Hungary: “Seventy-nine workplace deaths in 2017 – we cannot allow it!” [photos]

An update from MASZSZ (Hungarian Trade Union Confederation)  International Workers’ Memorial Day.

György Károly has sent photos from the 26 April 2018 commemoration in Budapest.

Commemorating those fallen at work, at the MASZSZ memorial in Csepel/ Budapest. Seventy-nine pairs of protective shoes – seventy-nine workplace deaths in 2017 – we cannot allow it!

Australia: Tasmanian unions and workers to join with families for International Workers Memorial Day

Unions and workers to join with families for International Workers Memorial Day

WHEN: Tomorrow, Saturday the 28th of April WHERE: Workers Memorial Garden, Elizabeth Park, Launceston 8am AND
Hobart’s Parliament Lawns at 12 noon

Family members, friends and colleagues who have lost a loved one at work or experienced a workplace injury will join with union members and the community to mark International Workers’ Memorial Day on Saturday the 28th of April.

Unions Tasmania will host a service in both Launceston and Hobart to commemorate this important day. Vigils, services and ceremonies will be held across the country and around the globe to honour the memory of those who went to work and did not return home.

“It means a lot to family members and friends that we recognise this day and remember those who died or were injured on the job,” said Jessica Munday, Secretary of Unions Tasmania.

“Preliminary data for 2017 from Safe Work Australia show there were 186 Australians killed at work last year. Six Tasmanians died at work in 2016 and over 6,500 injuries were reported to WorkSafe Tasmania last year. The union movement believes one workplace death is too many so, with these statistics at the front of our minds, today is an important day for reaffirming as a community our commitment to safe workplaces.”

“Sadly, many workplace deaths or injuries aren’t accidents in the true sense of the word. They occur because, at some point, a decision was made that safety wasn’t the most important thing to watch out for. In Tasmania, we are now being reminded of the tragic consequences and the immeasurable pain felt by families following a workplace death as the inquest into the three deaths at the Mt Lyell mine continues,” said Ms Munday.

“The Tasmanian union movement is committed to remain ever vigilant and continue the fight for safe workplaces. That means we will continue to campaign to make industrial manslaughter a crime. We will continue to advocate for presumptive Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) legislation for our first responders. And we will continue to campaign against work practices that put profit before safety,” said Ms Munday.

For further information: Jessica Munday

Unions Tasmania

Belgium: 28 avril – Le nombre de victimes d’accidents du travail reste trop élevé

Le nombre de victimes daccidents du travail reste trop élevé

la CSC demande que la victime d’un accident du travail reçoit directement une copie de la déclaration.

A l’occasion du 28 avril, la journée mondiale du travail dans des conditions de santé et de sécurité, la CSC rend hommage aux victimes des accidents du travail. En Belgique, une personne meurt tous les deux jours des suites d’un accident du travail. Plus de la moitié d’entre eux (75) décèdent sur le lieu de travail proprement dit. Chaque jour, 92 travailleurs belges restent handicapés à vie suite à un accident du travail.

Le risque que les ouvriers et les employés soient victimes d’un accident du travail grave n’a pas diminué et il est même plus élevé qu’en 1980. Dans la province de (nom province), X travailleurs sont décédés sur leur lieu de travail et Y travailleurs ont été victimes d’un accident du travail qui a provoqué une incapacité permanente[1] (cf. annexe 1, chiffres de la province).

Dans le même temps, le contrôle par l’Etat des conditions de travail peu sûres reste déficient. Notre pays n’a jamais compté aussi peu d’inspecteurs pour effectuer les contrôles dans les entreprises: 124 en 2018 (en 2004, ils étaient encore 165). Dans la province de (nom province), X inspecteurs sont chargés de contrôler Y entreprises, qui occupent Z travailleurs. Une entreprise (nom province) n’est contrôlée que tous les XX ans[2] (cf. annexe 2, les chiffres de la province). Les économies réalisées constamment sur l’inspection du bien-être au travail ont depuis longtemps dépassé les limites de l’acceptable.

D’autre part, la CSC déplore particulièrement le nombre d’accidents du travail que les assureurs “accidents du travail” refusent de reconnaître. En 2016, ils ont refusé 18.488 accidents, soit 11,5% de l’ensemble des déclarations. La législation actuelle ne permet pas à la victime de prendre connaissance des informations qui figurent dans la déclaration de l’accident du travail. Pour cette raison, la CSC demande que la loi soit modifiée de toute urgence de manière à ce que la victime reçoive directement une copie de la déclaration. Celle-ci pourra ainsi être complétée ou corrigée rapidement afin d’éviter les refus ou les rectifications.

