Tag Archives: Venezuela

Venezuela: Suntimaven conmemora el 28 de abril como fecha de lucha

From Suntimaven we commemorate April 28 as a Day of Struggle, where we promote the proper use of personal protective equipment and avoid workplace accidents.

Venezuela: Wood and cemetery workers organise to mark 28 April

SUNTIMAVEN will hold an  awareness meeting  with the Company Placa Centro Sur Madera, Caracas Cemetery.  A meeting to raise awareness of worker safety will also be held with workers at a wood warehouse.


Venezuela: Global alliance for health and safety at work – FENATCS

FENATCS logra la firma de 2 declaraciones con las empresas Constructora CONACA, C.A. y PRIMOCA, CA. en Maracaibo y Zulia.
Juntos reconocemos la Salud y Seguridad como un derecho fundamental. ¡Adelante!
FENATCS achieves signature of 2 declarations with companies Constructora CONACA, CA and PRIMOCA, CA. in Maracaibo and Zulia.
Together we recognize Health and Safety as a fundamental right. Let’s go!


Venezuela: Declaración sobre Salud y Seguridad en al Trabajo

SUNTIMAVEN logra firmar una Declaraciones con la empresa La Palma Real C.A. en Venezuela. Más

Venezuela: Venezuela se une a la campaña de la ICM: “¡Proteja a los Trabajadores! Alto al COVID-19” – SUNTIMAVEN

SUNTIMAVEN, Venezuela se une a la campaña de la ICM: “¡Proteja a los Trabajadores! Alto al COVID-19”


28 de abril de 2015 – Actividades en Colombia y Venezuela

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BWI affiliates in Colombia and Venezuela reported the following activities:

FECOTECMAC: Members of the Technical Association of Builders of Cesar (Valledupar) held a commemorative session for the dead and injured in accidents at work and give a talk based on health and safety in construction.

SUTIMAC: hold a talk on health, safety and hygiene in the cement industry in the production plant in Yumbo Cementos Argos (Cali); a talk at Eternit plant in Cali and Executive Committee Meeting on Tuesday, April 28, where one of his points was to assess the topics of occupational safety and health in collective bargaining that will begin this summer with the company Cementos Argos.

Union Training Course Level I Participants Trade Union Training Course Level I that is being developed in the city of Medellin, with SINDICONS, Intergremial organization of construction workers and Wood Colombia, working platform unit ICM action in the country will make a stop on their work as union learning and training developers to remember those killed and injured workers in accidents. The course is facilitated by the National Union School of Medellin is the first of three between their subjects and asu8gnaciones has an entire training module on Health and Safety at Work in the construction sector in line with the latest Colombian law.

SINDICONS: The National Union of Construction Workers and Allied Workers of Colombia held a talk at its facilities in the plant Girardotta CONCONCRETO in Medellin to about 60 workers.

ACTEG: Participated in the 3rd Congress on Safety and Health at Work organized by the Department of Occupational Health’s National Learning Service (SENA) conducted on days 24, 25 and April 26, 2015 in Bogota.

SUNTIMAVEN of Venezuela: Co minutes downtime will give lectures in companies which have collective bargaining in the capital Caracas, sawmills Chaguaramas, broom factory Palma Real CA, Sawmill Caucagua CA, Furniture Bima. They hope that the branches of the rest of the country also triggered as propelled, MASISA and workers of forest plantations in the Venezuelan state of Bolivar Amazon.

FETRAMECOL of Colombia: hold a lecture at the headquarters of the city of Bogota with the assistance of their unions in Bogota, they talk about first aid techniques and assistance in case of accidents. They end with the candle ceremony and moment of silence in remembrance and respect for those killed in accidents.

Venezuela: 28 de abril CTV

Saludos compañera y amiga te remito las actividades que efectuara nuestra Confederación con motivo del día mundial de la seguridad y salud en el trabajo no sin antes  pedirte excusa por lo tardío de la información.

No reuniremos en Caracas no solo como CTV, si no en la unidad de acción sindical con los sindicatos que afilian el sector salud de allí emprenderemos una agenda de acciones y de resoluciones en conjunto.

Realizaremos por la redes sociales una campaña de concienciación en base la fecha su importancia, nuestras propuesta, y la campaña de a CSI.

Nuestro secretario de organizacion participara como orador de orden en el concejo municipal de Palavecinos en el Estado Lara, con motivo del primero de mayo y del dia mundial de la SST.