Guatemala: Womens’ safety issues at the top of the 28 April agenda for SINSCG

To mark 28 April SINCSG Women’s Secretariat will discuss OSH with workers in their training activities. SINCSG will also hold a demonstration at the Ministry of Labour demanding occupational safety policies and programmes, compliance with occupational safety conventions and will call for the resignation of the Minister.


Dominican Republic: Workers’ Memorial Day work safety conference

FENTICOMMC will hold a national work safety conference within the framework of FENTICOMMC’s plan of demands. The conference will launch the training and recreation centre for construction workers. The technical institute for trade union training INFOTEPROSIN will, amongst other things, provide training to workers on OSH matters.


USA: Únete a nosotros ESTE MIÉRCOLES para el lanzamiento de la Docena Sucia de 2023

Este verano, habrá miles de trabajadores que no llegarán a la playa. Que no estarán en ninguna barbacoa. Que no verán una hermosa puesta de sol, porque la puesta de sol de sus vidas llegó demasiado pronto.

Millones más, aún con nosotros, encontrarán sus vidas disminuidas, sus ingresos más bajos y sus gastos más altos debido a enfermedades y lesiones prevenibles en el lugar de trabajo.

Cada año honramos a todos estos trabajadores y sus familias durante la Semana Conmemorativa de Trabajadores Fallecidos, que se lleva a cabo este año del 23 al 30 de abril.

¿Puedes unirte a COSH Nacional ESTE miércoles 26 de abril a las 2pm Este / 1pm Centro / 12pm Montaña / 11am Pacifico, en Zoom? Celebraremos la Semana Conmemorativa de Trabajadores Fallecidos con nuestro anuncio de los empleadores injustos de la Docena Sucia de este año. Hacemos hincapié en el comportamiento irresponsable que pone en riesgo a los trabajadores y las comunidades, y elevaremos las historias de los trabajadores y las comunidades que luchan para obtener mejores protecciones para reducir las muertes, lesiones y enfermedades.

Estamos invitando a los medios de comunicación, ¡y a ti! – a escuchar directamente de los trabajadores y las familias que pagan el precio cuando un empleador no es responsable. Nos encantaría tenerte con nosotros el 26 de abril.

La Semana Conmemorativa de Trabajadores Fallecidos es un momento para recordar a aquellos que hemos perdido, y para luchar con todas nuestras fuerzas por los vivos. Nos sentiríamos honrados si pudieras unirte a nosotros el 26 de abril, mientras trabajamos juntos para construir un movimiento poderoso para proteger a todos los trabajadores en todos los lugares de trabajo.

Gracias por todo lo que haces por la gente trabajadora.

Jessica E. Martínez y Marcy Goldstein-Gelb
Codirectoras Ejecutivas, COSH Nacional

USA: Join us THIS WEDNESDAY as we release the 2023 Dirty Dozen

This summer, there will be thousands of workers who won’t make it to the beach. Who won’t be at any barbeques. Who won’t see a beautiful sunset, because the sunset of their lives came far too soon.

Millions more, still with us, will find their lives diminished, their incomes lower and their expenses higher because of preventable workplace illnesses and injuries.

Each year we honor all of these workers and their families during Workers’ Memorial Week, which takes place this year from April 23rd through April 30th.

Can you join National COSH THIS Wednesday, April 26th at 2pm ET / 1pm CT / 12pm MT / 11am PT, on Zoom? We’ll observe Workers’ Memorial Week with our announcement of this year’s Dirty Dozen unsafe employers. We put a spotlight on irresponsible behavior that puts workers and communities at risk – and we’ll elevate the stories of workers and communities fighting back to win better protections to reduce fatalities, injuries and illnesses.

We’re inviting the news media – and you! – to hear directly from workers and families who pay the price when an employer cuts corners. We’d love to have you with us on April 26th.

Workers’ Memorial Week is a time to remember those we’ve lost – and to fight like hell for the living. We’d be honored if you can join us on April 26th, as we work together to build a powerful movement to protect all workers in all workplaces.

Thanks for all you do for working people,

Jessica E. Martinez and Marcy Goldstein-Gelb
Co-Executive Directors, National COSH

El Salvador: SOICSCES holds six safety inspections for Workers’ Memorial Day

SOICSCES will conduct six  OSH inspections throughout the week – every morning trade unionists will visiting workplaces  to make health and safety inspections . On the 28th a big event will be held in  memory of those who died or were injured by work.


Venezuela: Wood and cemetery workers organise to mark 28 April

SUNTIMAVEN will hold an  awareness meeting  with the Company Placa Centro Sur Madera, Caracas Cemetery.  A meeting to raise awareness of worker safety will also be held with workers at a wood warehouse.


Turkey: Construction unions are pressing to realise the right of safety and health at work

BWI affiliates  Yol-Is and Tarim Orman are organising a 28 April  meeting dedicated to workers safety and health as fundamental human right.


Argentina: Young worker engagement, conferences, meetings and safety campaigns for 28 April

BWI affiliate UOCRA has many activities planned for International Workers’ Memorial Day 2023.

UOCRA will run a campaign on OHS compliance in construction sector disseminating flyers and showing videos defending a “healthy working environment” through UOCRA’s social networks, in memory of the workers who have died at work.

On Tuesday 25th April, a trade union training activity on OSH starts, which lasts 4 days, for young delegates of UOCRA, where the aim is to strengthen the application of the new fundamental right of the ILO related to occupational health, through the detection of risks in different stages of the work and the adaptations that must be implemented to control risks; among other topics.

A safety campaign on compliance in construction sector will be held. Posters will be put up at at construction sites, leaflets handed out, and workers will discuss issues related to improving working conditions.

A seminar with participation from a tripartite panel called “construction table” together with the construction employer sector, the Superintendent of Labour Risks, the IERIC (Institute of statistics and registration of the construction industry) and the UOCRA; where UOCRA will present the activities that they develop in the survey of working conditions, reporting, monitoring and training in OSH.

UOCRA  will hold a safety and health conference Alongside CGT’s Secretary for Occupational Health and the Secretary for International Relations, an event with speakers from different sectors will be held at the CGT’s premises to commemorate the IWMD and to continue strengthening trade union actions for the improvement of regulations and joint actions.

Finally a ceremony will be hleld in memory of the workers who died at work  – during the Ordinary National Congress of UOCRA


Peru: Meetings and forums on work safety to mark 28 April

FTCCP  will hold an International Workers’ Memorial Day Forum on musculoskeletal disorders affecting construction workers, demand to reduce the weight of cement sacks to 25 kg, decree Nº 011- 2019-TR Safety and Health at Work Regulations for the Construction Sector. The 2 hour forum will have as speakers lawyers, ILO experts and trade unionists. The target audience is composed of workers and trade unionists.

FENATIMAP will hold a 28 April safety awareness meeting.  They will hold a discussion on work safety and health for 20 forestry workers and technicians of the Export Wood Trading Company Tahuantinsuyoin in the locality of Manantay, La Chacrita, in Pucalpa, Amazonian region of Ucayali in Peru.


Ethiopia: Multiple safety actions by EIFMWCOTU on 28 April

EIFCMWCOTU is organising three workplace visits and tripartite meetings to  demand the realisation of the fundamental right to occupational safety and health. The BWI affiliate will also organise  work safety committees at five different companies and furthermore engage social partners on OHS.

Remember the dead, fight like hell for the living