Category Archives: 2022 Europe

Belgium: Amiante – le nombre de victimes pourrait encore augmenter – #iwmd23

Le chiffre de 90 000 victimes annuelles en Europe de cancers liés à l’amiante pourrait encore gonfler, en raison de chantiers à venir et d’une trop faible volonté politique de prendre le sujet à bras le corps.

Il est urgent de mieux protéger, réduire les taux d’exposition, prévenir. L’appel vient de la CES, la Confédération européenne des syndicats, dont fait partie la FGTB. A l’occasion de cette journée internationale d’hommage aux travailleurs décédés ou blessés, le syndicat européen fait le focus sur les – beaucoup trop – nombreuses victimes de cancers professionnels liés à l’exposition à l’amiante.

Ces victimes, et leurs familles, appellent aujourd’hui les dirigeants européens « à offrir aux travailleurs le niveau de protection le plus élevé possible contre l’amiante. »

L’amiante cause de cancers du poumon, de la plèvre…

Les chiffres sont élevés. En Union européenne, environ 90 000 personnes perdent la vie à cause d’un cancer lié à l’amiante, chaque année. Ce qui en fait la principale cause de décès sur le lieu de travail. L’amiante provoque la majeure partie des cancers professionnels du poumon, et du mésothéliome, cancer qui touche notamment la plèvre.

Contrairement aux idées reçues, l’amiante est très loin d’avoir disparu des lieux de travail : entre 4 et 7 millions de travailleurs y sont toujours exposés en Europe. Et l’on serait loin d’en sortir. Paradoxalement, les travaux de rénovation des anciens bâtiments viendrait aggraver la situation, sans une prévention adéquate. « Ce nombre devrait augmenter de 4 % au cours de la prochaine décennie », indique la CES, « en raison de rénovations de bâtiments dans le cadre du Green Deal de l’UE. » 


Moldova: Work in safe and healthy conditions – a fundamental right of employees at work – #iwmd23

“Work in safe and healthy conditions – a fundamental right of employees at work.”
👉 The event was organized by Confederația Națională a Sindicatelor din Moldova with the support of the National Platform of the FSC from #PaE.
“Promoting a culture of safety and health at work can help reduce the annual number of workplace deaths.”

Bulgaria: 28 April report from CITUB

CITUB  National secretary for Health and safety at work and Ecology, Aleksandar Shopov, has sent the following report and photographs describing their 28 April activities.

As every year, on April 28th, CITUB and social partners paid tribute to the memory of those who died by submit flowers and wreaths in front of the memorial plaque placed next to the headquarters of CITUB in Sofia, and a minute of silence.

In memory of the workers who died in accidents, lighted candles in the shape of the sad number 84 were arranged next to the plaque, which is the number of workers who died in Bulgaria in 2022.

The Deputy Minister of Labor and Social Policy Prof. Dr. Emil Mingov and the Director of the IA “Main Labor Inspection” Ekaterina Asenova, representatives of the National Institute of Social Sciences, participated in the honour of the day.

CITUB President Plamen Dimitrov recalled that last year the International Labor Conference accepted that safe and healthy working conditions are a basic human right for every worker. This is the first expansion of basic human rights in a quarter of a century.

In Bulgaria, there is a lack of systematic data for monitoring workers exposed to asbestos, the president of CITUB pointed out. The majority of workers at risk carry out activities of demolition, reconstruction or rehabilitation, maintenance of buildings in which there may be asbestos. In 2020, only one occupational disease related to exposure to this substance was recognized in Bulgaria.

To help in the fight against asbestos and other hazardous chemical substances, the CITUB has launched a campaign “Stop Cancer in the Workplace”, which aims to encourage employers and workers to implement more effective measures to prevent cancer in the workplace.

According to the National Center for Public Health and Analysis, more than 30,000 new cases of cancer are registered every year. A number of studies show that between 5 and 8% of these are workplace-related. If we assume that only 5% of the total cancer cases are related to the profession, this means that at least 1,500 Bulgarian workers have contracted cancer related to the workplace.

After the submitting of flowers, CITUB also presented its annual awards for 2022, with which it distinguishes employers who have achieved good results in ensuring healthy and safe working conditions.

