UBCCEAWU, an affiliate of the global construction union federation Building and Wood Workers’ International (BWI), is holding an event at the Lafarge-Holcim Hilma cement plant on 26 April to mark International Workers’ Memorial Day. The aim is to raise safety awareness and the dangers of neglecting occupational safety and health.
Building and Woodworkers’ International (BWI) affiliates SINTICIM and SINTAF are conducting a workplace health and safety campaign to raise awareness of accidents targeting unions leaders, OHS committee members, government and the public. The campaign will pay particular attention to member recruitment.
To mark International Workers’ Memorial Day BWI affiliate NUBEGW will run an occupational health and safety awareness campaign aimed at unions, leaders, OHS committee members and workers.
Building and Wood Workers’ International (BWI) affiliate in Namibia MANWU will conduct a workplace campaign to mark 28 April.
The campaign is three pronged: 1. To strengthen occupational safety and health programmes between MANWU and all stakeholders, 2. To insist the Ministry of Labour develops National Employee Wellness Policy, and 3. To campaign for the Ministry of Labour to finalise occupational health and safety policy.
MANWU will develop campaign materials to emphasise the importance of Employee Wellness Policy and the finalisation of the OHS Policy.
CMWEU, a Mauritius affiliate of the global union federation Building and Wood Workers’ International (BWI), will hold a series of actions between 23 and 30 April to mark International Workers’ Memorial Day. These activities are intended to awareness of the importance of work related medical check ups, occupational disease prevention and legal protections for workers. CMWEU will also spread the message that ‘Unions make safe work’.
In the Philippines global construction union federation Building and Wood Worker’s International (BWI) affiliate NUBCW will hold a one-day forum for new members (construction workers) covering safety standards and OHS rights at work.
Another BWI affiliate BWFM will organise an action involving 300 construction worker members in the Thainlyin township (this is in Yangon, and much of the construction activity there is within a special economic zone) to demand meaningful OHS legal reforms.
To mark International Workers’ Memorial Day, Hong Kong Building and Wood Workers’ International (BWI) affiliate CSGWU will hold a public memorial event near the Central Government’s building, with one of their key demands to be for the Government to recognise karoshi (death by overwork) fatalities as workplace accidents.
All of the global federation Building and Wood Workers International BWI Peninsula-Malaysia affiliates will collaborate in a press conference/protest that will be held at a Kuala Lumpur construction site demanding justice for Nepali migrant workers who have died in Malaysia. BWI will publish a report on 28 April documenting eight fatalities and a further 20 injuries where no compensation has been paid whatsoever.
In Sabah Malaysia BWI affiliate STIEU is planning further activities to be announced shortly.