Serbia: UGS shows a play about injured workers to mark 28 April

Sindikat UGS NEZAVISNOST (BWI affiliate) has shown a play to highlight the plight of injured workers in Serbia.

Beograd- Danas je u organizaciji UGS Nezavisnost povodom Međunarodnog Dana bezbednosti i zdravlja na radu organizovana predstava pod simboličnim nazivom “Pad”, posvećena svima koji su stradali na radnom mestu.

Predstava “Pad” radjena po tekstu Branislave Ilić i Kokana Mladenovića koji je i reditelj ove predstave. Likove tumače Jelena Blagojević, Branislav Trifunović i Nina Nešković.

Prošle godine na gradilištima u Srbiji je poginulo četrdeset četvoro radnika. Ta činjenica je bila glavni pokretač predstave “Pad” nastaloj u želji da se ovaj veliki društveni problem osvetli, rečeno je u ovom beogradskom pozorištu.

Reditelj Kokan Mladenović izabrao je da priču predstavi iz ugla devojčice koja ostaje bez oca koji je bio zaposlen na gradilištu čime je želeo da naglasi da nije stradalo samo četrdeset četvoro radnika, već i toliki broj čitavih porodica koje su ovi radnici ostavili za sobom.

“Bila nam je izazovna situacija da probamo da spojimo nešto što jeste jako intimno, nosi mnogo emocija, što je intimna drama devojčice od šesnaest godina koja gubi oca i ono što jeste naša umetnička obaveza prema vremenu u kome živimo, a to je da govorimo o nekim važnim i neugodnim temama na sav glas. Dominantna vizura ove priče je upravo intimna i dosadašna igranja predstave pokazuju da smo uspeli da spojimo nešto vrlo čudno, a to je velika emotivnost i društveni angažman”, kazao je Kokan Mladenović.

Problem stradanja radnika veoma je aktuelan, ako se prisetimo činjenice da su nedavno tri radnika stradala u istoj nedelji. Međutim, ovaj problem je samo polazna tačka u predstavi „Pad“. Ovom predstavom traga se za razlozima ponavljanja takvih nesreća, s posebnim naglaskom na ulozi koju nadležni organi i mediji imaju u tom ponavljanju.

Kokan Mladenović je naglasio da danas živimo u dobu prekarijata, nesigurnih i povremenih poslova. Simbolika neuspeha da se radnicima danas obezbede bolji uslovi i veća prava najbolje se očitava u naslovu komada „Pad“. Taj pad aktuelan je aktuelan u celom svetu. To je i politički i društveni pad i najbolje je vidljiv upravo na gradilištu.Mlada glumica Jelena Blagojević, govoreći o svojoj ulozi, objašnjava da je reč o devojčici koja je ostala bez oca i koja po svaku cenu želi da utvrdi čija je to odgovornost.

“Ona postavlja pitanja, koliko košta ljudski život, da li su ljudi roba, do poslednjeg pitanja koje glasi, dokle? Njena namera jeste da dobije odgovor na ta pitanja, jer je njen otac poginuo, a niko joj to nije objasnio. Ona zna da za to niko nije odgovarao i da je nemoćna i ne zna šta da uradi. Zbog toga je odlučila da napravi predstavu”, kazala je Blagojevićeva.

Nakon predstave održana je debata u kojoj su učestvovali i glumci i naši aktivisti.


Belgrade-today is in the organization of ugs independence on the occasion of the international day of security and health on the work of the organized show under the name “fall”, dedicated to all who

The show “fall” is written by the text of branislave ilić and kokana mladenovića who is also the director of this show Characters interpret Jelena Blagojević, Branislav Trifunović and nina neskovic.

Last year, workers died in Serbia. This fact was the main initiator of the show “fall” in the desire to make this great social problem light, it was said in this belgrade theatre.

Director Kokan Mladenović chose to present the story from the corner of a girl who remains without a father who was employed at the construction site which he wanted to highlight that he did not only die forty four workers, but also such a number of whole families that these workers left

” it was a challenging situation for us to try to connect something that is very intimate, carries many emotions, which is an intimate drama of a-Year-old girl who loses her father and what is our artistic obligation to the time we live in, and that is Some important and unpleasant topics in all voice. The dominant vizura of this story is just intimate and dosadašna playing shows show that we managed to connect something very strange, and it is a great social and social engagement “, kokan mladenović said.