Europe: Workers’ Memorial Day – 30,000 more preventable workplace deaths expected by 2030


Almost 30,000 people may lose their lives at work in the EU over this decade without action to make workplaces safer, trade unions are warning on International Workers’ Memorial Day.

The number of fatal workplace accidents fell slowly over of the last decade, although progress was far from steady with deaths rising again in 2019, according to Eurostat data.

Another 27,041 workplace deaths should be expected between 2020 and 2029 if change continues at the same pace as during the last decade, an analysis by the European Trade Union Institute has found (see Notes below).

Workplace deaths are not expected to fall at all in Spain, are set to get even worse in France and wouldn’t end in Europe for more than 30 years.  They could though be ended by 2030 if the political will existed.

Number of workplace deaths expected this decade and year in which fatal workplace accidents will be eliminated in selected member states if 2010-2019 trends continue:

Poland: 563 deaths – 2027
Portugal: 481 deaths – 2030
Romania 1,451 deaths – 2036
Austria: 694 deaths – 2037
Italy: 3,434 deaths – 2042
Germany: 3,143 deaths – 2044
Czechia: 851 deaths – 2052
France: 7,803 deaths – Never
Spain: 3,191 deaths – Never

EU27: 27,041 – 2055

The findings come as the European Trade Union Confederation launches a manifesto for zero death at work which calls on European leaders to “walk the walk” as well as “talk the talk” on saving the lives of working people.

The manifesto – which has been signed by Ministers, MEPs, trade union leaders and top occupational health and safety experts – called for an increase in workplace health and safety training, inspections and penalties to end workplace fatalities by 2030.

Half a million fewer workplace safety inspections are taking place across Europe now than at the start of the last decade, the ETUC’s analysis of International Labour Organisation data has found.

As well as workplace accidents, the ETUC are also calling on EU leaders to do more to end the scandal of cancer, which still takes the lives of over 100,000 people every year, as well as protecting workers from increasing extreme weather events caused by climate change.

ETUC Deputy General Secretary Claes-Mikael Stahl said:

“Nobody should leave home worried about whether or not they will make it back to see their family after work. But that’s the daily reality for many workers, often because of irresponsible employers cutting corners to increase profits and politicians who attack common sense safety rules and inspections for ideological reasons.

“Thousands of people are still losing their lives every year in brutal – and avoidable – accidents on construction sites, in factories and at other workplaces. Millions of people have also died after being exposed daily to cancer-causing substances at work.

“While workplace deaths might seem like something from another century, these tragedies are set to keep happening in Europe for at least another 30 years. That isn’t inevitable though.

“On International Workers’ Memorial Day, we remember the dead and vow to fight for the living. If politicians are willing to act, we could achieve zero deaths at work by 2030. It’s high time the lives of working people were made a priority.”


Projection based on the European statistics on accidents at work database (ESAW), linear regression was used to predict the number of fatal accidents at work in the years to come. The number of fatal accidents at work were predicted separately for a selection of Member States, and for EU27 as a whole. For EU27, time predicted yearly fatal accidents with R² = .63, F(1, 7) = 11.7, p = .01.

Source: ETUC

Montenegro: Construction union SGIGMCG receives award for outstanding safety work

On the occasion of the International Workers’ Memorial Day on 28 April, the Association of Occupational Safety and Health of Montenegro awarded Nenad Markovic, President of the Trade Union of Construction and Industry of Building Materials of Montenegro (SGIGMCG), for his union’s exemplary contribution to the promotion of occupational health and safety.
On receiving the award, Markovic thanked the award-giving association, saying the it is an added incentive and inspiration for trade unionists to further their work on workplace health and safety. He expressed optimism that OHS will soon become a fundamental labor right at the next International Labour Conference. He concluded his speech with the resounding message: “jobs should not kill!”

Austria: GBH 28 April message – Heute heißt es: Den Toten gedenken, für die Lebenden kämpfen!

Heute heißt es: Den Toten gedenken, für die Lebenden kämpfen! Continue reading Austria: GBH 28 April message – Heute heißt es: Den Toten gedenken, für die Lebenden kämpfen!

