Tag Archives: AI

Global: Theme for International Workers’ Memorial Day/Day of Mourning, 28 April 2025

Dear colleagues,

In 2025, ITUC is proposing continuing the 28 April theme of Occupational health and safety: A fundamental right at work. This year, there will be an explicit additional focus on the impact of artificial intelligence (AI) and digitisation on occupational health and safety.

Although Artificial Intelligence (AI) could be used to mitigate monotonous work, AI at work is increasing work intensification, monitoring and surveillance, generating negative impacts on mental and physical wellbeing, as workers experience the extreme pressure of constant, real-time micromanagement and automated assessment. In the coming months, ITUC will provide related resources and social media assets. Meanwhile, to give you some overall ideas, we are attaching a short article produced by our expert Rory O’Neill.

The International Labour Organisation (ILO) will also be highlighting workplace health and safety risks associated with AI (see ILO announcement in English; Spanish, French). https://www.ilo.org/meetings-and-events/growth-artificial-intelligence-and-digitalisation-leap-right-direction

Many organisations will, of course, have their own priority subjects. The critical issue is that unions mobilise to ensure 28 April remains the biggest and most effective OHS activity anywhere.

Please ensure you inform ITUC of your planned activities and any related resources and send details of your events as they occur. We will post resources and updates on our dedicated 28 April webpage, www.28april.org. You can send details of your activities to rory.oneill@ituc-csi.org

Best wishes,
Luc Triangle
General Secretary

28 April: Revolutionizing health and safety: the role of AI and digitalization at work | International Labour Organization

Every year, the ILO commemorates the World Day for Safety and Health at Work on the 28 April

Content also available in: español français

The 2025 World Day for Safety and Health at Work will focus on the impacts of digitalization and artificial intelligence (AI) on workers’ safety and health.

This theme will examine various new technologies through an occupational safety and health lens, including:

  • Advanced robots
  • Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning
  • Exoskeletons
  • Unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs)
  • Internet of Things (IoT)
  • Virtual and Augmented Reality

The campaign will also shed light on new work practices, such as automation of tasksbig data analysissmart digital systems and workers management through AI.

New technologies have also given rise to new types of work, such as digital platform work and remote work/hybrid work/telework, which will be further examined.

The ILO will produce a report and other promotional materials examining these critical issues, looking at how the digital transformation of work may support safe and healthy working environments and what governments, employers and workers and other stakeholders are already doing to respond to these emerging challenges.


Global: Observatory on AI and Work in the Digital Economy

ILO Observatory portal

ILO says: “The ILO Observatory on Artificial Intelligence and Work in the Digital Economy is the leading international knowledge hub on the world-of-work dimensions of AI and the digital economy. It aims to support governments and social partners in understanding and managing the digital transformation of work.”


Global: Observatoire sur l’IA et le travail dans l’économie numérique

ILO Observatory portal

l’OIT a dit : « L’Observatoire de l’OIT sur l’intelligence artificielle (IA) et le travail dans l’économie numérique est une plateforme de connaissances sur les dimensions du travail liées à l’IA et de l’économie numérique. Son objectif est d’aider les gouvernements et les partenaires sociaux à comprendre et à gérer la transformation numérique du travail. »


Global: Observatorio de la IA y el Trabajo en la Economía Digital

ILO Observatory portal

La OIT dice: “El Observatorio de la OIT sobre Inteligencia Artificial y Trabajo en la Economía Digital es el principal centro internacional de conocimientos sobre las dimensiones del mundo del trabajo de la IA y la economía digital. Su objetivo es apoyar a los gobiernos y a los interlocutores sociales en la comprensión y la gestión de la transformación digital del trabajo”.


Global/Europe: Décrypter les enjeux de la révolution de l’IA | etui

Dans le monde du travail, les avancées de ces dernières années en matière d’intelligence artificielle (IA) ont suscité les craintes habituelles d’obsolescence qui vont de pair avec les promesses de libération. Mais au-delà de l’impact sur l’emploi, quelles seront les conséquences sur notre façon de travailler et sur nos conditions de travail ? 

Pour certains, l’industrie de l’IA façonne déjà le travail d’une manière encore souvent méconnue.

Décrypter les enjeux de la révolution de l’IA
HesaMag #29 – 2e semestre 2024

Global/Europe: Navigating the AI revolution | etui

In the world of work, recent advances in artificial intelligence (AI) have brought with them the usual fears of obsolescence paired with promises of liberation. But beyond the impact on employment, what will the consequences be for how we work and the conditions we work under? 

For some, the growth of the AI industry is already shaping work in often under-reported ways.

Navigating the AI revolution HesaMag #29 – Winter 2024