Category Archives: 2023 Europe

Ukraine: PROFBUD will mark 28 April with action meetings

BWI affiliate PROFBUD is planning an International Workers’ Memorial Day action meeting with trade union members and employers associations.


Croatia: National union SGH plans a safety conference and several meetings for 28 April

BWI affiliate SGH will be holding a safety conference to mark 28 April.  It is also is planning a series meetings with trade union members.

Georgia: Union organised conferences and meetings will mark 28 April

There are multiple 28 April activities planned by union affiliates to BWI in Georgia . LS will hold a conference  that will launch an occupational health and safety campaign and call for solidarity support. GBFWU is planning safety action meetings with union members.

Ireland: Workers’ Memorial Day 2023

Congress, along with the Government, the Health and Safety Authority (HSA), Ibec, the CIF and NISO will collectively mark Workers’ Memorial Day Ireland on 28 April at the national and annual commemorative event to remember people who died, were injured, made ill and bereaved through work-related incidents.

Congress Assistant General Secretary Owen Reidy will be joined by Mark Cullen, interim CEO of the Health and Safety Authority, and Minister Neale Richmond TD who will lay a wreath on behalf of the State to remember those workers we have lost.

In Ireland in the ten-year period between 2013 and 2022, 461 people died in work-related incidents and many thousands more were severely injured or made ill. In 2022 alone, 27 people died in work-related incidents.

These are unacceptable figures which can be reduced through a combined and intensified effort by all concerned. By working together and promoting the practice of safety and health in workplaces throughout Ireland we will achieve a significant drop.

What can you and your organisation do to support this initiative?

There are a wide range of initiatives that your organisation can consider including:

  • Get involved in raising awareness by using the official Workers’ Memorial Day Ireland logo on your website, social media activity, presentations, email signatures, displays and in offices and workplaces. The logo is available at
  • Publish relevant website/newsletter content highlighting the importance of a positive and proactive approach to work-related safety and health
  • Host your own ceremonial event or minutes silence to mark the occasion
  • Publish appropriate social media content. For example, take a photo of your activity or event and share it on social media. Please use the hashtag #WorkersMemorialDay and #IWMD23 on any posts and tag relevant organisations, including @NISOIreland @TheHSA on Twitter
  • Add an overlay to your workplace or personal Twitter or Facebook account at:
  • Take this opportunity to host an in-house training sessions or a toolbox talk
  • Consider a guest speaker presentation to staff from an appropriate source, e,g. a Safety Representative
  • Issue a press release to your local/national media marking your event or the day itself

Workers’ Memorial Day Ireland 2023

Scotland: Large listing of Scottish 28 April events

Scottish Hazards has published a large listing of 28 April events.

Scotland: 28 April gathering in Edinburgh organised by Scottish Hazards and Edinburgh TUC

Edinburgh Trade Union Council and Scottish Hazards have organised a gathering to remember those who have died at work and to refresh the resolve to fight for safe and healthy working conditions in Scotland and throughout the world.

The organisations have issued a broad invite to come and speak for your family, your union or your organisation. The theme is organising for safe and healthy work and will feature speakers from trade union and bereaved families.

The event will take place at the Workers’ Memorial Day Tree at Princes Street Gardens – nearest entrance is the west side of the mound going down the lowest path.

28 April 2023, 12.30-1.30pm

Poland: Światowy Dzień Bezpieczeństwa i Ochrony Zdrowia w Pracy 2023

Tematem tegorocznych obchodów Światowego Dnia Bezpieczeństwa i Ochrony Zdrowia w Pracy (28 kwietnia 2023 r.) jest:

Bezpieczna praca podstawowym prawem każdego pracownika

(A safe and healthy working environment is a fundamental principle and right at work)

27 kwietnia odbędzie się uroczysta sesja Rady Ochrony Pracy przy Sejmie RP poświęcona tematyce obchodów.

28 kwietnia br. Centralny Instytut Ochrony Pracy – Państwowy Instytut Badawczy organizuje wideokonferencję pt. „Jak pracować bezpiecznie – niezbędnik młodego pracownika”, dedykowaną studentom, uczniom oraz młodym pracownikom. Tematem konferencji będzie bezpieczeństwo pracy osób młodych oraz funkcjonowanie systemu ochrony pracy na poziomie firm i organizacji.

Do obchodów Dnia w Polsce włączają się różne przedsiębiorstwa i organizacje, Ogólnopolskie Stowarzyszenie Związków Zawodowych organizuje Tydzień Bezpieczeństwa Pracy z wystawą plakatów bhp (24-28 kwietnia, Warszawa), Oddział Zakładu Ubezpieczeń Społecznych w Rzeszowie wspólnie z Wojewódzką Stacją Sanitarno-Epidemiologiczną w Rzeszowie planują zorganizowanie konferencji tematycznej (21 kwietnia, Rzeszów), a wiele firm organizuje dla swoich pracowników spotkania promujące bezpieczeństwo i zdrowie w pracy.

Więcej informacji o obchodach Dnia na stronie

Materiały związane z obchodami będą się tam sukcesywnie pojawiać.

Wales: Cardiff – Workers’ Memorial Day / Caerdydd – Diwrnod Cofiant y Gweithwyr

Wales TUC has issued an invitation to attend their National Workers’ Memorial Day event. There will refreshments followed by a short ceremony to lay wreaths at the National Workers’ Memorial Stone (pictured above). The meeting will be attended  by dignitaries including trade union leaders.

Friday, 28 April 2023 10:00-11:00 AM BST
Unite House
1 Cathedral Road
Cardiff, Wales,
CF11 9SD

TUC listing of UK events

28 April: España Campaña USO 28 de abril “La incapacidad es temporal; tus derechos, no”

Te adjunto la campaña que hemos elaborado desde USO, con motivo del Día Internacional de la Seguridad y la Salud en el Trabajo, que este año lleva como lema “La incapacidad es temporal; tus derechos,no”.

La campaña consta de cartel, manifiesto y díptico en formato preguntas frecuentes.

Esta campaña surge a partir de las novedades en IT y también como respuesta al resurgir de los informes sobre absentismo y el cuestionamiento del derecho al tiempo de recuperación tras un accidente o enfermedad.

Recibe un cordial saludo.

Belgium: MPLP organises colloquium on the links between health and work

Housekeepers with damaged wrists, burnt out nurses, drivers who suffer from major back problems: Working conditions undeniably have a significant impact on our health.

April 28, 2023 is the International Day for Safety and Health at Work. With Medicine for the People, we want to take the time of a day to explore different aspects of the link between work and health. We propose an original formula, which links theory and practical experience, with researchers, doctors, trade unionists, activists and anyone interested or having something interesting to say on the subject. In this way, we want to raise awareness of this important day of action and campaigning.

We are pleased to announce that an international expert, Joan Benach, from the University of Barcelona, has already agreed to participate in our event. He will give an introduction and will also participate in establishing the conclusions of the day. Dr. Benach led the research group that, exactly 15 years ago, produced a major World Health Organization report on the importance of healthy working conditions as a social determinant of health.

During this day, we will bring together researchers, doctors and trade unionists to reflect on different aspects of work and health: stress and burn-out, musculoskeletal disorders, toxic substances, precarious working conditions, etc. We will talk about problems but also about examples of struggles. And finally, we will define the challenges to be met.

The event will be held in Brussels, in Dutch and French. Simultaneous translation will be provided and accreditation for doctors is requested.

See you on Saturday 28 April 2023 in Brussels, room of the House of International Associations from 9.30 am to 5 pm. Doors open at 9am.

For more information, visit our website.