Tag Archives: Argentina

Argentina: On 28 April we will commemorate the dead and call for an end to workplace killing – #iwmd23

CTA Capital - Central de Trabajadores de la Argentina - Autónoma
Marcelo Fiscina, Secretary of Occupational Health of CTA-A Capital said: Today  in Argentina we will do this activity to commemorate April 28, 2023.  As Secretary of Occupational Health of Capital CTA-A. So they don’t keep killing us on the job.”

May be an image of 1 person and text that says "28 de abril Día mundial de la Salud y Seguridad Jornada de Reflexión y Propuesta: La Salud y Seguridad como Principio y Derecho Fundamental del Trabajo. Dónde estamos y hacia dónde vamos Organiza: Secretaría Nacional de CyMAT Modalidad virtual presencial DE10A13HS DE MITRE 744 CABA GTA central de trabajadores/as laargentina autónoma ctaa.org.ar ar CTAAutonoma f Autónoma CTAAutonoma"

Argentina: Young worker engagement, conferences, meetings and safety campaigns for 28 April

BWI affiliate UOCRA has many activities planned for International Workers’ Memorial Day 2023.

UOCRA will run a campaign on OHS compliance in construction sector disseminating flyers and showing videos defending a “healthy working environment” through UOCRA’s social networks, in memory of the workers who have died at work.

On Tuesday 25th April, a trade union training activity on OSH starts, which lasts 4 days, for young delegates of UOCRA, where the aim is to strengthen the application of the new fundamental right of the ILO related to occupational health, through the detection of risks in different stages of the work and the adaptations that must be implemented to control risks; among other topics.

A safety campaign on compliance in construction sector will be held. Posters will be put up at at construction sites, leaflets handed out, and workers will discuss issues related to improving working conditions.

A seminar with participation from a tripartite panel called “construction table” together with the construction employer sector, the Superintendent of Labour Risks, the IERIC (Institute of statistics and registration of the construction industry) and the UOCRA; where UOCRA will present the activities that they develop in the survey of working conditions, reporting, monitoring and training in OSH.

UOCRA  will hold a safety and health conference Alongside CGT’s Secretary for Occupational Health and the Secretary for International Relations, an event with speakers from different sectors will be held at the CGT’s premises to commemorate the IWMD and to continue strengthening trade union actions for the improvement of regulations and joint actions.

Finally a ceremony will be hleld in memory of the workers who died at work  – during the Ordinary National Congress of UOCRA


Argentina: On 28 April UOLRA pressed for safety to be recognised as a human right

Argentina: UOLRA joins the April 28th commemorations. The union is pressing for occupational health and safety to be recognised as an ILO Fundamental Right at Work.

Argentina: Encuentro de salud y seguridad de las y los trabajodores

May be an image of 2 people and text that says "28-04 Dia Internacional de la Seguridad en el Trabajo ENCUENTRO DE SALUD Y SEGURIDAD DE LAS Y LOS TRABAJADORES "La prevención en el hogar" Expone Lic. Stella Maris Moreno Convocan Secretaria de Salud Laboral Secretaria de Previsión Social Centro de Jubilades "Elias Moure" Jueves 28 10.30 hs Av. Independencia 766 Capital Simpoulonoma pulonoma"

Preparandonós para esta actividad en conmemoracion de los trabajadores accidentados y muertos en sus lugares de trabajo.

Source: Facebook

Argentina/Brazil/Panama: Video messages from OHS leaders on 28 April

Global building unions’ federation BWI has announced the 28 April plans of affiliates in three South American countries: Panama, Argentina and Brazil.

SUNTRACS, UOCRA and SINTICOM Campinas will be producing promotional videos from unions leaders of work safety with Workers’ Memorial Day messages.


Argentina: Young people of UOLRA (Argentina) join the 28 April commemoration day

Jóvenes de la UOLRA (Argentina) se unen a las jornadas de conmemoración del 28 de abril 2021.
Young people of UOLRA (Argentina) join the commemoration days of April 28, 2021.

Argentina: La pandemia demostró que la salud y seguridad en el trabajo es un derecho fundamental.

Argentina: 28/4 – 19.00 hs. Por ZOOM Prevención del nuevo coronavirus en el ámbito laboral.


En el marco del Día Mundial de la Seguridad y la Salud en el Trabajo, el martes 28 de abril tendremos un WEBINAR para reflexionar sobre la prevención del nuevo coronavirus en el ámbito laboral.

⏰ Martes 28/4 – 19.00 hs.
? Por ZOOM

Dr. Carlos Rodríguez: médico, especializado en medicina del trabajo, docente universitario, experto de la Organización Internacional del Trabajo (OIT), ex ministro de Trabajo y Seguridad Social de la Prov. de Santa Fe.
Dra. Lilian Capone: médica neumonóloga, especialista en Salud Ocupacional, secretaria de Salud Laboral de CTA Provincia de Buenos Aires, coordinadora del Espacio Intersindical de la provincia de Buenos Aires.
Lic. Miguel Fiorito: Licenciado en Seguridad y Salud, presidente del Colegio de Higiene, Seguridad y Salud Ocupacional de la Provincia de Santa Fe.
Lic. Silvina Devalle: Psicóloga, miembro del Centro de Estudios Laborales y Sociales (CELyS Argentina).

Dr. Gonzalo Cristini: Abogado, Concejal de Villa Constitución.

Argentina: UOCRA youth join ‘Protect workers”‘ campaign

UOCRA Youth, Argentina joins ICM campaign: ” Protect Workers! Stop COVID-19 “. #Lifebeforeprofit
#BWI2020IWMD #28Abril2020 #iwmd20

Latin America: Miners deserve better

To mark International Workers’ Memorial Day on 28 April, mining unions in several countries in Latin America, representing over 130,000 mineworkers, are taking coordinated action to demand the ratification and full application of ILO Convention 176. more