Tag Archives: hazards campaign

Britain: UK Hazards Campaign welcomes the new Workers Guide to action on indoor workplace air pollution produced by TUCAN (Trade Union Clean Air Network) and Greener Jobs Alliance

On April 28th, International Workers Memorial Day this year as we remember all those who have died because of work (1) workers across the UK will also be campaigning on how the climate crisis is making their work unsafe and unhealthy putting lives and livelihoods in jeopardy.  A climate crisis that is doubly impacting on workers lives by creating suffocating  and deadly air.

In the UK more than 40,000 people a year will die as a result of air pollution.  And it’s not just about traffic fumes but workers are exposed to toxic indoor air as well.    The guide provides workers with concrete actions they can take to work with their employers to reduce the air pollution they are exposed to.(2)

“No-one should be exposed to polluted air, be injured, develop occupational diseases or die because of work.  The vast majority of these are foreseeable and preventable.  Workplace harm is a blight on our society and for our families and loved ones.”

The Hazards Campaign calls for more urgent action to ensure that workers are not exposed to unsafe and polluted air inside and outside the workplace.  (3)

The Workers Guide provides detailed information on what employers should be doing to prevent exposure to polluted air, how ventilation and air filtration can be improved, practical actions which show what workers are being exposed to, and finally what actions workers can take to clean the air and reduce pollution at work.

‘ We make the invisible visible through air monitoring and then put in place solutions to reduce pollutants and clean the air.  This is a win win situation because, healthier workers have reduced sickness and absence, there is less disruption to services and production and it helps towards achieving net zero carbon targets.’

For more information Please see:



Britain: Hazards Campaign reveals the tragic price of work hazards

Press Release for International Workers Memorial Day to remember people killed by work

For immediate release

On International Workers Memorial Day, Friday 28th April,  workers globally will hold workplace and community events to remember work colleagues, who have died because of their work.  Every year the Hazards Campaign produce ‘The Whole Story’ (1) which is an analysis of the occupational injuries, illness and deaths statistics.

In the last 12 months alone, it is estimated by the Hazards Campaign, that more than 53,000 people died because of work and this number doesn’t include the hundreds of workers who have died because of Covid infections they contracted in the workplace, because there is no obligation for employers to report them to the enforcement agency, or for them to be investigated or employers to be prosecuted.(1) and they not recorded.

The Hazards Campaign includes an estimate of the number of workers who have died from work-related suicide, which is estimated to be as high as 10% of all suicides. (2)  Again, the employer is under no legal duty to report, or investigate these deaths and this estimate is based on numbers recorded in other countries where suicides are reportable.  The Hazards Campaign believes there is a moral obligation to do this, and are campaigning for there to be a legal obligation for work-related suicides to be reportable, investigated and employers prosecuted if they are negligent.(3)

UK Hazards Campaign spokesperson Janet Newsham, said it’s shocking that worldwide, work kills a minimum of 2.9 million people every year.

She said: “Last year safe and healthy work was adopted as a fundamental right by the ILO.  This means that occupational health and safety must be central to all work.  This should also mean that our Government, employers and enforcement authorities must double their efforts to eradicate unsafe and unhealthy work activities.  It should be no longer acceptable that work drives people to take their own life, or that workers are subjected to air pollution and other airborne viruses, toxic chemicals and hazardous substances, that will eventually kill them. It should mean that these are not an optional extra but are fundamental to safe and healthy work.’

‘No-one should lose their life for just going out to work to earn a living. Too many people die because of their work activities.  On International Workers Memorial Day we will remember all those who have died because of work, we will wear purple ribbons in their memory, we will tell their stories(2), and try to hold those responsible for their deaths are held to account.  We don’t want to hear about lessons learnt, that means that someone else has died.  We need all work to be safe and healthy, preventing deaths, diseases and injuries and on April 28th we will ‘Remember the dead and Fight for the Living!’’

