Tag Archives: Panama
Panama: Safety officers manual launch webinar on 28 April
BWI affiliate LAC is conducting webinar to launch the publication of a new Manual for Occupational Health and Safety Officers.
The union will also raise awareness about safety and health as an ILO fundamental right and prepare trade unionists to promote occuaptioanlsafety and health in the worplace.
Panama: SUNTRACS conducts month long meetings in run up to 28 April
Panama: SUNTRACS completed its 1-month campaign on Health and Safety at Work (SST), on April 28, 2022. After a month of meetings with workers and inspections to construction projects, the union organized a Closing Act in the Ramal Station Project, Metro del Tocumen Airport.
Panama: El trabajo no deberia mater! – SUNTRACS
Argentina/Brazil/Panama: Video messages from OHS leaders on 28 April
Global building unions’ federation BWI has announced the 28 April plans of affiliates in three South American countries: Panama, Argentina and Brazil.
SUNTRACS, UOCRA and SINTICOM Campinas will be producing promotional videos from unions leaders of work safety with Workers’ Memorial Day messages.
Panama: ¡La salud y seguridad us nuestro derecho! – SUNTRACS
After 1 month of meetings with workers on construction projects, campaign materials creation, dissemination in local media and continuing training on health and safety at work (SST), SUNTRACS (Panama) finishes today its campaign 2021 with an official closing act attended: SUNTRACS leaders, workers, Nilton Freitas, ICM Regional Representative for ALC and Jorge Lara, Speaker of Panamanian Construction Chamber (CAPAC)
Después de 1 mes de reuniones con trabajadores en proyectos de construcción, creación de materiales de campaña, difusión en medio locales de comunicación y constante capacitación sobre la Salud y Seguridad en el Trabajo (SST), el SUNTRACS (Panamá) finaliza hoy su campaña 2021 con un acto de clausura oficial al que asistieron: dirigentes del SUNTRACS, trabajadores, Nilton Freitas, Representante Regional de la ICM para ALC y Jorge Lara, Presidente de Cámara Panameña de la Construcción (CAPAC)
Panama: SUNTRACS joins Campaign for Global Alliance for Health and Safety at Work
El SUNTRACS de Panamá se une a la Campaña por la Alianza…
Posted by BWI Global Union on Friday, 16 April 2021
Panama: April 28 commemoration at the projects and in streets
BWI affiliate the Union of Construction Workers (SUNTRACS) of Panama carried out a series of occupational health and safety activities throughout the month of April culminating in today’s official activity to commemorate the International Workers’ Memorial Day and highlight the importance of safe workplaces.
The event, which drew eight hundred workers was held at the Pacific Center construction project, in the banking area of Panama City. Representatives from the Ministry of Labor and Labor Development, Ministry of Health, Panamanian Chamber of Construction, Social Security Fund, Construction Company Diaz – Guardia and Nilton Freitas, BWI Regional Representative for Latin America and the Caribbean attended to the activity.
Throughout April, SUNTRACS organized meetings with workers at the workplace, distributed health and safety materials in the streets and ended their 2019 health and safety campaign with this event and a big mobilization through the streets of the banking zone of Panama City.
“We are holding events on safety and health at construction projects and in the streets. These are the places where workers are. We left the offices to train workers directly at their workplace on health and safety because workers themselves, are the first security ring at every construction project,” Gregorio Guerrel, Secretary of Occupational Health of SUNTRACS.
SUNTRACS reminded everyone about the death of 350 construction workers in the past 20 years due to work-related accidents and reminded everyone of the shared responsibility in occupational risk and accident prevention.
Panama: SUNTRACS inicia campaña 28 de Abril
Con varias iniciativas y actividades, el Sindicato Único Nacional de Trabajadores de la Construcción y Similares de Panamá (SUNTRACS) conmemorará el día de los trabajadores fallecidos, lesionados y aquejados de enfermedades profesionales en los distintos proyectos de construcción a nivel nacional. Más