Tag Archives: BWI

Global/Russia: BWI poster – Unions make work safer!

BWI has published an International Workers’ Memorial Day poster in several languages, including Russian. [pdf]


Belgium: 28 avril – Le nombre de victimes d’accidents du travail reste trop élevé

Le nombre de victimes daccidents du travail reste trop élevé

la CSC demande que la victime d’un accident du travail reçoit directement une copie de la déclaration.

A l’occasion du 28 avril, la journée mondiale du travail dans des conditions de santé et de sécurité, la CSC rend hommage aux victimes des accidents du travail. En Belgique, une personne meurt tous les deux jours des suites d’un accident du travail. Plus de la moitié d’entre eux (75) décèdent sur le lieu de travail proprement dit. Chaque jour, 92 travailleurs belges restent handicapés à vie suite à un accident du travail.

Le risque que les ouvriers et les employés soient victimes d’un accident du travail grave n’a pas diminué et il est même plus élevé qu’en 1980. Dans la province de (nom province), X travailleurs sont décédés sur leur lieu de travail et Y travailleurs ont été victimes d’un accident du travail qui a provoqué une incapacité permanente[1] (cf. annexe 1, chiffres de la province).

Dans le même temps, le contrôle par l’Etat des conditions de travail peu sûres reste déficient. Notre pays n’a jamais compté aussi peu d’inspecteurs pour effectuer les contrôles dans les entreprises: 124 en 2018 (en 2004, ils étaient encore 165). Dans la province de (nom province), X inspecteurs sont chargés de contrôler Y entreprises, qui occupent Z travailleurs. Une entreprise (nom province) n’est contrôlée que tous les XX ans[2] (cf. annexe 2, les chiffres de la province). Les économies réalisées constamment sur l’inspection du bien-être au travail ont depuis longtemps dépassé les limites de l’acceptable.

D’autre part, la CSC déplore particulièrement le nombre d’accidents du travail que les assureurs “accidents du travail” refusent de reconnaître. En 2016, ils ont refusé 18.488 accidents, soit 11,5% de l’ensemble des déclarations. La législation actuelle ne permet pas à la victime de prendre connaissance des informations qui figurent dans la déclaration de l’accident du travail. Pour cette raison, la CSC demande que la loi soit modifiée de toute urgence de manière à ce que la victime reçoive directement une copie de la déclaration. Celle-ci pourra ainsi être complétée ou corrigée rapidement afin d’éviter les refus ou les rectifications.

Jean Louis Teheux
Conseiller – Service d’études
R. de Trèves 31 | 1040 Bruxelles
T 02 285 02 36 | GSM 0478 40 04 46
jteheux@acv-csc.be | www.cscbie.be

Internationale des Travailleurs du Bâtiment et du Bois


Slovenia: SDGD press conference, exhibition and survey to mark 28 April

Global construction federation BWI affiliate Sindikat Delavcev Gradbenih Dejavnosti Slovenije (SDGD) reports that on April 28th the construction union will hold a traditional press conference to inform the public about the Zveza svobodnih sindikatov Slovenije/ Association of Free Trade Unions of Slovenia (ZSSS) messages on the occasion of the World Health and Safety Day.

They will also have an online survey of occupational diseases and then publish the results with an exhibition planned for the 6th floor of the union HQ.

Traditionally, at the same time, they publish statistics for last year, how many injuries, occupational diseases, how many died …

One month ago, the union sent questions to the state authorities that kept official statistics on all of these and asked them to send the data by 19 April 2018.

They  work on press and communication on April 28 from 2003 onwards every year.


BWI: 28 April Unions make work safer!

Each year on the 28th April trade unions around the world organise events to celebrate International Workers’ Memorial Day. This year, the BWI is pleased to confirm the international theme “Unions Make Work Safer.”

Considerable responsibility falls on trade unions to ensure that employers take steps to avoid health risks and save workers’ lives as workers continue to be killed, injured and made sick whilst carrying out routine jobs. The hazards are well known and so are the prevention measures. The overwhelming majority of “accidents” are absolutely predictable and preventable. They are caused by failure to manage risks, or by straightforward negligence on the part of the employer.