Note to editors:

More details on the theme can be found here:

  1. The whole story: https://sway.office.com/0SEVenHS9yTFFJqs?ref=Link
  2. Families against corporate killers 2023 statement: https://www.hazardscampaign.org.uk/blog/uk-fack-statement-international-workers-memorial-day-28-april-2023
  3. Suicide:
  4. Further information:

For more details please contact Janet Newsham on 07734 317158.

UK: What does Workers Memorial Day mean to you? – Hazards Campaign [Video]

Hazards Campaign news release

United Kingdom: 28 April social media campaigning graphics | Hazards Campaign

As a part of their International Workers’ Memorial Day 2020 call to action the Hazards Campaign has produced a series of social media graphics (below) for you to share in your networks. The Campaign wants trade unions and activists  to flood Twitter, Facebook  and  other social networks with these images and,  include the hashtags  #iwmd20, #covid19 and tagging @hazardscampaign

Sample graphics scaled for Facebook


Sample graphics scaled for Twitter

UK: Hazards Campaign call to action

As normal public events for 28 April won’t be possible because of measures to contain coronavirus/Covid-19, the UK’s national Hazards Campaign has published its own 10-point plan for mostly virtual action. The national campaign says marking International Workers’ Memorial Day has never been more important.

“Some workplace events may still go ahead but we are taking #iwmd20 online, developing a social media campaign that we want everyone to join in,” The campaign says. “This will keep the day and its perennial aims on the public and political agenda with the slogan to ‘Remember the Dead and Fight for the Living’.

This year’s international theme has been changed by the global union confederation ITUC to ‘Stop the pandemic at work’.” The campaign’s 10-point plan includes displaying a series of print-off-or-order posters and other graphics in your window, posting selfies with the hashtag #iwmd20 and telling the campaign what you are doing and where.

The Hazards Campaign poster message is: “Whether the threat at work is another new virus, dangerous substances or heartbreaking demands, your life should not be on the line. Unions can make it better.” Tag lines for the union-led event, which has become the world’s biggest health and safety campaign day, include ‘Unions – Fighting for your life’.

The campaign is also supporting the ITUC’s call for people to light a candle (safely) in their window on the evening of 28 April.

Hazards Campaign 28 April call to action. Campaign materials can be downloaded for free, printed off, used online and in social media campaigns, as can a series of Hazards Campaign display boards.
TUC 28 April 2020 news and resources webpage.
Global action and resources: ITUC/Hazards 28 April website.


‘Fighting for hearts and minds’ – UK Hazards Campaign 28 April briefing

The UK safety campaign group the Hazards Campaign has issued the following 28 April briefing which includes some valuable resources and information for safety reps, campaigners and organisers of International Workers’ Memorial Day activities:

International Workers’ Memorial Day, 28 April 2020: ‘Fighting for hearts and minds’

Let’s make this the biggest and best yet, get planning and organising now! Tell everyone about it – our day to Remember the dead (how and why they died) and to Fight for the Living – demand the action that will stop preventable work deaths

Please circulate the theme to relevant networks in your union, officers, reps and activists, local councillors or your MP.

Use #IWMD20 in all social media communication for global solidarity

The global union confederation, ITUC, has announced the theme for 28 April 2020: ‘Tackling psychosocial hazards at work – taking the stress out of the job’.

In UK we are using Fighting for hearts and minds

This year’s International Workers’ Memorial Day activities will highlight the harm caused by occupational stress and related conditions, including depression, anxiety, burnout, work-related alcohol and drug misuse and work-related suicides. The world’s largest health and safety event will draw together campaign targets including the harm resulting from low pay, high workloads an unacceptable working hours and work patterns. It will also highlight the real-life pressures that lead to work stress, including inadequate staffing, job insecurity, downsizing and precarious work. Bad management practices that contribute to the explosion in work-related psychosocial problems will also be highlighted, including punitive sickness absence policies and disciplinary procedures, oppressive performance management, targets and appraisal systems and a lack of control at work.


