Tag Archives: ICM

Brazil: Campanha – 300.000 acidentes fatais por ano. Basta! – Sintepav-Bahia

Sintepav-Bahia, through the president Gazo , the financial director and deputy senator Bebeto Galvão, starts on Monday (15), the union’s participation in the Action of the International Federation of Construction and Wood Workers – ICM regarding the International Day in Memory of Victims of Accidents and Related Diseases at work – 28 April.
According to @bwiglobalunion the harsh reality persists: we witness an increase in the number of deaths each year due to work-related accidents and illnesses. This year, ICM will highlight the risks that lead to the loss of lives of workers in our sectors on a daily basis, under the theme: ENOUGH! – LETS TALK ABOUT RISKS.
In memory of those we’ve lost, we’re taking collective action to ensure all workers are aware of their rights and all employers understand their obligations to identify, assess and control workplace risks. Join in with us!

Guatemala: SINCS-G Guatemala se suma a la campaña de la ICM este 28 de abril para promocionar lugares de trabajo seguros y sanos

SINCS-G Guatemala joins the ICM campaign this April 28 to promote safe and healthy workplaces.
No more work accidents!

Latin America/Brazil: 28 de Abril; Segurança e Saúde no Trabalho como um direito fundamental

Essa é a luta da ICM e outros sindicatos globais nesse 28 de Abril como Dia Internacional em Homenagem às Vítimas dos Acidentes e Doenças relacionados ao Trabalho, uma conquista histórica do movimento sindical internacional que teve início nos anos 90 e depois se alastrou para todo o mundo, até vir a ser reconhecido em 2001 pela OIT como o Dia Internacional da Segurança e Saúde no Trabalho (SST) e, em 2002, pela própria Organização das Nações Unidas (ONU). No Brasil, esse reconhecimento chegou em 2003 durante o primeiro ano do governo Lula. mais

Latin America/Brazil: Security and health at work as a findamental right – ICM

Nilton Freitas, ICM-BWI Regional Representative for Latin America and the Caribbean, wrote this note about the ICM Global Campaign for April 28 in the online newspaper Rádio Paão Brasil.

El Salvador se une a la campaña de la ICM: “¡Proteja a los Trabajadores! Alto al COVID-19”

SOICSCES, El Salvador joins ICM campaign: ” Protect Workers! Stop COVID-19 “. #Lifebeforeprofit
#BWI2020IWMD #28Abril2020 #iwmd20 

Costa Rica: UNATROPYT joins ICM campaign: “Protect Workers!

UNATROPYT, Costa Rica joins ICM campaign: ” Protect Workers! Stop COVID-19 “. #Lifebeforeprofit
#BWI2020IWMD #28Abril2020

Peru: Peru joins ICM’s campaign: “Protect Workers! Stop COVID-19”

SINTRACESANLO, Peru joins ICM’s campaign: ” Protect Workers! Stop COVID-19 “. #Lifebeforeprofit
#BWI2020IWMD #28Abril2020

Argentina: UOCRA youth join ‘Protect workers”‘ campaign

UOCRA Youth, Argentina joins ICM campaign: ” Protect Workers! Stop COVID-19 “. #Lifebeforeprofit
#BWI2020IWMD #28Abril2020 #iwmd20