Against this background, BWI affiliates all over the world are encouraged to campaign and pick up one or several sub themes hereunder:

  • cement, construction and wood: “One death is too many”. BWI’s recent survey on cement stresses that 83% of fatalities in the cement sector are taking place in subcontracted operations. 30% of the cement plants surveyed report at least one death over the last 3 years and 60% recognize occupational diseases. Figures that contrast with managerial practices since 20% of the plants still do not have regular medical visits for workers. In construction and wood industries, for almost all key risks – chemicals, dusts, manual handling, physical hazards, and psychosocial hazards – exposures are routine and excessive. Sawmills are by far the most dangerous workplaces, and are increasingly subcontracted and informal, leading to deteriorating conditions for workers.
  • migrants: “No to xenophobia at work”. In many countries throughout the world, migrant workers are faced with unsafe, dirty, and dangerous working conditions. At the same time, they fall victim to racism and xenophobia particularly more so due to the rise of anti-migrant and xenophobic rhetoric.
  • women: “No to gender based violence at work”. More than 35% of women worldwide have experienced physical and/or sexual violence. Between 40% and 50% of women experience unwanted sexual advances, physical contact or other forms of sexual harassment at work.
  • asbestos kills: “Ban asbestos – the killer dust”. At least 100,000 people die from asbestos diseases every year, according to international estimates. The real figure is certainly even higher than that as there is no reliable recording of the medical cases in many countries. Furthermore, many victims do not know that they were exposed to asbestos and, because of the long time lag between exposure and the emergence of the symptoms, asbestos diseases are not correctly diagnosed, treated, compensated or, most importantly, prevented.

    Please ensure you send us the details of your planned activities, any resources and artwork you produce for 28 April 2017. You are invited to send them to us by email info@bwint.org

    We will post all these materials on the BWI website.

    Amandla! Power to the Workers.


32 reports of 28 April activities in Latin America and The Caribbean

BWI has reported an enormous number and range of 28 April activities across Latin America and the Caribbean:

  1. FENATIMAP (Peru): Work stoppage at 1 workplace. Meeting with workers to talk about OSH and to conmemorate workers killed or injured at work in the past.
  1. SITRAFAPESA (Peru): They participated in the meeting about accidents prevention called Peru’s Congress. 3 of their leaders were trained in the creation of commissions against industrial accidents.
  1. SINTRACESANLO (Peru): Meetings at workplaces  with the presence of the employees. They were talking about the importance of OSH and April 28th.
  1. SUNTIMAVEN (Venezuela): Stoppages and meetings in the companies were they have Collective Bargaining: Caracas, sawmills Chaguaramas, broom factory Palma Real CA, Sawmill Caucagua CA, Furniture Bima.
  1. FETRAMECOL (Colombia): Talk at their headquarters with the assistance of their trade unions in Bogota. They discussed techniques of first aid and assistance in case of accidents. Resources like coast2coast, from where a first aid course could also be taken, were discussed. Completed the action with 1 minute of silence in commemoration of those killed in accidents.
  1. FECOTECMAC (Colombia): They held a commemorative session for the dead and injured workers and gave a talk at its headquarters about OSH in construction.
  1. SINTRA-SKINCO COLOMBIT (Colombia): They participated of a national march in honor to April 28th.
  1. FETICOM-SP (Brazil): Participated in a state mobilization.
  1. FETICOM-SC (Brazil): Organized their annual mobilization of OSH called “Movida”.  Pamphlets about OSH and accident prevention has been delivered throughout the month of April to workers and construction companies. Distributed those pamphlets during and after the mobilization.
  1. FETRACONSPAR (Brazil): Organized their VI Seminar of Improving Health and Safety at Work.
  1. STICC-POA (Brazil): Organized their 4th Seminar Valuing Work and Life: the pillars of a just society.
  1. FETRACOMPA (Brazil): Developed actions in Batista Campos Square in Belén. Provided information with the logo of the BWI and FETRACOMPA. Used a car with sound to explain the global significance of April 28th.
  1. SINTEPAV-BA (Brazil): Participated in the march in Salvador Bahía. As part of their program of action on health and safety they: conducted advertising (“No more accidents”) that contributes to greater awareness and reducing accidents; are conducting their annual seminars (which this year 2015 will be completed with the 7th edition); look for collaboration with public bodies (MTE, MPT); directed supervision at construction Works to check working conditions and compliance with the terms OSH; are proving technical assistance in the preparation of the reports of hazards and unsanitary conditions in companies.
  1. SINTRAICCCM (Brazil): Developed activities in Cuiabá, Várzea Grande, San Antonio Leverger and Rondonópolis. Actively participated in the “Green Abril” program, which took place between April 07th and 28th by the New Trade Union Central of Workers (NCST-MT), the Federation of Industries of Mato Grosso (FETIEMT) and the Trade Union Technical Safety at Work of Mato Grosso (SINTES-MT), in collaboration with the SINTRAICCCM. Attended the allusive program to the International Workers Memorial Day of the Regional Labor Court (TRT-MT), between April 27th and 29th, with a stand of the trade union and provided orientation in relation to workers’ health.
  1. FENATCO (Haití): Will organize a press conference about this campaign and April 28th meaning. National mobilizations. Meetings with workers and companies businesmen. Creation of brochures and flyers about April 28th and 25 kilos.
  1. SEBI (Curazao): They performed their activities on May 1st (all together with the International Workers Day). Had a meeting to discuss the relevant trade union action to prevent accidents and illnesses in the workplace. They offered a Conference mass for all workers, with the presence of high officials and members will participate. Then participated of the national march with banners in the streets of the city; visited two busts and make 2 minutes of silence to commemorate those workers who have died during their labors.
  1. BIU (Bermuda): Held a Health and Safety Conference. And Mr Nisbit gave a radio interview about the deceased workers and the importance of April 28th for the trade union movement  at Hott 107.5 FM.
  1. UNATROPYT (Costa Rica): Will place a commemorative plaque at one of their certifiqued construction works.  That plaque will honor all workers who died because of accidents at work, worldwide. Will organize a stoppage (of 1 hour), with the presence of one Labor Inspector that will certify that every OSH regulations are correct. During the stoppage they will have meetings with workers on site.
  1. SUNTRACS (Costa Rica): Will organize a stoppage (between 30 minutes to 1 hour), with the presence of one Labor Inspector that will certify that every OSH regulations are correct. During the stoppage they will have meetings with workers on site.
  1. FENTICOMMC (Dominican Republic): Will organize their annual Workshop on Occupational Health and Hygiene.
  1. FETRACOM (Dominican Republic): They participated in the 3rd National Congress of Occupational Hazards organized by its Trade Union Confederation (on April 27th), in order to promote a culture of prevention against accidents in the workplace.
  1. SINCS-G (Guatemala): Will organize a socialization campaign about April 28th with flags and banners at strategic points in Guatemala. They´ll organize as well a tripartite activity about OSH with representatives from the Local Government, employers and SINCS-G trade union leaders.
  1. SUNTRACS (Panama): They have created radio and TV spots about April 28th and accident prevention. Also organized a national press conference promoting their campaign for this year. On April 28th they´ll perform national mobilizations.
  1. SITICEDPA (Panama): Stoppage and meeting with workers at the cement plant about OSH.
  1. FITCM-N (Nicaragua): Workshop about OSH with representatives of the Health and Safety Committees on different companies.
  1. SNSCAASC (Nicaragua): Performed an assembly on site with 250 employees and the presence of the Ministry of Labour and representatives of the company where they did the stoppage.
  1. SOICSCES (El Salvador): Organized meetings with workers at workplace and participated of the national march.
  1. UOCRA (Argentina): Will organize assemblies and meetings with construction workers and delegates. Will deliver brochures and posters about April 28th and about the main risks of our industry. At different workplaces they have placed posters about the occupational risks of the use of amianto and its biological hazards. They have designed and placed a banner about the defense OSH at its website. Created and lauched an advertising spot on their channel “Building TV”. Will place a commemorative plaque and will spread an awareness message about April 28th on social networks.
  1. UECARA (Argentina): Will participate in the Argentina Week of Health and Safety at Work, holding an exhibition about the policies developed over the last year on OSH, the projects and the work plan initiated in this 2015 by the trade union. Will deliver on the stand different brochures and materials about OSH, and will offer to the public interactive games for educational purposes and a medical space for the control of blood pressure and vital signs.
  1. SINTRAIGCMA (Paraguay): They participated at the Worker Week: between April 27th to May 1st, and at the national mobilizations. Also gave a OSH panel to all workers.
  1. FETRACEM (Chile): Stoppage and meetings in workplaces about OSH, through its affiliates.
  1. FETRACOMA (Chile): They developed assemblies in various construction sites and created a promotional poster for the campaign.

