UGT, Portugal has prepared a range of materials for dissemination on Workers’ Memorial Day (#iwmd21).
Brochura 28 de abril de 2021 – Tornar a Segurança e Saúde um direito fundamental do Trabalho [PDF]
UGT, Portugal has prepared a range of materials for dissemination on Workers’ Memorial Day (#iwmd21).
Brochura 28 de abril de 2021 – Tornar a Segurança e Saúde um direito fundamental do Trabalho [PDF]
Join BWI as they build strong commitments worldwide between trade unions and employers in ensuring safe and healthy workplaces. Add your voices in calling the International Labour Organisation (ILO) to recognise occupational health and safety as a fundamental right of all workers. Together, let us save lives at workplaces. #SaveLivesAtWork #IWMD21
IUF Africa Region, under the challenging environment of COVID-19 that has devasted jobs and livelihood of workers, marks the International Workers Memorial Day (IWMD) with a Webinar. The event will be a rededication to the struggle to push employers across the IUF sectors in Africa to invest in elimination of health and safety risks at work in the midst of COVID-19. It will be an event where IUF affiliates across the region will send a clear message that health and safety should not be relegated to the peripheries of fundamental rights but rather must be made a fundamental right at work. This demand is made with no apology. It will be held virtually from 15h00 – 17h00 (CET).
The theme of the Webinar is “We choose to fight for an effective OHS system, amidst Covid -19, based on recognition of health and safety as a fundamental right at work: Together we shall win!!” It is an undeniable fact that the fundamental right to life is denied by poor working environment. The tombs of millions of workers who lost their lives bear testimony to this sad fact. HEALTH BEFORE PROFIT IS STILL OUR DEMAND!! On this day, as the region remembers those who died, suffered injuries and il-heath as a result of preventable workplace hazards, demand an effective OHS system that puts the worker first and profits last. The region shall fight for the living as it demands that health and safety must be a fundamental right at work. The only choice to fight and win is what the region makes.
As the region remembers workers who lost their lives due to poor working environment, argues that any health and safety system that is not based on human rights, and hence lacking a strong voice of workers as a key element, will not be effective. IUF Africa holds the belief that core-determination on matters affecting workers, including health and safety, must be a principle underpinning an effective health and safety system. Other elements such hierarchy of hazard control and risk assessment become non-negotiable part of the system, and thus putting to shame the concept of Behaviour-Based Safety programmes.
The IUF AFRICA Region, support, without any reservation, the global call to make health and safety a fundamental right at work. It is the solemn tribute to workers who died, injured or fell ill due to exposure to preventable workplace risks.
“The loss of life of our member and worker on the highway a few days ago shows that it is never enough to work on improving safety and health at work. That’s why it is necessary that all of you in your environment make your contribution so that lives and health are not lost in the work process. We invite you to share with us your experiences in this area as well as examples of good and bad practices on the occasion of the International Day of Safety and Health at Work.” Samostalni sindikat putara Srbije
(Tötliche) Arbeitsunfälle werden von Kapitalisten nicht selten, immer noch und sogar immer öfter leichtfertig für höhere Gewinne in Kauf genommen. Dagegen müssen wir uns wehren! Und wir wollen an diejenigen erinnern, die Anderen ihre Arbeit gaben und für deren Profite sterben mussten. Deshalb wird am 28.4. alljährlich weltweit der Workers Memorial Day begangen. Siehe dazu die internationale Kampagnenseite zum Workers’ Memorial Day und hier:
Hashtags: #GodtArbejdsmiløNu; #iwmd21
Together the overall message is “godt Arbejdsmiljø nu” (good occupational health and safety now).
FH Denmark affiliates have been asked to upload pictures of themselves with one of the attached signs and suggested them one of the following texts:
Fagbevægelsens Hovedorganisation
April 27 – laying of wreath at the Memorial of Victims of Work related accidents and illnesses. Special commemoration of Covid-19 victims.
April 28. 14.00 – online conference for safety reps/ trade union officials – commemoration, stock taking of OSH situation with seniour labour inspector and experts on challenges of home-office work and presentation of “bodymapping” method
Károly György
nemzetközi titkárMagyar Szakszervezeti Szövetség / MASZSZ Hungarian Trade Union Confederation
“Leben mit der Corona-Pandemie” ist Schwerpunkt-Thema des diesjährigen Workers’ Memorial Day. Wie in den vergangenen Jahr gedenken wir auch am 28. April 2021 denjenigen, die auf dem Weg zur Arbeit oder am Arbeitsplatz verunglückt sind oder infolge einer Berufskrankheit verstarben. Der Gottesdienst in der Kaiser-Wilhelm-Gedächtnis-Kirche wird (ab 18 Uhr) online übertragen, unter:
“Leben mit der Corona-Pandemie” ist Schwerpunkt-Thema des diesjährigen Workers’ Memorial Day. Wie in den vergangenen Jahr gedenken wir auch am 28. April 2021 denjenigen, die auf dem Weg zur Arbeit oder am Arbeitsplatz verunglückt sind oder infolge einer Berufskrankheit verstarben. Der Gottesdienst in der Kaiser-Wilhelm-Gedächtnis-Kirche wird (ab 18 Uhr) online übertragen, unter:
Das Thema:
Leben mit der Corona-Pandemie
“Unsichtbare Gefahren am Arbeitsplatz”
Den Gottesdienst leitet Pfarrer Martin Germer mit Vertreter*innen von Gewerkschaften, Berufsgenossenschaften und Verbänden sowie jüdischer und muslimischer Beteiligung.