventable deaths. Every year, approximately 1,000 Canadian workers die because of a workplace injury or an exposure that happened at work. In 2021, 13 New Brunswickers lost their lives because of a workplace accident or illness.

This year, May 9th marks the 30th anniversary of the Westray mine disaster, where 26 miners were killed in an underground explosion in Pictou County Nova Scotia. After a long advocacy campaign, changes were made to the Criminal Code of Canada to make sure that similar tragedies never happened again. Criminal charges are hardly ever pursued, though, following a workplace fatality. The federal government and the RCMP have educated federal health and safety officers and the police on the Westray section of the Criminal Code, but much more work is needed here.

“Despite the fact that too many workers are killed at work every year, police and prosecutors are not using the Westray amendments and are not investigating workplace fatalities through the lens of criminal accountability,” says George Nickerson, NBFL Vice-President responsible for workplace health and safety. “This needs to change. Goverments at all levels must make sure that existing health and safety laws and regulations are being enforced.”
– 30 –

For information, please contact:

Daniel Legere
NBFL President
(506) 381-8969 (cell)

George Nickerson
NBFL Vice President responsible for Workplace Health & Safety
(902) 580-0375

New Brunswick Federation Of Labour

Source: New Brunswick Federation of Labour

Canada: National Day of Mourning – April 28

Refugee Rights Day – April 4
8.5″ x 11″ Poster

April 28 marks the National Day of Mourning for workers injured or killed on the job. This year’s Day of Mourning is especially significant given the devastating toll COVID-19 continues to inflict on workers across the country.

Frontline workers are still disproportionately affected by the pandemic, with countless falling sick and many succumbing to illness. Everyone has a role to play in ensuring that workers make it home at the end of each day, and that includes employers, unions, and governments.

UFCW Canada encourages every worker to make workplace health and safety a personal priority and help spread the word that every worker has the right to refuse unsafe work.

On April 28, let us remember those who have been injured or killed on the job, and keep them in our thoughts. Let us honour the memory of those killed or injured on the job, and never forget the importance of our commitment to keep workers safe.

For a full list of local events happening in solemn observance, click here.

Source: UFCW  Canada

Canada: Day of Mourning Ceremonies 2022 – Canadian Labour Congress

April 28th is the labour movement’s most solemn day, but also one to refocus our commitment to prevent future workplace injuries and deaths. Every year, thousands of workers, friends and families of fallen workers gather at ceremonies across Canada to recognize the National Day of Mourning for workers killed or injured on the job.

This year, we will gather in communities across the country and online. As we mourn for the dead, the Canadian Labour Congress continues to fight for the living.

Find an event near you.

Atlantic Region

Newfoundland and Labrador

Nova Scotia

Nova Scotia Federation of Labour
Day of Mourning Ceremony – Wreath Laying
Nova Scotia Legislature (Province House)
Thursday, April 28, 2022, 11:00 a.m.

New Brunswick

Bathurst & District Labour Council
Day of Mourning Ceremony
Near Sacred Heart Cathedral, Douglas Avenue, Bathurst
Thursday, April 28, 2022, at 12:15 p.m.
John Gagnon 506-454-0651

Edmundston & District Labour Council
Day of Mourning Ceremony
Park next to City Hall on Canada Road
Thursday, April 28, 2022, at 11:30 a.m.
Lorn Martin 506-737-7063

Fredericton & District Labour Council

Moncton & District Labour Council
Day of Mourning Ceremony
Cenotaph in Bore Park (Riverfront)
Thursday, April 28, 2022, at 12:00 p.m.
Melissa Brown 506-872-4643

Prince Edward Island

PEI Federation of Labour
Day of Mourning Ceremony
St. Paul’s Hall, 101 Prince Street, Charlottetown
Thursday, April 28, 2022, at 7:00 p.m.
Carl Pursey, President 902-626-7996

Ontario Region

Chatham-Kent Labour Council
Day of Mourning Monument
Grand Avenue, across from Canadian Tire, Chatham
Thursday, April 28, 2022, at 6:00 p.m.
Guest Speakers: Cathy Bokor, President, Chatham-Kent Labour Council
Cathy Bokor, President, C/KLC (226)627-2745

Fort Erie – Niagara Regional Labour Council
At the monument located at Forth Erie City Hall
1 Municipal Centre Drive, along Highway 3
Thursday, April 28, 2022, at 11:45 a.m.