Unions fighting for hearts and minds

RESOURCES – Please order resources early

Hazards Campaign resources ribbons, stickers, posters here :   http://www.hazardscampaign.org.uk/blog/hazards-campaign-28-april-2020-resources-order-form

Hazards Magazine is designing a brilliant new poster to capture the theme – preview soon…

New resources and updates on the ‘union fight for hearts and minds’ will be made available on the dedicated ITUC/Hazards 28 April website. The dedicated ITUC/Hazards 28 April 2020 International Workers’ Memorial Day website will be updated soon. https://28april.org/

Briefing and more info ASAP.

EVENTS- tell the TUC !

Events are  being organised and advertised across UK – tell the details :  info@gmhazards.org.uk and TUC at: healthandsafety@tuc.org.uk and see TUC Workers’ Memorial Day pages. https://www.tuc.org.uk/WMD

MAPPING #IWMD20  – Tell us what you are doing info@hazardscampaign.org.uk

Please tell Hazards Campaign what you are doing to we can publicise and make a MAP!

With help from our friends in Scottish Hazards we hope to follow their and the Hazards Magazine ITUC idea of mapping events and deaths, so let us know the details of your event/activity

If you need ideas and support e-mail us.

Some TUC Resources for reps, activists and campaigners and more will be produced- watch out for Hazards Magazine #IWMD20 issue

See www.hazards.org for past posters and graphics  and heartbroken poster in last Hazards magazine – get it on noticeboard to advertise #IWMD20 http://www.hazards.org/gallery/heartbroken.htm

TUC guide to responding to harmful work-related stress. https://www.tuc.org.uk/resource/responding-harmful-work-related-stress

Tackling workplace stress using the HSE Stress Management Standards, TUC and HSE guidance for health and safety representatives. https://www.tuc.org.uk/sites/default/files/tacking%20workplace%20stress%20without%20edits.pdf

TUC workbook on mental health in the workplace. https://www.unionlearn.org.uk/publications/mental-health-and-workplace

TUC mental health awareness training. https://www.tuceducation.org.uk/findacourse/courses/52

TUC health, safety and wellbeing guide. https://www.tuc.org.uk/workplace-guidance/health-safety-and-wellbeing

Hazards magazine stress and mental health webpages http://www.hazards.org/stress/ and work-related suicide http://www.hazards.org/suicide/ webpages.

Hazards magazine’s ‘heartbroken’ poster (left) can be used on a workplace union noticeboard. http://www.hazards.org/gallery/heartbroken.htm

HSE ‘reporting a concern’  https://www.hse.gov.uk/stress/reporting-concern.htm

HSE advice on How to report a work related stress concern, https://www.hse.gov.uk/contact/concerns.htm

HSE ‘Tackling Stress Workbook’ that can be downloaded for free https://www.hse.gov.uk/pubns/wbk01.htm

HSE stress management standards https://www.hse.gov.uk/stress/standards/

Other HSE workplace stress resources https://www.hse.gov.uk/stress/resources.htm

Global: Countdown to Workers’ Memorial Day, 28 April

With fewer than three weeks to go until International Workers’ Memorial Day on 28 April, a welter of new resources has become available to help union safety reps promote the global event.

Hazards Campaign Unions make work safer poster (printed A4 and A3 available in single or multiple orders, for the price of postage only) and other 28 April 2018 resources. To order, telephone: 0161 636 7557 or email: info@hazardscampaign.org.uk

ITUC 28 April 2018 poster in English Spanish and  FrenchITUC/Hazards 28 April 2018 international events and campaign website and theme announcement in EnglishSpanish and French.

TUC 28 April 2018 webpages. Email details of UK events to the TUC health and safety office to be included in the TUC listing. When tweeting details of your 28 April plans and resources, use the hashtag #iwmd18

Sharan Burrow: World of trouble: Unions are organising for safer, healthier and decent work, Hazards magazine, Number 141, 2018. Risks 8437 April 2018