Category Archives: 2021 Croatia
Croatia: Savez samostalnih sindikata Hrvatske
Savez samostalnih sindikata Hrvatske
h2td3 SAnmpprilus alotneSosdulsoSre d1ug0:42u ·
Pandemija koronavirusa uvelike je utjecala na naše živote, uključujući na naše mentalno zdravlje. Hvala vam što s nama dijelite svoja iskustva, što ste spremni razgovarati o ovoj važnoj temi.
O tome kako je pandemija utjecala na sve nas i što možemo napraviti kako bismo zaštitili svoje mentalno zdravlje govorit ćemo na
Online konferencija „Mentalno zdravlje na radnom mjestu: kako je pandemija utjecala na radnike?“
idući tjedan.
Croatia: UATUC 28 April activities to focus on workplace mental health in the Covid-19 pandemic
UATUC is organizing an online conference on mental health in the workplace, focusing on the effects of pandemics on workers. The conference entitled „Mental health in the workplace: how has the pandemic affected workers?“ will be organized on the eve of IWMD, on 27th April, in an online form, via zoom, starting at 3 pm.
The conference will gather trade unionists – leaders, experts, shop stewards and OSH representatives, OSH experts, mental health experts and practitioners, representatives of the authorities and workers.
We will present the results of our online survery on the impact of pandemics on workers, measures taken by employers and trade unions; the survey would, among other, help us adjust our activities and advocacy in the field of OSH, in particular mental health.
The conference will also host professors from the Department of Psychology, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences in Zagreb, who will present their survey and discuss the topics of stigmatization and discrimination.
Together with the representatives of authorities, we will discuss the state of affairs and trends in OSH and mental health, and our demands vis-a-vis the mental health strategy still not adopted in Croatia.
The conference will serve also as a platform to present our demands in the field of OSH, including the demand for OSH to be recognized as a fundamental right.
For those of you who understand and speak Croatian, you can register via the link, and/or follow the discussion live-streamed on our Facebook pages ( and
For your information, we have also developed a dedicated website to inform workers (not only TU members) of their rights, including their rights in the context of the pandemic, as well as mental health advice:
If you need additional information, contact Dijana Šobota.