Global: Sesionará mañana encuentro sindical de constructores

Su agenda está relacionada con el Jornada Internacional de Conmemoración (JIC) de los Trabajadores Fallecidos y Heridoso.

El II Encuentro Sindical por la Unidad de acción de los Trabajadores, del sector de la construcción, será inaugurado mañana con la presencia de representantes de 17 países, anunciaron en esta capital sus organizadores.

Carlos Antonio de Dios Oquendo, secretario general del Sindicato Nacional de Trabajadores de la Construcción (SNTC) de Cuba, informó a la AIN que la mayoría de los delegados proviene de Brasil, Colombia, Costa Rica, Chile, Ecuador, Guatemala, Nicaragua, República Dominicana, Panamá y Uruguay.

Los restantes son de Australia, Reino Unido de Gran Bretaña e Irlanda del Norte, Bélgica, Francia y Suiza.

Todos intervendrán en el desfile por el Primero de Mayo, Día Internacional de los Trabajadores, en la Plaza de la Revolución José Martí, en un bloque de 30 mil obreros, aunque en las otras provincias la participación de los afiliados también será masiva, aseguró Oquendo.

Señaló que la promoción de la integración latinoamericana, la solidaridad, la cooperación por la justicia social y la equidad entre los integrantes del sector, constituyen los temas esenciales de la reunión de mañana.

Una de las sesiones de esta última será en la Unidad Empresarial de Base de Ariguanabo, de la Empresa Mixta Aguas de La Habana, en el municipio de San Antonio de los Baños, de la provincia de Artemisa; y la segunda en el Contingente de la Construcción Raúl Roa García, en La Habana.

En ambos encuentros estarán dirigentes del SNTC, de la Federación Latinoamericana de Trabajadores de la Construcción, Madera y Materiales de Construcción (FLEMACON) e Internacional de Trabajadores de la Construcción y la Madera (ICM), según el programa.

También asistirán directivos de la Unión Internacional de Trabajadores de la Construcción y la Madera, y de la Federación Sindical Mundial (FSM).


Thailand: Building unions stand up for safety

BWI construction union affiliates in Thailand took action on the planned Holcim-Lafarge merger. They said there could be no merger without unions and safety assurances.

Myanmar: Building unions stand up for safety

BWI construction union affiliates in Myanmar took action on the planned Holcim-Lafarge merger. They said there could be no merger without unions and safety assurances.

IWMD 2015: Lafarge Uganda

 In Lafarge Uganda, workers commemorated the dead and injured workers, and participated in the  global action day by observing a moment of silence with the workers to remember 50 workers who died in lafarge the past two years (2013-26 workers, 2014 to date 24 workers). The union also shared with the workers the global union demands to the new company Lafarge-Holcim. The unionized employees walked through the plant and gathered at the Gate for group photos.

Colombia unions say Holcim-Lafarge merger cannot happen assurances