Jean Louis Teheux
Conseiller – Service d’études
R. de Trèves 31 | 1040 Bruxelles
T 02 285 02 36 | GSM 0478 40 04 46 |

Internationale des Travailleurs du Bâtiment et du Bois


Belgium: 28 April – Aantal slachtoffers arbeidsongevallen blijft te hoog

Aantal slachtoffers arbeidsongevallen blijft te hoog. Toch wordt de inspectie welzijn op het werk verder afgebouwd

ACV vraagt dat slachtoffers van een arbeidsongeval een kopie van de aangifte ontvangen

Naar aanleiding van 28 april, de werelddag voor veilig en gezond werk, herdenkt het ACV de slachtoffers van arbeidsongevallen. Eén werkdag op twee sterft in België iemand door een arbeidsongeval. Meer dan de helft daarvan, 75, op de arbeidsplaats zelf. Elke werkdag opnieuw lopen 92 werknemers in België een blijvende arbeidsongeschiktheid op ten gevolge van een arbeidsongeval. De kans op een ernstig arbeidsongeval voor arbeiders en bedienden daalde niet en is nog hoger dan in 1980. In (naam provincie) stierven X werknemers op het werk en voor Y werknemers had een arbeidsongeval een blijvende arbeidsongeschiktheid tot gevolg (zie de cijfers van de provincie in bijlage 1).

Tegelijk faalt de overheidscontrole op onveilige arbeidsomstandigheden. Het aantal inspecteurs dat controles uitvoert in ondernemingen in België staat in 2018 op het laagste peil ooit, namelijk 124 (in 2004 waren er nog 165 inspecteurs). In (naam provincie) staan X inspecteurs in voor de controle van Y ondernemingen met in totaal Z werknemers. Een (naam provincie) onderneming wordt slechts om de XX jaar gecontroleerd . (zie de cijfers van de provincie in bijlage 2). De continue besparing op de inspectie welzijn op het werk heeft de grens van het toelaatbare al lang overschreden.

Het ACV is ook bijzonder misnoegd over het jaarlijks aantal arbeidsongevallen dat geweigerd wordt door de arbeidsongevallenverzekeraars. In 2016 werden in totaal 18.488 arbeidsongevallen geweigerd, maar liefst 11,5% van alle aangiften. Volgens de huidige wetgeving ziet het slachtoffer echter niet welke informatie wordt opgenomen in de aangifte van het arbeidsongeval. Daarom vraagt het ACV dringend een wetswijziging zodanig dat het slachtoffer onmiddellijk een kopie krijgt van de aangifte. Zo ontstaat de mogelijkheid om snel de aangifte aan te vullen of te corrigeren en kunnen weigeringen vermeden of rechtgezet worden.

Jean Louis Teheux
Conseiller – Service d’études
R. de Trèves 31 | 1040 Bruxelles
T 02 285 02 36 | GSM 0478 40 04 46bwi |

Building and Wood Worker’s International

USA: AFL-CIO 2018 Death on the Job report and social media kit released – 28 April

The AFL-CIO has released the annual (2018) Death on the Job report was released . The press release is below.

A social media kit with infographics to accompany the report  can be accessed here.


Contact: Carolyn Bobb, 202-637-5018 or                   

“A National Crisis”: New AFL-CIO Report Reveals 150 Daily U.S. Worker Deaths in 2016

View Report here:

(Washington, D.C., April 26, 2018) – According to a report released today by the AFL-CIO, 5,190 American workers died on the job in 2016, an increase from 4,836 deaths the previous year. Another estimated 50,000 to 60,000 died from occupational diseases, meaning approximately 150 workers died on the job each day from preventable, hazardous workplace conditions. Overall, the national job fatality rate increased to 3.6 per 100,000 workers from 3.4 in 2015.

“We deserve to walk out the front door in the morning knowing we’ll return home safe and healthy after a full day’s work,” said AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka (UMWA). “It’s a travesty that working people continue to lose their lives to corporate greed. The selfish and reckless decisions being made in boardrooms and in Washington are killing the very people who built this country. This is officially a national crisis, and it’s only getting worse.”

The report, titled “Death on the Job: The Toll of Neglect,” marks the 27th year the AFL-CIO has produced its findings on the state of safety and health protections for workers within the United States. The report shows the highest workplace fatality rates are in Wyoming (12.3 per 100,000 workers), Alaska (10.6), Montana (7.9), South Dakota (7.5) and North Dakota (7.0).

Startlingly, workplace violence is now the second-leading cause of workplace death, accounting for 866 workplace deaths, including 500 homicides. Yet, even as deadly violence increases in the workplace, the Trump administration has sidelined a proposed OSHA workplace violence standard.

Other report highlights show that the construction, transportation and agriculture industries remain among the most dangerous. In 2016, 991 construction workers were killed—the highest total of any sector. Agriculture, forestry, fishing and hunting was the most dangerous industry sector, with a fatality rate of 23.2 per 100,000 workers.

Despite these alarming findings, OSHA continues to face a desperate dearth of resources. Responsible for regulating 9 million workplaces, the agency’s 764 federal inspectors would need 158 years to visit each site just once. Yet, the administration has continued to enact an aggressive deregulatory agenda, gutting safety rules and proposing deep cuts to worker safety and health training.

In one case, the administration is considering rolling back MSHA’s coal dust rule, even as NIOSH is warning of the largest cluster of black lung in coal miners seen in years. More than 400 cases of advanced progressive massive fibrosis (PMF) were reported from just three Appalachian clinics from 2013 to 2017.