The problem of the suffering of workers is very aktuelan, if you are aware of the fact that three workers were killed in the same However, this problem is just the starting point in the play “fall”. this show is a sign of the reasons of repeating such accidents, with a special emphasis on the role that authorities and media have in that repetition

Kokan Mladenović stressed that today we live in the age of prekarijata, unsecured and occasional jobs. The symbolism of failure to make the workers more comfortable today and the greater rights are best read in the title of the pieces “fall”. that fall of the aktuelan is aktuelan in It is both political and social fall and is best visible right on the construction site. Young Actress Jelena Blagojević, speaking of her role, explains that the word of a girl who has lost her father and who at any cost wants to determine whose responsibility it is.

“Ona postavlja pitanja, koliko košta ljudski život, da li su ljudi roba, do poslednjeg pitanja koje glasi, dokle? Njena namera jeste da dobije odgovor na ta pitanja, jer je njen otac poginuo, a niko joj to nije objasnio. Ona zna da za to niko nije odgovarao i da je nemoćna i ne zna šta da uradi. Zbog toga je odlučila da napravi predstavu”, kazala je Blagojevićeva.

After the show, a debate was held in which the actors and our activists participated.


España: Un año más desde USO conmemoramos el Día Internacional de la Seguridad y la Salud en el Trabajo

Un año más desde USO conmemoramos el Día Internacional de la Seguridad y la Salud en el Trabajo, denunciando el aumento de la siniestralidad laboral y el ocultamiento de las enfermedades profesionales en nuestro país, este año el 28 de abril queda sepultado por la convocatoria de elecciones generales. En 2018, tenemos que lamentar y denunciar, que fueron 652 los trabajadores y trabajadoras que perdieron la vida en su jornada laboral o en el trayecto de ida o vuelta del trabajo.

Desde USO llevamos años denunciando que, debido a los recortes en prevención y a la falta de cultura preventiva, las evaluaciones de riesgos son genéricas o lo que denominamos de “corta y pega” no recogiendo los riesgos específicos del puesto de trabajo, ni las características concretas del trabajador o trabajadora que va a desempeñar dicha actividad. Además, no se actualizan ante los cambios que se producen en las condiciones laborales, ni por los daños que se producen en la salud.

Por todo esto, desde USO hemos centrado nuestra campaña del 28 de abril en reivindicar que la evaluación de riesgos es el principio de la prevención y si en esta pieza clave ya se falla, el trabajo en prevención está viciado desde la base y nunca será efectivo, por ello nuestro lema es “Sin Evaluación no hay Prevención”.

Te adjunto el cartel y el manifiesto, como en otras ocasiones se realizarán actos reivindicativos y asambleas el día 26 de abril en toda España.


Recibe un cordial saludo

Global: Sharan Burrow (ITUC) on workers’ safety- if you expose us, we’ll expose you [VIDEO]

Sharan Burrow’s (International Trade Union Confederation General Secretary) International Workers’ Memorial Day message on occupational health and safety (YouTube).

EL SALVADOR: SOICSCES inicia actividades del Día Mundial de la Seguridad y Salud en el Trabajo 2019

José Francisco Martínez, organizador de SOICSCES. Reunión con trabajadores en el sitio de trabajo 

El Sindicato de Obreros de la Industria de la Construcción, Similares y Conexos de El Salvador (SOICSCES), afiliado a la ICM, ha dado inicio a las actividades formativas de conmemoración para el Día Mundial de la Seguridad y Salud en el Trabajo de este próximo 28 de abril de 2019.

SOICSCES dio inicio a una serie de charlas de capacitación y concientización sobre Salud y Seguridad en el Trabajo (SST) en diferentes proyectos de construcción en San Salvador.

Las actividades del SOICSCES dieron inicio el 8 de abril del 2019 y continuarán durante todo el mes. Además de charlas de capacitación, el SOICSCES está haciendo entrega de material informativo sobre SST a obreros de la construcción y sus familias.

José Francisco Martínez, organizador de SOICSCES, en reunión con trabajadores el 11 de abril.

El Salvador: SOICSCES starts activities to commemorate IWMD 2019

José Francisco Martínez, SOICSCES organiser. Meeting with workers at the workplace 

The Trade Union of Construction and Allied Workers of El Salvador, SOICSCES, an affiliate of the BWI, has started its activities for International Workers’ Memorial Day to be held on 28 April 2019.

SOICSCES began a series of training and awareness-raising meetings on Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) in different construction projects in San Salvador.

SOICSCES activities began on 8 April 2019 and will continue throughout the month. In addition to conducting meetings at the workplace, SOICSCES is distributing information material on health and safety to construction workers and their families.

José Francisco Martínez, SOICSCES organiser, in a meeting with workers on April 11.

USA: The Dirty Dozen 2019 – Employers who put workers and communities at risk

The National Council for Occupational Safety and Health  (National COSH) has published its Dirty Dozen 2019 report, which shines a spotlight on companies that egregiously put workers’ in harm’s way.

