CTSP (Mauritius) held a virtual activity on Saturday 24 April. The activity had a series of other connected activities, ie. local and national level:
- Posters
- Explanation on the posters in different languages
- Pictures by our staff and the leadership
- Letter addressed to the Minister of Labour and Industrial Relations demanding :
(a) That a Covid-19 OSH Regulations be promulgated
(b) That Covid-19 be recognised as an Occupational Disease
(c) And a series of measures that employers and government should take immediately
- Virtual meeting with our union delegates through ZOOM and broadcasted live on FACEBOOK where workers had an opportunity to ask questions to our 3 experts on OSH, namely (1) The President of the CTSP – Brother Reeaz Chuttoo (2) Ms Farheen Domun – our OSH Consultant (3) Dr Ackmez Chuttoo – Occupational Physician
- Letter of invitation to the Press
- The above mentioned virtual meeting was followed by the Press, TV and Radio included.
- A pamphlet in our local language on OSH as per model from BWI (where one of our unions, the CMWEU, is affiliated)
Jane Ragoo
General Secretary – CTSP (Mauritius) Confédération des Travailleurs des Secteurs Publique et Privé
5 Nalla Street (Ex 6-10), Elias Street – Rose Hill, Republic of Mauritius