Moldova: SINDICONS 28 April workplace inspection, flash mob and vigil

? On the International Day of Safety and Health in Work, marked today, April 28, the leadership of the Federation of Construction and Construction Materials “SINDICONS”, together with the leadership of the State Inspectorate of Labor i and the Federation of the Patronage of Construction and Production of Construction Materials in the Republic of Moldova have paid a visit at the mine in Chisinau
✅The working conditions were analyzed from the mine, how the requirements in the field of safety and health in work are respected, which are the benefits of mining. Social partners in the construction branch organized a flashmob in which they called for the respect of standards in the SSM field, emphasizing that the right to safety and health in work is a primordial right. At the same time, those present commemorated the victims of the work accidents.
!! According to official statistics, in the Republic of Moldova during the year 2021, 627 incidents of injuries were reported to the State Inspectorate of Labor in the field of labor, due to which 664 people suffered, 78 of which have died.

Moldova: Declarația Confederației Naționale a Sindicatelor din Moldova cu ocazia Zilei internaționale a securității și sănătății în muncă – 28 aprilie


‼️Declarația Confederației Naționale a Sindicatelor din Moldova cu ocazia Zilei internaționale a securității și sănătății în muncă – 28 aprilie

?Anul acesta suntem chemați de Confederația Internațională a Sindicatelor de a susține promovarea dreptului la securitate și sănătate în muncă ca drept fundamental în cadrul Conferinței anuale a Organizației Internaționale a Muncii.

✅Toate acestea sunt promovate, fiind fundamentate la nivel mondial pe o statistică foarte tragică: aproximativ 2,9 milioane de lucrători mor în fiecare an din cauza accidentelor și bolilor profesionale și cel puțin 402 milioane de persoane, anual, sunt vătămate la locul de muncă.

?În Republica Moldova, statistica, la fel, nu este îmbucurătoare: pe parcursul anului 2021, la Inspectoratul de Stat al Muncii au fost comunicate 627 de evenimente de accidentare a lucrătorilor în câmpul muncii, în urma cărora au avut de suferit 664 de persoane, dintre care – 78 au decedat.

➡️Accesați pagina web a CNSM pentru a citi mai multe detalii


Germany: Am heutigen Workers‘ Memorial Day erinnern wir an alle Arbeitnehmer innen, die aufgrund ihrer Arbeit erkrankt


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2021 wurden alleine zwischen Januar und September 77.115 Arbeitsunfälle auf deutschen Baustellen gemeldet. 69 Bauarbeiter*innen sind tödlich verunglückt. Am heutigen Workers‘ Memorial Day erinnern wir an alle Arbeitnehmer*innen, die aufgrund ihrer Arbeit erkrankt oder gestorben sind.

Der Europäische Gewerkschaftsbund @etucces ruft heute dazu auf, bis 2030 das Ziel von 0 Todesfällen durch Arbeitsunfälle oder arbeitsbedingte Erkrankungen zu erreichen. Obwohl die tödlichen Arbeitsunfälle in der EU abnehmen, steigt die Zahl der Arbeitnehmer*innen, die ihre Arbeit krank macht.

Im Beschäftigungs- und Sozialausschuss (EMPL) haben wir uns dafür eingesetzt, Arbeitnehmer*innen besser vor krebserregenden Stoffen zu schützen. Es bleibt trotzdem viel Handlungsbedarf, da beispielsweise die Gesundheitsbelastung bei der Arbeit unter freiem Himmel durch extreme Wettererscheinungen (Hitze, Unwetter) steigt. Aber auch die mentale Belastung für Arbeitnehmer*innen in den klassischen Bürojobs steigt durch die zunehmende Entgrenzung von Arbeit und das Gefühl, ständig erreichbar sein zu müssen.

Ich unterstütze die Forderung nach #ZeroDeathAtWork und werde daran arbeiten, dass wir den europäischen Rahmen für Arbeits- und Gesundheitsschutz verbessern. #iwmd22

Montenegro: Otkada je usvojena stogodišnja deklaracija

Montenegro #iwmd22 International Workers’ Memorial Day