Tag Archives: Colombia

Colombia: Intergremial SINTRAETEX por Salud y Seguridad en la industria

From Manizales, headquarters of the main plant and operations of the ETEX Colombia Group, report the affiliates of Sintra Etex , one of the unions that groups workers of the Belgian multinational of materials and coatings for construction. SINTRAETEX is part of the Intergroup of Colombia, the platform of unity of action of ICM in that country.
Jose Lopez Posada, president of SINTRAETEX announced the holding of a conversation for affiliated workers and people interested in the subject, about health and safety at work in conjunction with the CTC of Caldas.

Colombia: 28 DE ABRIL: ¡La salud y seguridad es nuestro derecho!

From Santa Marta, Colombia, the Broad Front of Working Women (FAMT), affiliated with INTERGREMIAL (Colombia), joined the demonstration on April 28 for vaccines for all and all, NO to tax reform and basic income For all Colombians and Colombians.

Colombia: ¡La salud y seguridad es nuestro derecho!

The INTERGREMIAL (Colombia) is in National Paro at this time! The Colombian union movement demands vaccines for all and all, NO to tax reform and basic income for all Colombians and Colombians, as part of the days of April 28, 2021.

Colombia: NO SE LLEVE SUS DERECHOS A LA TUMBA! – IndustriALL Colombia

COLOMBIA: Compartimos con todos los trabajadores y trabajadoras del país esta guía donde se informa el derecho que tenemos a decir que NO trabajamos de manera insegura, primero esta nuestra salud y la de nuestras familias!


Colombian unions tackle status of construction work

(INTERGREMIAL) held its first online meeting to share and discuss perspectives on the current status of construction work amid the COVID-19 pandemic. #BWI2020IWMD #iwmd20

Full story here.


Colombian unions tackle status of construction work

As part of BWI’s week-long campaign to mark the International Workers’ Memorial Day (IWMD) on 28 April, the Coordination Board of the Intergremial of Workers of the Construction and Wood Industry of Colombia (INTERGREMIAL)  held its first online meeting to share and discuss perspectives on the current status of construction work amid the COVID-19 pandemic.

The meeting was attended by Nilton Freitas, BWI Regional Representative for Latin America and the Caribbean, FNV-Netherlands Consultant for Latin America, Patricio Sambonino, BWI Regional Education Officer, Nicolas Menassé, José López Posada, INTERGREMIAL General Coordinator, Manuel Fernández of SUTIMAC and other trade union leaders from the INTERGREMIAL.

López Posada said that trade unions affiliated to INTERGREMIAL are their doing their best to negotiate with companies to ensure the income and work of their members. He said that there are currently 1,901 closed construction projects in the country, which have affected 500,000 formal construction workers. This was confirmed by the Colombian Construction Chamber (CAMACOL).

Fernández, meanwhile, pointed out that the main cement companies are complying with presidential decrees. He said that unions have managed to negotiate the granting of early vacations and telework options to its members. However, he said that  subcontracted workers and those who belong to the informal sector have no secured income and other means of livelihood to survive the  lockdown.

BWI news report.

Latin America: Miners deserve better

To mark International Workers’ Memorial Day on 28 April, mining unions in several countries in Latin America, representing over 130,000 mineworkers, are taking coordinated action to demand the ratification and full application of ILO Convention 176. more

28 de abril de 2015 – Actividades en Colombia y Venezuela

Nuestros afiliados de Colombia y de Venezuela reportan las actividades siguientes:

