Tag Archives: PROFBUD

Ukraine: The construction workers’ union of Ukraine will mark 28 April with training and resources – PROFBUD

The construction workers’ union of Ukraine, PROFBUD, will mark International Workers’ Memorial Day in Ukraine with asbestos awareness training. PROFBUD has also announced BWI 28 April materials and booklets will be translated translated into Ukrainian.

PROFBUD webpages: http://www.profbud.org.ua/

Ukraine: PROFBUD will mark 28 April with action meetings

BWI affiliate PROFBUD is planning an International Workers’ Memorial Day action meeting with trade union members and employers associations.


Ukraine: Union and employers sign declaration on occupational health and safety

The BWI-affiliated Ukraine Construction and Building Materials Workers’ Union (PROFBUD) and the Ukrainian National Building Chamber (the employers’ and business association of Ukraine) on 15 April signed a joint declaration recognising the importance of safe and healthy workplaces.
The declaration is part of BWI’s “health and safety is our right” campaign leading to the International Workers’ Memorial Day on 28 April. It commits the declaration signatories to policies and practices that promote occupational health and safety. It also supports the call to the International Labour Organisation (ILO) to recognise workplace health and safety as a fundamental right. #SaveLivesAtWork #IWMD21


Ukraine: Unions demand employers protect workers from Covid 19 [Video]

Video message from Ukraine, Lesia Gusak, PROFBUD, ERWC member PROTECT WORKERS! STOP COVID-19!

“On the eve of International Workers Memorial Day, I would like to remind everyone that today more then ever our health is in our hands! Here, in Ukraine, at the CRH factory, we work without OSH accidents already for 3509 days. COVID-19 requires us to comply with additional safety measures, and we should do so, and demand from employers necessary PPE! Stay healthy!”
