Tag Archives: AI

Global: Theme for International Workers’ Memorial Day/Day of Mourning, 28 April 2025

Dear colleagues,

In 2025, ITUC is proposing continuing the 28 April theme of Occupational health and safety: A fundamental right at work. This year, there will be an explicit additional focus on the impact of artificial intelligence (AI) and digitisation on occupational health and safety.

Although Artificial Intelligence (AI) could be used to mitigate monotonous work, AI at work is increasing work intensification, monitoring and surveillance, generating negative impacts on mental and physical wellbeing, as workers experience the extreme pressure of constant, real-time micromanagement and automated assessment. In the coming months, ITUC will provide related resources and social media assets. Meanwhile, to give you some overall ideas, we are attaching a short article produced by our expert Rory O’Neill.

The International Labour Organisation (ILO) will also be highlighting workplace health and safety risks associated with AI (see ILO announcement in English; Spanish, French). https://www.ilo.org/meetings-and-events/growth-artificial-intelligence-and-digitalisation-leap-right-direction

Many organisations will, of course, have their own priority subjects. The critical issue is that unions mobilise to ensure 28 April remains the biggest and most effective OHS activity anywhere.

Please ensure you inform ITUC of your planned activities and any related resources and send details of your events as they occur. We will post resources and updates on our dedicated 28 April webpage, www.28april.org. You can send details of your activities to rory.oneill@ituc-csi.org

Best wishes,
Luc Triangle
General Secretary