Tag Archives: #iwmd21

Global: Chaque jour, 410 travailleurs de la construction trouvent la mort au travail.

Curaçao: Alianz global por la salud y seguridad en el trabajo – SEBI/FKP

SEBI of Cura zaao joins Campaign for Global Alliance for Health and Safety at Work, signing 1 Statement with Kasa Popular Foundation (FKP).
Together we recognize Health and Safety as a fundamental right. Let’s go!


SEBI de Curazao se une a la Campaña por la Alianza…

Posted by BWI Global Union on Friday, 16 April 2021

Ghana: BWI union affiliate GCMQWU and employer call on ILO to declare OHS a fundamental right

The General Construction, Manufacturing and Quarries Workers’ Union of Ghana (GCMQWU) and the Zhongmei Group Engineering Company Ltd. on 12 April signed a declaration recognising the importance of occupational health and safety and calling on the International Labour Organisation (ILO) to declare it as a fundamental worker’s right.
The signing of the declaration is part of BWI and the European Federation of Building and Woodworkers’ (EFBWW) global campaign to build an alliance for workers’ health and safety leading to this year’s International Workers’ Memorial Day on 28 April.
The union said that the declaration was the first to be signed by an employer since the launch of the campaign last week. #SaveLivesAtWork #IWMD21
Full story here.

Latin America/Brazil: 28 de Abril; Segurança e Saúde no Trabalho como um direito fundamental

Essa é a luta da ICM e outros sindicatos globais nesse 28 de Abril como Dia Internacional em Homenagem às Vítimas dos Acidentes e Doenças relacionados ao Trabalho, uma conquista histórica do movimento sindical internacional que teve início nos anos 90 e depois se alastrou para todo o mundo, até vir a ser reconhecido em 2001 pela OIT como o Dia Internacional da Segurança e Saúde no Trabalho (SST) e, em 2002, pela própria Organização das Nações Unidas (ONU). No Brasil, esse reconhecimento chegou em 2003 durante o primeiro ano do governo Lula. mais

Latin America/Brazil: Security and health at work as a findamental right – ICM

Nilton Freitas, ICM-BWI Regional Representative for Latin America and the Caribbean, wrote this note about the ICM Global Campaign for April 28 in the online newspaper Rádio Paão Brasil.

Belgium: ACV blijft ijveren voor preventie psychosociale risico’s op het werk

Het ACV is bezig met een grondige evaluatie van de wetgeving ronde de preventie van psychosociale risico’s (PSR) op het werk. Er werd een bevraging gedaan bij militanten, secretarissen die ondernemingen opvolgen en juristen. Die meldden heel wat problemen met de wetgeving en de toepassing ervan in de ondernemingen. Zij schoven ook veel ideeën naar voor om de preventie van PSR op het werk te verbeteren.

Ter gelegenheid van de jaarlijkse ‘Werelddag voor veiligheid en gezondheid op het werk’ op 28 april zal het ACV zijn voorstellen bekendmaken om werknemers die blootstaan aan stress, pesterijen of geweld op het werk beter te beschermen.

Er zullen ook acties zijn, vooral virtuele gezien de huidige coronapandemie. De fysieke acties die plaatsvinden worden georganiseerd met inachtname van alle COVID-19-maatregelen. We geven je een voorproefje van de geplande acties.

Symbolische actie op Brusselse Vismarkt

Op woensdag 28 april organiseert het ACV een symbolische actie op de Vismarkt in Brussel, waarop de pers wordt uitgenodigd en we onze voorstellen en ons eisenplatform bekend maken. Wat die symbolische actie zal zijn verklappen we nog niet; dat ze zal opvallen garanderen we.


In heel het land organiseren de verbonden webinars voor militanten. Met aandacht voor de ACV-eisen en -voorstellen om de wetgeving over de preventie van psychosociale risico’s te verbeteren en tips over hoe je in je onderneming een actie kan organiseren rond die PSR. De meeste webinars vinden plaats op 28 april zelf. In Limburg doen ze het een dag vroeger, op 27 april om 19 u. Wil je een webinar volgen, neem contact op met je verbond.

Regionale acties

Op 28 april zijn ook regionale acties gepland:

  • ACV Vlaams-Brabant zet een actie op rond het thema ‘Onze batterijen zijn leeg’
  • ACV Provincie Antwerpen stelt een kortfilm voor, die verspreid wordt via de sociale media, en organiseert een fysieke actie op de Groenplaats in Antwerpen.
  • ACV Limburg doet ‘s morgens een actie naar kmo’s en organiseert de actie ‘Share the world’.

Meer info binnenkort op  www.hetacv.be/welzijn.  In de volgende Vakbeweging (nr.842) zal je ook een dossier rond psychosociale risico’s vinden.


Belgium: CSC will focus on psychosocial hazards for 28 April

ACV-CSC is planning an action on the 28th of April to put the spotlight on the psycho-social risks at work and highlight their proposals for  better prevention of psycho-social risks.

The action will take at the “Place du Marché aux poisons”, in the centre of Brussels.

In the street theatre action, tight rope walkers will try to keep their balance while carrying weights that represent psycho-social burdens. The tightrope stands symbolically for the tight rope workers are walking when trying to balance work and life.  Workers may fall from the rope as a consequence of psychosocially overburdening.

There will also be a  number of  webinars in CSC Federations on 28 April in Wallonia and Flanders.

Also see:
ACV blijft ijveren voor preventie psychosociale risico’s op het werk

Further details: Karin Debroey,  ACV-CSC

Scotland: Workers’ Memorial Day action in Edinburgh

Edinburgh Trade Union Council and Scottish Hazards are organising a Covid-safe wreath laying event at the Princes Street Memorial Tree. An online commemoration will be held 11am to Noon.

Further details: Scottish Hazards 

Africa: ITUC speaker at 28 April Africa event

OSH Africa: 28 April 2021 event, 10.30 (WAT). Speakers include: Odidie Joel, Deputy General Secretary, International Trade Union Congress (ITUC) Africa

Register for the event here

ITUC Africa webpages


Croatia: UATUC 28 April activities to focus on workplace mental health in the Covid-19 pandemic

UATUC is organizing an online conference on mental health in the workplace, focusing on the effects of pandemics on workers. The conference entitled „Mental health in the workplace: how has the pandemic affected workers?“ will be organized on the eve of IWMD, on 27th April, in an online form, via zoom, starting at 3 pm.

The conference will gather trade unionists – leaders, experts, shop stewards and OSH representatives, OSH experts, mental health experts and practitioners, representatives of the authorities and workers.

We will present the results of our online survery on the impact of pandemics on workers, measures taken by employers and trade unions; the survey would, among other, help us adjust our activities and advocacy in the field of OSH, in particular mental health.

The conference will also host professors from the Department of Psychology, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences in Zagreb, who will present their survey and discuss the topics of stigmatization and discrimination.

Together with the representatives of authorities, we will discuss the state of affairs and trends in OSH and mental health, and our demands vis-a-vis the mental health strategy still not adopted in Croatia.

The conference will serve also as a platform to present our demands in the field of OSH, including the demand for OSH to be recognized as a fundamental right.

For those of you who understand and speak Croatian, you can register via the link, and/or follow the discussion live-streamed on our Facebook pages (https://www.facebook.com/SavezSamostalnihSindikataHrvatske and https://www.facebook.com/RadPoMjeri).

For your information, we have also developed a dedicated website to inform workers (not only TU members) of their rights, including their rights in the context of the pandemic, as well as mental health advice: https://radpomjeri.eu/

If you need additional information, contact Dijana Šobota.