Guelph District Labour Council
Goldie Mill Park, 75 Cardigan St, Guelph, N1H 3Z7
Thursday, April 28, 2022, at 5:30 p.m.
Sarah Neath 519-503-2743

Huron District Labour Council
Day of Mourning
(Across from) 181 Victoria Street North, Goderich ON N7A 1W7
Sunday, April 24, 2022, at 1:00 p.m.
Jim Vance 226-222-0157 or Drew Macaulay

Kenora & District Labour Council
Lake of the Woods District Cemetery
East Gate (top of the hill)
750 9th Street North, Kenora
Thursday, April 28, 2022, at 5:00 p.m.
Cindy Hayward
President, Kenora & District Labour Council

Niagara-on-the-Lake – Niagara Regional Labour Council
At the monument located at the Centennial Arena
1557 Four Mile Creek Road, Virgil
Thursday, April 28, 2022, at 9:15 a.m.

Niagara Falls – Niagara Regional Labour Council
At the monument located at Niagara Falls City Hall
4310 Queen Street, Niagara Falls
Thursday, April 28, 2022, at 10:30 a.m.

Niagara Region – Niagara Regional Labour Council
At the Monument located at the Region of Niagara Headquarters
1815 Sir Isaac Brock Way, Niagara Region
Thursday, April 28, 2022, at 5:15 p.m.

Port Colborne – Niagara Regional Labour Council
At the monument located at H.H. Knoll Park on Sugarloaf St., beside the hospital
Thursday, April 28, 2022, at 1:00 p.m.

Port Robinson – Niagara Regional Labour Council
In memory of Robyn Lafleur, Esquire Canada
Explosion site (1999) 125 South St. North
Thursday, April 28, 2022, at 3:00 p.m.

Sarnia & District Labour Council
Virtual Event on Facebook:
Thursday, April 28, 2022, after 11:00 a.m.

Stratford & District Labour Council
Upper Queens Park
55 Queen Street, Stratford ON, N5A 4M9
Thursday, April 28, 2022, from 9:30 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.

St. Catharines, Niagara Regional Labour Council
At the monument dedicated to the Fallen Welland Canal Workers, located at Lock 3 on the Welland Canal Parkway – West side of the Canal
Thursday, April 28, 2022, at 7:30 a.m.

St. Catharines, Niagara Regional Labour Council
Under the St. Catharines Skyway. Located on the Welland Canal Parkway – West side of the Canal, under the bridge
Thursday, April 28, 2022, at 8:00 a.m.

St. Catharines – Niagara Regional Labour Council
At the Monument located at St. Catharines City Hall- 50 Church St.
Thursday, April 28, 2022, at 4:00 p.m.

St. Thomas & District Labour Council
Pinafore Park
95 Elm Street, St. Thomas
Thursday, April 28, 2022, at 5:15 p.m.
Service at Pinafore Park with local politicians in attendance, followed by a march to the Worker’s Memorial (at the entrance to Pinafore Park)
Guest Speakers: From the Labour Community
Joe Mountenay

Waterloo Regional Labour Council
Day of Mourning Ceremony
Worker’s Monument, 100 Regina Street South, Waterloo
Thursday, April 28, 2022, at 11:00 a.m.

Prairie Region


Calgary and District Labour Council
Day of Mourning Virtual Ceremony
Thursday, April 28, 2022, from
12:00 p.m. – 1:30 p.m.
Alex Shevalier, President 403-819-4159

Edmonton and District Labour Council
Day of Mourning
Grant Notley Park 116 Street & 100 Avenue
Thursday, April 28, 2022, from 11:00 a.m. – 1:00 a.m.
Greg Mady, President 780-940-6797


Brandon & District Labour Council
Due to Covid numbers increasing all Day of Mourning events are cancelled.

Manitoba Federation of Labour
Day of Mourning
Union Centre, 275 Broadway, Winnipeg
(Leaders Walk and Candle Lighting Vigil)
Thursday, April 28, 2022, 11:30 a.m., Vigil starts 12:00 p.m.
204-947-1400 or or

Thompson Labour Council
Due to Covid numbers increasing all Day of Mourning events are cancelled.


Moose Jaw and District Labour Council
Day of Mourning, Wreath Laying, Moose Jaw Union Centre, 1402 Caribou St W
Thursday, April 28, 2022
Deidre Wilson, President

Regina and District Labour Council
Day of Mourning – Wreath Laying
Regina City Hall, 2476 Victoria Ave
Thursday, April 28, 2022, from 5:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m.
Shobna Radons, President

Saskatoon and District Labour Council
Day of Mourning – Wreath Laying
Saskatoon City Hall
Thursday, April 28, 2022, from
6:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.
Don MacDonald, President

Weyburn and District Labour Council
Day of Mourning Ceremony
Online ceremony Facebook:
Thursday, April 28, 2022
Wanda Bartlett, President

Pacific Region