Category Archives: graphics

USA: Heat campaign toolkit for Workers’ Memorial Week

HomePublic Citizen, the US public interest advocacy organisation, has published a Heat Campaign toolkit for Workers’ Memorial Week (#iwmd19 / #workerssmemorialweek) that includes graphics, sample Tweets, hashtags, handles, links and a sample letter. You can view the kit below and also download it here.

Heat Campaign Toolkit for Workers Memorial Week

Campaign Background

Excessive heat exposure endangers outdoor and indoor workers, as well as vulnerable populations. Heat is the leading weather-related killer, and it’s intensifying with climate change. Despite these warnings, the U.S. does not require workplace heat protections.

This #WorkersMemorialWeek, we’re raising awareness around workers who have died or suffered on the job as a result of dangerous heat, and we’re pushing for action and policy change to prevent future fatalities. Because a safe job is every worker’s right!



Handles (please add your org’s handle)


Action Links

Grassroots Petition to OSHA:
Letter to the Editor Tool:
Alert for FL Heat Legislation:

Organizational Sign-On Letter

Add your organization to the following sign-on letter by 2:00 pm ET on 4/26, for OSHA to issue a heat standard for Workers Memorial Week:


Heat fatalities can affect everyone exposed to hot temps — from workers laboring in the hot sun to those who lack ventilation indoors. We need a national heat stress standard so employers are required to make worker safety a priority. #WorkersMemorialWeek

18 of the 19 hottest years on record have occurred since 2001. While we desperately need bold action to stop climate change, @OSHA_DOL must move now to protect workers from the dangers of heat stress. #WorkersMemorialWeek

Heat is the leading weather-related killer in the U.S. As greenhouse gas pollution increasingly warms the planet, the toll that heat takes on workers is getting worse. #WorkersMemorialWeek

From 1992 through 2017, exposure to excessive environmental heat killed 815 U.S. workers and seriously injured over 70,000. With accelerating climate change, worker injuries and deaths due to excessive heat exposure are projected to increase in the coming years. #WorkersMemorialWeek

260,000 U.S. workers are at risk of heat-related illnesses and deaths with no standard in place to protect them. This #WorkersMemorialWeek, we’re urging @OSHA_DOL to enact national heat stress protections that would keep our workers safe:

On our current greenhouse gas emissions path, by 2100 nearly the entire southeastern U.S. will experience on average more than 85 deadly heat days per year. @OSHA_DOL must act now to protect workers from dangerous heat exposure. #WorkersMemorialWeek

The current epidemic of heat-related injuries and deaths will worsen in the coming years, as record-breaking summers become the norm. We need action to stop further climate change and protect workers from the temperature rise that’s already locked in. #WorkersMemorialWeek

The solutions to heat-related injuries are common-sense: hydration, shade, and rest breaks. But most employers won’t implement them voluntarily. @OSHA_DOL must enact a national heat stress standard to protect workers in danger. #WorkersMemorialWeek

Heat fatalities can be prevented by access to water, shade and rest breaks. But many employers deny workers these basic needs — causing countless people to needlessly die every summer. Take action this #WorkersMemorialWeek to protect workers:



Shanna Devine
Worker Health and Safety Advocate
Public Citizen | Congress Watch
TEL: +1 202-454-5168
215 Pennsylvania Ave. SE, Washington, DC 20003
Twitter: @safeworkers

Germany: DGB – Bundesvorstand | Workers’ Memorial Day

Jedes Jahr am 28. April gedenken wir den verstorbenen und beruflich veranlasst verletzten und erkrankten Arbeitnehmerinnen und Arbeitnehmern.Durch Arbeitsunfälle und Folgen von Berufskrankheiten werden mehr Menschen getötet und verletzt als in Kriegen. Die Zahlen sprechen eine deutliche Sprache.

Allein in Deutschland sterben drei bis vier Menschen täglich auf der Arbeit, auf dem Weg dorthin oder an unfallbedingten bzw. berufskrankheitsbedingten Spätfo…lgen. Täglich ereignen sich hierzulande tausende Arbeitsunfälle. Glücklicher Weise ist die Zahl der Arbeitsunfälle in Deutschland zuletzt zurückgegangen. Aber dafür nimmt die Zahl der Berufskrankheiten zu.