Sweden: On 28 April construction union Byggnads will campaign for tougher enforcement of safety laws across Sweden

BWI affiliate The Swedish Building Workers Union –  Svenska Byggnadsarbetareförbundet (Bynggads) – will carry out actions to commemorate comrades who died in construction workplaces.

In Stockholm, a major manifestation has been initiated at Sergels Torg in the center of the city. Several other unions will join and also MPs.

Minor actions will take place in a number of other cities such as Malmö, Luleå and Gothenburg.

There will also be a published statement regarding the number of deaths in the construction industry.  Focusing on the fact that responsible executives are not punished for their crimes in the event of accidents

The pictures below are from last year’s action.

Further details

106 32 Stockholm
Besök: Hagagatan 2
Telefon: 010-6011063
Mobil: 073-0931374

USA: Fe y Justicia Worker Center, Houston – Worker Memorial Week: Day of Action Update

With our wonderful partners from AFL-CIO, Building Trades Union, Workers Defense Project, and LIUNA, we came to the Houston City Council meeting today to remind them of how unsafe conditions end in fatalities.

A couple highlights from the action: (1) As our executive director read the names of the workers who died in 2017, all city council members stood up, and (2) five council members said they were interested in taking action to stop more deaths through the Responsible Bidder Ordinance and further conversation with us.

Marianela Acuña Arreaza (she/her/ella)
Executive Director
1836 Sul Ross St, Suite 1
Houston, TX 77098


USA: Fe y Justicia Worker Center marks 28 April

Fe y Justicia Worker Center, Houston, Texas, USA

Con nuestros maravillosos socios de AFL-CIO, Building Trades Union, Workers Defense Project y LIUNA, asistimos a la reunión del Concejo Municipal de Houston hoy para recordarles cómo las condiciones inseguras acaban en muertes. 

Un par de momentos destacados de la acción: (1) Cuando nuestro director ejecutivo leyó los nombres de los trabajadores fallecidos en 2017, todos los concejales se pusieron de pie y (2) cinco consejales dijeron que estaban interesados en tomar medidas para detener más muertes a través de la Ordenanza del Ofertante Responsable y una conversación adicional con nosotros.

Marianela Acuña Arreaza (she/her/ella)
Executive Director
1836 Sul Ross St, Suite 1
Houston, TX 77098

Hungary: MASZSZ conduct many activities to mark International Workers’ Memorial Day

MASZSZ (Hungarian Trade Union Confederation) action for International Workers’ Memorial Day

April 25, Budapest – Conference on the role and function of workers safety representatives. Authorities, employers, unions together for better prevention and OSH management. Lighting the candle commemorating the victims of work accidents.

April 26, Budapest – Laying wreath at the Memorial of workers victims of work accidents. This year 79 pairs of protective boots with candles will commemorate the 97 colleagues died at work in 2017.

Media interviews, articles for awareness raising in public (based on information sheet and infographics on OSH, workers safety reps situation).

Philippines: IOHSAD candle lighting ceremony on 28 April

Dear Friends, 

We will mark this year’s Workers’ Memorial Day in the Philippines together with Hanjin shipyard workers. On April 28, a candle lighting program will be held in a workers’ community in Zambales located near the Hanjin shipyard to remember the workers who died due to work. 

We will post photos in our social media accounts on the actual day of the WMD activity. 

Thank you! Warm regards, IOHSAD Team in the Philippines


We remember, organize and fight for safe workplaces!

On April 28,  Filipino workers will commemorate Workers’ Memorial Day by amplifying their call for safe workplaces and the enactment of a pro-worker occupational safety and health (OSH) bill. For the first time, IOHSAD, a workplace safety NGO will hold its WMD activity together with Hanjin shipyard workers in Zambales.


We remember the more than 40 Hanjin shipyard workers who have died due to work since 2006.  They were victims of grave violations of OSH standards committed by Hanjin and its neglect of workers’ safety.  On April 28, we remember their names and pledge to fight for safe workplaces for all workers.


Countless workers all over the country confront various workplace hazards that put their lives at risk.  On April 28, we demand for the immediate passage of a pro-worker occupational safety and health (OSH) bill that will help prevent workplace accidents and deaths.  We reiterate our call for an OSH Bill that pushes for the criminalization of OSH standards violations and government’s mandatory inspection of all types of workplaces in the country.


We will unionize and consolidate our organizations to fight for our right to safe workplaces!  Unions serve as the workers’ most reliable shields against employers who disregard workers’ safety and put workers’ lives in constant danger at work.  On April 28, we will pledge to build  strong and militant unions to fight for our occupational safety and health rights.

Safe Workplaces Now!

Criminalize OSH Violations!

Pass a Pro-Workers Occupational Safety and Health Bill NOW! 

Institute for Occupational Health and Safety Development 406 Ramagi Building, 1081 Pedro Gil Avenue Paco 1007, Manila, Philippines + 63 2 521 1216

Remember the dead, fight like hell for the living