Ayuba Wabba, President of ITUC and National President of the Nigeria Labour Congress makes an address to mark International Workers’ Memorial Day 2020
Ayuba Wabba, President of ITUC and National President of the Nigeria Labour Congress makes an address to mark International Workers’ Memorial Day 2020
UNI General Secretary Christy Hoffman has issued an International Workers’ Memorial Day message calling on us to honour the workers we have lost during the Covid-19 crisis, but to “fight like hell for the living.”
Using her personal experience and examples from UNI affiliates, GS Hoffman stresses the importance that unions play in establishing safe workplaces and holding employers accountable:
There are valuable lessons we must learn from this crisis.
And one that we must remember is the difference a union can make in terms of health and safety. And it is not only about negotiating the conditions of safe work — it is about representation and a voice on the job lead by rank and file workers. A union health and safety committee is a watchdog, making sure that employers don’t cut corners or require a pace of production that is too fast to be safe. They enable workers, those who are closest to the problem, to expose the hazards and recommend solutions.
Additionally, UNI is joining the ITUC and other global unions in calling on governments and occupational health and safety bodies around the world to recognise Covid-19 first, as an occupational hazard and also an occupational disease.
“Home care workers are the first line of defense against #covid19 for millions of elderly & sick patients. This crisis is showing the world the vital role caregivers play in our societies,” said Christy Hoffman General Secretary of UNI Global Union.
#ProtectHomecareWorkers • Read more • UNI Global Union
Construction workers minutes silence at the ‘Building Worker’ statue in London to mark International Workers Memorial Day.
#IWMD20 Health Sector workers (GHA) in #Gibraltar paying tribute to the tens of thousands of healthcare workers worldwide who have lost their lives due to the Coronavirus pandemic. #NEVERFORGOTTEN Unite the Union Gibraltar
De huidige gezondheidscrisis heeft de vraag opgeworpen of COVID-19 in bepaalde gevallen als beroepsziekte kan worden erkend. Het standpunt van de Algemene Centrale – ABVV is duidelijk: COVID-19 moet als beroepsziekte worden erkend voor alle “essentiële” sectoren. Ben je het met ons eens? Onderteken onze petitie en steun onze oproep!
Tänään on päivä, jolloin huomio pitää kiinnittää kaikkien palkansaajien työsuojeluun ja -terveyteen erityisesti nyt #coronavirus #covid19 -tilanteessa. Tänään muistetaan palkansaajia, jotka ovat menehtyneet työtapaturmiin tai työhön liittyneisiin sairauksiin #IWMD20
— Katja Lehto-Komulainen (@LehtoKat) April 28, 2020
Finland: Today is a day when attention must be paid to the occupational safety and health of all employees, especially now #coronavirus#covid19 collision. Today we remember employees who have died from accidents at work or work-related illnesses #IWMD20
@CFDTsantesoc “la sécurité et la santé au travail peuvent sauver des vies” 28 avril commémoration des travailleurs décédés dans leur travail. Solidarité avec https://t.co/Qb3US7WEsL en Europe @EPSUnions @etuc_ces et mondiale @ituc @PSIglobalunion #IWMD20 pic.twitter.com/w8JSFWe7ew
— Nicolle Maryvonne (@MaryLeHavre) April 28, 2020
@CFDTsantesoc “la sécurité et la santé au travail peuvent sauver des vies” 28 avril commémoration des travailleurs décédés dans leur travail. Solidarité avec http://travailleurs.es en Europe @EPSUnions @etuc_ces et mondiale @ituc @PSIglobalunion #IWMD20
Op deze Workers’ Memorial Day vertelt FNV-voorzitter Han Busker waarom het zo belangrijk is om stil te staan bij het grote aantal werknemers dat overlijdt door een beroepsziekte of een ongeval tijdens het werk. Juist ook tijdens deze coronacrisis. Neem dus een minuut de tijd om in stilte de slachtoffers te herdenken.