FTCCP will hold a 28 April IWMD conference that will discuss electrical hazards in the building sector, and the effect of climate change on occupational safety.
FTCCP also held a training session from 22 to 24 April. This was the the First National Gathering of OSH union secretaries and was attended by national leaders from all 25 regions of the country.
The objective of the meeting was to train national leaders – as promoters of occupational safety and health – and to obtain the tools to implement action plans in their respective provinces.
NUBCW and BWI will be holding jointly International Workers Memorial Day Celebrations (IWMD) with Philippine Affiliates in Quezon City. Additionally there will be a joint inspection with BWI of the Asian development bank’s Malalos Clark railway project focusing on worker safety with specific focus on heat stress.
In the lead up to 28 April, SINTAICAF, NUBEGW, MANWU visited a Chinese managed road construction site to inspect the workers’ working and living conditions. Concerns were raised with the employers’ representatives (Chinese & HR managers) and details of the BWI’s IWMD ‘Enough is enough’ campaign was shared with attending participants.
Metal and Allied Namibian Workers Union – MANWU will hold a mass commemoration joining with its federation NUNWU to celebrate the lives of those who fought to secure workers’ rights and reflect on the legacy of the last president, Dr. Geingob. Approximately 1,000 people are expected to attend , including 300 women.
To mark 28 April, Building and Wood Workers Trade Union Federation of Cambodia (BWTUC) has plans for a meeting with CLC (Cambodia Labor Confederation) and union alliance in Cambodia. The meeting will comprise discussions on IWMD/May Day and OSH issues for workers in Cambodia. On 28 April, BWTUC also plans social media media updates.
SERBUK is conducting a vast number of activities in coordination with multiple unions and federations including:
Indonesian National Labor Law Discussion (Sub Cluster- OSH Fundamental Rights) – held jointly with the GUIN (Global Unions Indonesia Network)// (ITUC and GUF Indonesia) – Jakarta/Ashley Ashley Jakarata
IWMD activities in 5 SERBUK affiliated local unions (discussions, meetings, group photos) in the cities of Karawang, Yogyakarta, Magelang, Banyuwangi)
National Action commemorating IWMD in Jakarta with KPBI (Confederation)
SERBUK will hold a national workshop related to Just Transition and OHS issues with affiliates ITF, IndustriAll, IUF, BWI, IFJ, PSI in Tangerang Indonesia.
SERBUK initiated the IWMD commemoration together with affiliates ITF, IndustriAll, IUF, BWI, IFJ, PSI in Tangerang Indonesia. The commemoration entitled “You Are Our Heroes” is intended to commemorate union activities in Indonesia that have passed away.
KPBI (Confederation of SERBUK affiliates and networks in West Java Indonesia) took action against the local government and held hearings urging the local government to revise “regional regulations” (in Indonesia we call them PERDA) to accommodate the OSH issue. This action is also a warm-up action for IWMD/May Day.
Meeting and discussion regarding basic OSH rights for workers and socialization of the history of IWMD (with local unions/electricity sector in South Sumatra/Topkey-Chinese Company)
Meeting and discussion regarding basic OSH rights for workers and socialization of the history of IWMD (with local unions/electricity sector in South Sumatra/Prabumulih District – outsourcing workers at the State-Owned Electricity Company)
Meeting and discussion regarding basic OSH rights for workers and socialization of the history of IWMD (with local unions/electricity sector in South Sumatra/Palembang District – outsourcing workers at the State-Owned Electricity Company)
In Italy BWI affiliates Cgil and UIL held a national strike on 11 April against deaths at work. The action lasted four hours for all private sectors and eight hours for construction workers. Zero deaths at work, a fair tax reform and a new social business model were the three objectives on which the strike is based.
REWU will conduct a workshop and training on safety hazard identification and injury prevention. The union will also conduct awareness campaigns using social and local media.
The union will launch a public awareness campaign at an organized company highlighting the need for improved safety conditions.
The union will advocate for stronger enforcement of OHS laws and regulations at the Ministry of Labour office and other relevant organizations.
A momemnt of silence will be observed across 28 organized companies in Rwanda.
Kenya construction union KUPRIPUPA will work to raise awareness of workplace hazards and their effects to members; plant trees in commemoration of IWMD; and lastly, recruit and organise workers around the importance of understanding, preserving, and pushing for improved occupational health and safety conditions in the workplace.