Es ist wichtig, sich als Arbeitnehmer im Berufsleben vor diesen Gefahren zu schützen oder geschützt zu werden! Eine besonders hohe Gefahr für Arbeitsunfälle und Berufs-erkrankungen besteht in Deutschland u. a. für Leiharbeiter. Das Risiko für Leiharbeiterinnen und Leiharbeiter, einem Arbeitsunfall zum Opfer zu fallen, ist drei Mal so hoch wie das für Stammbelegschaften, bedingt durch hohe Fluktuationen und psychische Belastung. An all diese Missstände erinnert der Workers Memorial Day.

Logo Workers Memorial Day 2019DGB/IG BAU

Bereits 1984 rief erstmals die kanadische Gewerkschaft für Angestellte im öffentlichen Dienst dazu auf, der im Arbeitsleben verstorbenen Kolleginnen und Kollegen zu gedenken. Seither wird dieser Gedenktag am 28. April in vielen Ländern weltweit begangen, in immer mehr Ländern ist er ein offizieller Gedenktag.

Seit dem Jahr 2011 rufen der DGB und die IG Bauen-Agrar-Umwelt jeweils am 28. April dazu auf, der Kolleginnen und Kollegen zu gedenken, die im Rahmen ihrer beruflichen Tätigkeit durch Unfall oder Berufskrankheit ihr Leben lassen mussten.

Wir laden jeden ein, diesen Gedenktag mit uns auf unserer zentralen Gedenkveranstaltung in der Kaiser-Wilhelm-Gedächtnis-Kirche in Berlin zu begehen. Wir rufen dazu auf, der verstorbenen Kolleginnen und Kollegen auch bundesweit in Betrieben, auf Baustellen und in Objekten zu gedenken.

Nicht nur das Gedenken an die Verstorbenen ist uns wichtig. Wir kämpfen auch für die Gesunderhaltung der heute Beschäftigten.

Website des DGB

Der Einladungsflyer zum Download:

Tasmania: Events in Hobart and Launceston to mark International Workers’ Memorial Day

Every year, unions hold a day of remembrance for workers who have died, been injured, or become ill because of their job.

We gather to mourn the deaths, injuries and illnesses that have occurred and vow to do everything we can to prevent any more.

This year the Hobart service will be held at Parliament Lawns, 11:00-11:30am on Saturday 27 April 2019.

The Launceston event will be held at the Workers’ Memorial Park in Elizabeth Gardens, 10.00am on Sunday 28 April 2019.

Hobart International Workers’ Memorial Day 2019 Facebook event here.

Hobart International Workers’ Memorial Day flyer.pdf

Launceston International Workers’ Memorial Day 2019 Facebook event here.

Launceston International Workers’ Memorial Day flyer.pdf

New Zealand: Rail and Maritime Transport Union 28 April poster promotes action nationwide

The 28 April 2019 poster shown below has been circulated to all RMTU branches in New Zealand. You can download it here.

Global/Turkey: BWI 28 April poster – Unions make work safer! [TURKISH]

BWI has published an International Workers’ Memorial Day poster in multiple languages, including Turkish. [here]

Global/India: BWI 28 April poster – Unions make work safer! [HINDI]

BWI has published an International Workers’ Memorial Day poster in multiple languages, including Hindi. [here]

Global/Korea: BWI 28 April poster – Unions make work safer! [KOREA]

BWI has published an International Workers’ Memorial Day poster in multiple languages, including Korean. [PDF]

Global/Croatia: BWI 28 April poster – Unions make work safer! [CROATIAN]

BWI has published an International Workers’ Memorial Day poster in multiple languages, including Croatian. [here]

Global/Serbia: BWI 28 April poster – Unions make work safer! [SERBIA]

BWI has published an International Workers’ Memorial Day poster in multiple languages, including Serbia . [here]

Global/Slovenia: BWI 28 April poster – Unions make work safer! [SLOVENIAN]

BWI has published an International Workers’ Memorial Day poster in multiple languages, including Slovenian. [pdf]