  • FECOTECMAC: Los miembros de la Asociación de Técnicos Constructores del Cesar (Valledupar) realizarán una sesión conmemorativa por los fallecidos y lesionados en accidente de trabajo y darán una charla en su sede sobre salud y seguridad en el la construcción.
  • SUTIMAC: Realizarán una charla sobre salud, seguridad e higiene en la industria del cemento en la Planta de Producción de Cementos Argos en Yumbo (Cali); una charla en la Planta de ETERNIT en Cali y una Reunión de Comité Ejecutivo el día martes 28 de abril, donde uno de sus puntos es evaluar los temas de seguridad e higiene ocupacional en la negociación colectiva que dará inicio a mediados de año con la empresa Cementos Argos.
  • Curso de Formación Sindical Nivel I. Los participantes del Curso de Formación Sindical Nivel I que está desarrollándose en la ciudad de Medellín, junto a SINDICONS, organización de la Intergremial de trabajadores de la construcción y la Madera de Colombia, plataforma de trabajo de unidad de acción de la ICM en el país harán un alto en sus labores de aprendizaje y formación como promotores sindicales para recordar a los trabajadores fallecidos y lesionados en accidentes de trabajo. El curso que es facilitado por la Escuela nacional Sindical de Medellín es el primero de tres y entre sus materias y asu8gnaciones tiene todo un módulo de formación sobre Salud y Seguridad en el Trabajo en el sector de construcción acorde con la legislación colombiana más reciente.
  • SINDICONS: El Sindicato Nacional de Trabajadores de la Construcción y Similares de Colombia realizará una charla en sus instalaciones de la Girardotta en la Planta de CONCONCRETO en Medellín ante unos 60 trabajadores.
  • ACTEG: Participó del 3° Congreso de Seguridad y Salud en el Trabajo, organizado por el Departamento de Salud Ocupacional del Servicio Nacional de Aprendizaje (SENA) realizado durante los días 24, 25 y 26 de abril de 2015 en la ciudad de Bogotá.
  • SUNTIMAVEN de Venezuela: Los compañeros harán paros de minutos y darán charlas en las empresas donde tienen negociación colectiva de la capital en Caracas, Aserraderos Chaguaramas, Fábrica de Escobas Palma Real CA, Aserradero Caucagua CA, Muebles Bima. Ellos esperan que las seccionales del resto del país también se activen como Propulso, MASISA y los trabajadores de las plantaciones forestales del Estado Bolívar en la Amazonía venezolana.
  • FETRAMECOL de Colombia: Realizarán una charla en la sede principal de la ciudad de Bogotá con asistencia de sus sindicatos en Bogotá, hablaran sobre técnicas de primeros auxilios y asistencia en caso de accidentes. Finalizarán con la ceremonia de vela y el minuto de silencio en conmemoración y respeto por los fallecidos en accidentes de trabajo.


28 de abril de 2015 – Actividades en Colombia y Venezuela

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BWI affiliates in Colombia and Venezuela reported the following activities:

FECOTECMAC: Members of the Technical Association of Builders of Cesar (Valledupar) held a commemorative session for the dead and injured in accidents at work and give a talk based on health and safety in construction.

SUTIMAC: hold a talk on health, safety and hygiene in the cement industry in the production plant in Yumbo Cementos Argos (Cali); a talk at Eternit plant in Cali and Executive Committee Meeting on Tuesday, April 28, where one of his points was to assess the topics of occupational safety and health in collective bargaining that will begin this summer with the company Cementos Argos.

Union Training Course Level I Participants Trade Union Training Course Level I that is being developed in the city of Medellin, with SINDICONS, Intergremial organization of construction workers and Wood Colombia, working platform unit ICM action in the country will make a stop on their work as union learning and training developers to remember those killed and injured workers in accidents. The course is facilitated by the National Union School of Medellin is the first of three between their subjects and asu8gnaciones has an entire training module on Health and Safety at Work in the construction sector in line with the latest Colombian law.

SINDICONS: The National Union of Construction Workers and Allied Workers of Colombia held a talk at its facilities in the plant Girardotta CONCONCRETO in Medellin to about 60 workers.

ACTEG: Participated in the 3rd Congress on Safety and Health at Work organized by the Department of Occupational Health’s National Learning Service (SENA) conducted on days 24, 25 and April 26, 2015 in Bogota.

SUNTIMAVEN of Venezuela: Co minutes downtime will give lectures in companies which have collective bargaining in the capital Caracas, sawmills Chaguaramas, broom factory Palma Real CA, Sawmill Caucagua CA, Furniture Bima. They hope that the branches of the rest of the country also triggered as propelled, MASISA and workers of forest plantations in the Venezuelan state of Bolivar Amazon.

FETRAMECOL of Colombia: hold a lecture at the headquarters of the city of Bogota with the assistance of their unions in Bogota, they talk about first aid techniques and assistance in case of accidents. They end with the candle ceremony and moment of silence in remembrance and respect for those killed in accidents.