Tag Archives: namibia

Namibia: Co-ordinated construction site visits reveal concerns in the lead up to 28 April

In the lead up to 28  April, SINTAICAF, NUBEGW, MANWU visited a Chinese managed road construction site to inspect the workers’ working and living conditions. Concerns were raised with the employers’ representatives (Chinese & HR managers) and details of the BWI’s IWMD ‘Enough is enough’ campaign was shared with attending participants.

Read more: BWI affiliates declare war on workplace hazards, unite for a safer future

Namibia: MANWU will hold a mass commemoration to mark 28 April

No photo description available.Metal and Allied Namibian Workers Union – MANWU will hold a mass commemoration joining with its federation NUNWU to celebrate the lives of those who fought to secure workers’ rights and reflect on the legacy of the last president, Dr. Geingob.  Approximately 1,000 people are expected to attend , including 300 women.

Africa: BWI affiliates declare war on workplace hazards, unite for a safer future #iwmd24

BWI trade union affiliates across Mozambique, Namibia, and Zambia are forging a formidable front in the fight for safer workplaces, sounding the alarm against growing hazards and championing worker protection.

In a recent project evaluation and planning meeting attended by representatives from three unions, BWI, and SASK, crucial insights were gleaned on the progress and challenges of the 2023 initiative. Emphasising the urgent need for action, discussions centred on navigating potential obstacles looming over the SASK/BWI project in 2024. With an unwavering commitment to bolstering membership and safeguarding workers, affiliates like MANWU are seizing opportunities, such as the forthcoming USD 9.4 billion Green Hydrogen plant project. The project is expected to create approximately 15,000 direct jobs during the first four years of construction and 3,000 permanent jobs thereafter, with 90 percent of the workforce being drawn from the locals. Recognising the pivotal role of organized labour, MANWU plans to leverage this project to expand its ranks and enhance worker protection.

After the two-day evaluation and planning meeting, participants had a site visit to a road construction project managed by the Zhong Mei Engineering Group, a Chinese multinational company. The participants identified hazards and labour rights violations, reinforcing the pressing need for improved occupational health and safety standards. They also echoed BWI’s rallying cry: “Enough is enough—Let’s Talk Hazards,” to mark this year’s International Workers’ Memorial Day 2024.

Patrick Sakala of NUBEGW concluded by affirming their united stand to ensure that workplaces are not only productive but safe havens for all workers. “Although we have achieved many OHS gains, we must continue doing so especially when new developments continue to expose ‘new’ OHS hazards. As activists, it is our collective duty to stop the impassive violation of human and labour rights in our lifetime and advance the workers’ OHS agenda. Through the BWI and SASK project, all three project unions can fulfil their respective mandates,” he said.

BWI webpages

Namibia: MANWU demands free PPE and mental health services for workers as part of this year’s 28 April

Namibian youth and women from MANWU demanded free PPE and mental health services for workers as part of this year’s commemoration of International Workers’ Memorial Day. #MakeItHappen #iwmd23

May be an image of 1 person, smiling and text that says "MENTAL FRALD HEALTH ISA RIGHT. Make Happen!"


Namibia: Health and safety awareness raising plans for 28 April

BWI affiliate, MANWU will run an International Workers’ Memorial Day safety awareness campaign across several provinces of Namibia.

Namibia: Covid 19 is not a tool to exploit workers – MANWU

MANWU BWI affiliate in Namibia celebrating the IWMD 2020 says: Covid 19 is not a tool to exploit workers!!

Namibia: For 28 April MANWU pressures the Namibian government for more action on safety

Building and Wood Workers’ International (BWI) affiliate in Namibia MANWU will conduct a workplace campaign to mark 28 April.

The campaign is three pronged: 1. To strengthen occupational safety and health programmes between MANWU and all stakeholders, 2. To  insist the Ministry of Labour develops National Employee Wellness Policy, and 3. To campaign for the Ministry of Labour to finalise occupational health and safety policy.

MANWU will develop campaign materials to emphasise the importance of Employee Wellness Policy and the finalisation of the OHS Policy.