Category Archives: 2020

UK: Together we will remember them – The Labour Party

28 April  marks International Workers’ Memorial Day.
Please join us in honouring the memory of those brave workers we have lost to coronavirus by observing a minute’s silence at 11am.

Together, we will remember them.


Indonesia: Federasi Serbuk 28 April activities


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#internationalworkersmemorialday 28 April adalah ‘prasasti’ untuk memberi hormat bagi para buruh yang mati di tempat kerja dan sakit akibat kerja, tentu akibat dari buruknya perlindungan bagi para pekerja, • Kita harus mengambil kesempatan ini sebagai kampanye pencegahan kecelakaan kerja dan kondisi kesehatan yang buruk di tempat kerja, • Serikat Buruh harus mengambil tanggungjawab ini, mengampanyekan keselamatan kerja dan menuntut perusahaan-perusahaan untuk mematuhi protokoler kesehatan yang semestinya diberikan kepada para pekerja, • Federasi SERBUK Indonesia sangat konsen pada isu keselamatan kerja, yang diwujudkan dalam Aliansi-aliansi K3, • Oleh karena itu jangan lewatkan pidato politik Ketua Umum SERBUK Indonesia, Subono. Dalam rangka peringatan International Workers Memorial Day (IWMD) 2020. • Pidato politik yang disambung dengan sesi wawancara bersama akan disiarkan melalui Facebook Persatuan Buruh dan Instagram @persatuanburuh • Sekian dan terimakasih, Salam K3! __________ #internationalworkersmemorialday #serikatburuh #buruhberserikat #buruhbersatu #serbukindonesia #perkuatperkawanan #perhebatperlawanan #persatuanburuh #pidatopolitik #workers #workersstruggle #workingclass #banggaberserikat #keselamatandankesehatankerja #hidupburuh

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BWI affiliate Federasi Serbuk has published its plans for 28 on its Instagram page

Canada: Cargill Covid-19 infections a 21st-Century Version of the Westray Explosion – USW Canada

Just a few weeks before the 28th anniversary of the Westray Mine explosion that killed 26 workers in the early hours of May 9, 1992, the United Steelworkers union (USW) says calls for a criminal investigation into the death and infection of workers at the Cargill meat processing plant in High River, Alta., are justified.

“The events leading up to the death of a worker who died at Cargill this month are eerily similar to those leading up to the explosion of the Westray mine 28 years ago,” said USW Western Canada Director Steve Hunt.

“An inspector, despite recommended social distancing and safety warnings in the COVID-19 pandemic, declared the workplace safe not long before one worker died and hundreds more tested positive. At the Westray Mine in 1992, inspectors declared the mine safe, despite clear violations of safety protocols and a buildup of methane-producing coal dust.”

Hunt said the Cargill situation is as predictable as the mine explosion, with workers working in close proximity and little or no protective gear.

At the Westray Coal Mine in Pictou County, N.S, in 1992 the USW was in the process of organizing workers, whose primary concern was the safety of the mine.

“Workers were signing union cards because they knew the company was negligent and they feared for their lives,” Hunt said.

Hunt testified at the subsequent inquiry undertaken by Justice Peter Richard, whose conclusion was that the disaster was the result “of incompetence, of mismanagement, of bureaucratic bungling, of deceit, of ruthlessness, of cover-up, of apathy, of expediency, and of cynical indifference.”

The Inquiry ultimately led to the 2003 unanimous passage in the House of Commons of amendments to the Criminal Code. Called the Westray Law, the amendments are intended to hold corporations and their directors and executives criminally accountable for workplace death and injury. The USW has campaigned for many years for better enforcement of the Westray Law.

“Too often employers plead guilty to negligence in workplace death or injury in exchange for a fine. Killing workers should never be just a cost of doing business.  Cargill is no exception. This must be given a full investigation and, if warranted, result in criminal charges.”

Hunt said in 2020, deadly infection caused by COVID-19 is as much of a workplace hazard as any so-called “accident” involving heavy equipment, poor safety protocols or control.

“We are now living in an era with added risk to workers,” he said. “The Westray Law must apply in this case, and be investigated through a criminal lens.”


For further information:

Stephen Hunt, 604-816-2554,

Global: Young workers want strong union power to shape their future amid the golbal health and economic crisis – BWI (IYC)

The BWI International Youth Committee (IYC) held its first online meeting on 15 April and released a statement on COVID19’s devastating economic effect on young workers. The Committee stresses the need for strong union power to ensure safe spaces for young workers to determine their future amid a global health and economic crisis.

Turkey: The YOL-IS union says ‘Protect workers! Stop Covid-19!’

Ramazan AGAR, President of YOL-IS, Turkey (Türkiye Yol-İş Sendikası) says that all of humanity, particularly workers, are in an important decisive moment in the battle against COVID-19. Protect Workers! Stop COVID-19!”

South East Europe: Trade union members campaigning for safer working conditions

Trade union members in South East Europe (Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, North Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia) continue to work and campaign for safe working conditions. PROTECT WORKERS! STOP COVID-19! #BWI2020IWMD

Gibraltar: Candlelighting ceremony to remember the dead and fight for the living – Unite

The 28th April is International Workers’ Memorial Day, the day each year when workers come together and remember those who have been killed and injured at work. The slogan for the day is “remember the dead – fight for the living”. (#IWMD20).

Pakistan: Unions demand immediate payment of wages and an end to sackings

IndustriALL affiliates NTUF and Federation Homebased women in #Pakistan are demanding immediate payment of outstanding wages and an end to sackings.

Belgium: Social partners in construction sector conclude agreement during pandemic

BWI Belgian affiliates welcomed an agreement reached with social partners in the construction sector last 15 April which makes the rules of social distancing in workplaces a priority.

Namibia: Covid 19 is not a tool to exploit workers – MANWU

MANWU BWI affiliate in Namibia celebrating the IWMD 2020 says: Covid 19 is not a tool to exploit workers!!