It is released in honor of Workers’ Memorial Week – joining countless others in remembering workers who have suffered injury, illness or death on the job.

National COSH has asked for help spreading the message and have asked reader to:

Further details National Council for Occupational Safety and Health


USA: PhilaPOSH – For 115 Workers in PA, NJ, and DE just going to work during the past year was deadly

US safety organisation PhilaPOSH has organised a series of events on 26 April to mark International Workers’ Memorial Day 2019.

News releaseWorker fatalities


USA: National COSH “¿Están los empleadores haciendo lo suficiente para prevenir las muertes en el lugar de trabajo?”

Semana de lxs Trabajadores Fallecidxs es un buen momento para preguntar: “¿Están los empleadores haciendo lo suficiente para prevenir las muertes en el lugar de trabajo?” La mayoría de las lesiones y muertes en el trabajo se pueden prevenir cuando los trabajadores pueden hablar sobre los peligros sin castigo. Podemos hacer más de 5,100 muertes por trauma y más de 95,000 muertes por enfermedad ocupacional.

California ● Connecticut ● Florida ● Georgia ● Idaho ● Illinois ● Indiana ● Iowa ● Kentucky ● Maine ● Massachusetts ●Minnesota ● Nebraska ● New Jersey ● New Hampshire ● New York● Oklahoma ● Oregon ● Pennsylvania ● Puerto Rico ● Rhode Island ● Texas ● Washington ● West Virginia ● Wisconsin

Sweden: Chemical risks and work related diseases provide the focus for 28 April in Sweden

My name is Cyrene Waern and I’m the senior officer at LO responsible for occupational health and safety.

As the International Workers’ Memorial Day this year is commemorated the same day as ILO celebrates 100th anniversary we have arranged a conference on the subject of: ILO – work environment yesterday, today and tomorrow [24-26 April]

There is also a blog on the subject:  and another one will hopefully be published before the 28th at on the subject of chemical risks and work related diseases that the members in LO are victim to.

Best wishes,

Med vänlig hälsning,

Cyrene Martinsson Waern
Enheten för Välfärd, Utbildning och Arbetsmarknad
Landsorganisationen i Sverige/The Swedish Trade Union Confederation
Barnhusgatan 18
105 53 Stockholm

Telefon: +46 8 796 25 21


UK: Work cancer risk warning after government safety cuts

New evidence confirming a cancer risk to tyre and rubber workers may go ignored because of the UK government’s safety deregulation and cuts, the union Unite has warned. The union was commented after research published in the journal Occupational and Environmental Medicine revealed that workers in the tyre and rubber industry remain at significant risk of developing cancers caused by exposure to N-nitrosamines and rubber dust.

Unite noted the study findings were “particularly timely as it comes just before International Workers’ Memorial Day as the theme for this year’s event is dangerous substances – get them out of the workplace,” with the 28 April global event having a particular focus on occupational cancer prevention. The union, which represents thousands of workers in the industry, says it is unable to properly address the new health concerns as there is no longer an effective body where it can raise such issues. It charges that this “is a result of the Conservative government’s attacks on safety laws.”

The union says the  UK government safety regulator, the Health and Safety Executive (HSE), previously had a Tyre and Rubber Industries Safety Action Group (TRISAG), with active involvement of both employers and unions, where safety concerns could be raised and dealt with. “However TRISAG has been scrapped as a result of government pressure and no similar body has replaced its work,” Unite says.

The new study confirms earlier findings that “N-nitrosamines exposures are associated with mortality from cancers of the bladder, lung, stomach, leukaemia, multiple myeloma, oesophagus, prostate, pancreas and liver.”

Unite national officer for the rubber industry Tony Devlin said: “This authoritative study is a stark reminder of the long-term health implications of being exposed to rubber. These dangers are being neglected as a direct result of the government’s cuts which are denying workers an effective voice in the corridors of power.” He added: “The lack of an effective forum to deal with exposure to cancer causing substances is another example of how the government has washed it hands of workplace health and safety. Cancer deaths will not be reduced unless effective measures are taken to cut exposure levels to N-nitrosamines and rubber dust.”

Unite news release. Mira Hidajat and others. Lifetime exposure to rubber dusts, fumes and N-nitrosamines and cancer mortality in a cohort of British rubber workers with 49 years follow-up, Occupational and Environmental Medicine, volume 76, number 4, pages 250-258, April 2019. doi: 10.1136/oemed-2018-105181
Cancers and their work causes: An ITUC/Hazards at-a-glance guide to cancer hazards. Also in French and Spanish.

Remember the dead, fight like hell for the living