Tag Archives: Mauritius

Mauritius: Over 1,000 rally to mark 28 April protesting dire working conditions

Over 1,000 workers, including hundreds of migrant workers, rallied in Rosehill, Mauritius on 27 April 2024 to draw public attention on the dire working conditions many workers face daily in the country. Members of the CMWEU and the CTSP closed ranks to remember all the workers who have fallen to work-related accidents and advocate for safer and healthier workplaces nationwide.

Mauritius: Unions on the streets denouncing labour and human rights violations on 28 April – CTSP

The CTSP and affiliates were on the streets of Mauritius today, hundreds of migrant workers, women and youth participated in the demonstration to mark the world safety day and to denounce all violations of labour and human rights. A new page of history was written today.

Mauritius: CMWEU campaigning and training actions for 28 April

On International Workers ‘Memorial Day the union and BWI affiliate Construction Workers’ Union of Mauritius (CMWEU) is planning training and campaigning activities with the national centre including pamphlet distribution.

Mauritius: Union campaign action ahead of 28 April [VIDEO]

CTSP (Mauritius) held a virtual activity on Saturday 24 April. The activity had a series of other connected activities, ie. local and national level.  Read more

Mauritius: Union campaign action ahead of 28 April

CTSP (Mauritius) held a virtual activity on Saturday 24 April. The activity had a series of other connected activities, ie. local and national level:

  1. Posters
  2. Explanation on the posters in different languages
  3. Pictures by our staff and the leadership
  4. Letter addressed to the Minister of Labour and Industrial Relations demanding :
    (a) That a Covid-19 OSH Regulations be promulgated
    (b) That Covid-19 be recognised as an Occupational Disease
    (c)  And a series of measures that employers and government should take immediately
  5. Virtual meeting with our union delegates  through ZOOM and broadcasted live on FACEBOOK  where workers had an opportunity  to ask questions to our 3 experts on OSH, namely  (1)  The President of the CTSP – Brother Reeaz Chuttoo  (2) Ms Farheen   Domun – our OSH Consultant (3) Dr Ackmez Chuttoo – Occupational Physician
  6. Letter of invitation to the Press
  7. The above mentioned virtual meeting was followed by the Press, TV and Radio included.
  8. A pamphlet in our local language on OSH as per model from BWI (where one of our unions, the CMWEU,  is affiliated)

Jane Ragoo

General Secretary – CTSP (Mauritius) Confédération des Travailleurs des Secteurs Publique et Privé

5 Nalla Street (Ex 6-10), Elias Street – Rose Hill, Republic of Mauritius


Mauritius: On 28 April CMWEU calls on LafargeHolcim to stop its exploitative outsourcing scheme

CMWEU from Mauritius calls on LafargeHolcim to stop its exploitative outsourcing scheme coinciding with Workers’ Memorial Day. #BWI2020IWMD #iwmd20

Mauritius: Government urged to take measures to protect workers from Covid 19 risk | SEF/GSEA

The General President of the Mauritius government employees’ union SEF/GSEA, Radhakrisna Sadien, has written an open letter to the Mauritius Prime Minister urging the government to take appropriate measures to protect workers and their families with a view to prevent its propagation in the Republic of Mauritius.

Read the letter18 April update on Covid 19 in Mauritius 

Mauritius: CMWEU calls for risk assessments to be required by law


For IWMD on 25 April, CMWEU, an affiliate of BWI in Mauritius conducted a campaign at the House of Parliament. The union called for the Risk Assessment Report to be mandatory in the law.

Image may contain: one or more people, tree, sky and outdoor
Image may contain: one or more people, tree, sky and outdoor

Mauritius: CMWEU will hold meetings and conduct week long campaigning activities for 28 April

CMWEU, a Mauritius affiliate of the global union federation Building and Wood Workers’ International (BWI), will hold a series of actions between 23 and 30 April to mark International Workers’ Memorial Day. These activities are intended to awareness of the importance of work related medical check ups, occupational disease prevention and legal protections for workers. CMWEU will also spread the message that ‘Unions make safe work’.

Mauritius: Reflection and ceremony to mark 28 April

To mark 28 April the Mauritius Trade Union Congress (MTUC) is holding a one day reflection on ‘Awareness of occupational safety and health issues in the workplace and the contribution of trade unions in the prevention of accidents and ill health at work’ at the Emmanuel Anquetil Labour Centre, MTUC Office, GRNW, Port Louis, Mauritius on Monday 27th April 2015. Delegates from affiliates of MTUC and from other Confederations including that of Council of Trade Unions (CDS) will participate. Opening ceremony at 9.30 a.m will be attended by the Minister of Labour Industrial relations and Employment.