Tag Archives: NUCBW

Philippines: NUBCW inspecting workplaces to assess safety for 28 April

NUBCW and BWI  will be holding jointly International Workers Memorial Day Celebrations (IWMD) with Philippine Affiliates in Quezon City. Additionally there will be a joint inspection with BWI of the Asian development bank’s Malalos Clark railway project focusing on worker safety with specific focus on heat stress.

Philippines: Building and wood workers’ union federation BWI announces 28 April plans

Global building unions’ federation BWI has announced the 28 April plans of its Philippines affiliates.

NUBCW will hold a discussion on worker safety amongst union members. This will be followed with a ceremonial candle-lighting activity to commemorate those who have suffered work  incidents and deaths.


Philippines: Forum and demonstrations to mark 28 April and demand reforms- #iwmd19

In the Philippines global construction union federation Building and Wood Worker’s International (BWI) affiliate  NUBCW will hold a one-day forum for new members (construction workers) covering safety standards and OHS rights at work.

Another BWI affiliate BWFM will organise an action involving 300 construction worker members in the Thainlyin township (this is in Yangon, and much of the construction activity there is within a special economic zone) to demand meaningful OHS legal reforms.