Category Archives: News

USA: Informational webinar for Workers’ Memorial Week – February 14, 2019 (National COSH)

National Council for Occupational Safety and Health (National COSH) is holding an informational webinar on 14 February to start planning for International Workers’ Memorial Day. In the US a week long series of actions and events  will commence on 22 April and build up to the nationally recognised day of 28 April.

Join with individuals and groups across the country who are hosting events and taking action to remember workers killed on the job and drive home the message of the need to fight for the living.

The webinar will include an overview on how to mobilise your community, families, and co-workers; how to build a memorial and tell worker stories; media outreach; empower worker leadership, highlight your campaigns, and much more.

INFORMATIONAL WEBINAR  February 14, 2019 2pm ET-3:30pm ET/11am-12:30pm PT

Join the webinar from your computer (preferred) or
by phone: (669) 224-3412 passcode: 128-431-613

Watch out for news of a Spanish webinar!

National COSH:

Britain: Unveiling of workers’ memorial stained glass window, 23 November

In the build-up to International Workers Memorial Day on 28 April 2019, Greater Manchester Hazards Centre will be unveiling a memorial ‘Fallen Tears’ stained glass window on 23 November at the People’s History Museum, Manchester, from 3pm to 5pm.

GMHC news release and Fallen Tears invitationWorkers’ Memorial DayRisks 875.

USA: Workers’ Memorial Week – Love, support and standing up for safety – report and pictures

The National Council for Occupational Safety and Health (National COSH) federation reported events from all over the U.S. and around the globe, 2018 was another amazing Workers’ Memorial Week.

Check out  their  blog at for a wrap-up of just a few of the vigils, memorials, rallies and other events that took place in churches, synagogues, City Council chambers and other locations from Maine to California – and many points in between.


Wales TUC launches animations and videos showing unions workplaces are safer workplaces [Welsh and English]

To mark International Workers’ Memorial Day, a new short film has been launched today (Saturday) by the Wales Trade Union Congress to highlight the difference that trade union health and safety representatives have made in workplaces.

The animation (in both Welsh and English Version) shows how health and safety reps are ensuring that unionised workplaces are safer workplaces, with evidence showing that injury and sickness rates are lower in workplaces with higher numbers of union members.

It is launched alongside a message (In Welsh and English Versions) from the First Minister, Carwyn Jones, who urges people across Wales to join a trade union to make their workplaces safer.

Mike Jenkins and Julie Cook – President and National Officer of Wales TUC – pay their respects on International Workers’ Memorial Day in 2014.

Asia: On 28 April ANROEV demands Asian governments immediately ratify ILO Convention 155

The members of the Asian Network for the Rights of Occupational and Environmental Victims (ANROEV) a grassroots coalition of victims’ groups, trade unions and other labour groups across Asia call for the  ratification of the ILO convention 155 on Occupational Safety and Health and the working environment.

Global: 28 avril – Journée internationale de commémoration des travailleuses et des travailleurs, CSI

Le 28 avril, Journée internationale de commémoration des travailleuses et travailleurs morts ou blessés au travail, des événements seront organisés dans le monde entier pour souligner le rôle vital joué par les syndicats en vue de protéger les travailleurs contre les accidents du travail et maladies professionnelles.

Plus de 2,5 millions de travailleurs ont trouvé la mort en 2017 en raison de blessures sur leur lieu de travail ou de maladies professionnelles, et l’on sait que de nombreux décès liés au travail ne sont pas enregistrés.

« Les piètres conditions de travail tuent à l’échelle mondiale un travailleur toutes les 11 secondes. Toutes ces morts sont évitables, et pourtant leur nombre augmente. Les syndicats, et des lois efficaces et réellement mises en œuvre, fournissent une protection vitale aux travailleurs. Mais avec l’affaiblissement de la législation du travail et l’attaque à la liberté syndicale dans toutes les régions monde, il n’est pas surprenant que le nombre de décès liés au travail soit si élevé. C’est la raison pour laquelle les syndicats mondiaux organisent actuellement vigoureusement une campagne urgente en vue d’exiger sécurité, justice et responsabilisation », a dit Sharan Burrow, Secrétaire générale de la CSI.

Cette année, les syndicats vont en outre se concentrer sur le fléau des cancers professionnels, auxquels est due une grande partie des 2,4 millions de morts liées aux maladies professionnelles tous les ans. Plus de 10 % des cancers résultent d’une exposition à des substances dangereuses sur le lieu de travail.

« Le cancer provoqué par le travail est un fléau meurtrier ; or, là où les travailleurs n’ont pas le droit de s’organiser et où les pouvoirs publics ne réglementent pas efficacement et n’assurent pas la mise en œuvre, les risques montent en flèche. Les exemples du type Samsung en Corée sont trop nombreux : cette société invoquait le « secret commercial » pour camoufler la toxicité des produits chimiques que les ouvriers de la chaîne de production devaient utiliser », a dit Burrow.

Le mouvement syndical appelle également à une reconnaissance de la santé et la sécurité sur le lieu de travail comme étant un des Principes et droits fondamentaux au travail de l’Organisation internationale du travail, au même titre que les normes existantes en matière de travail forcé, travail des enfants et discrimination au travail, et que la liberté syndicale et le droit de négociation collective.

Pour plus d’information, voir :

Pour de plus amples informations, veuillez contacter le département de la presse de la CSI par téléphone : +32 2 224 03 52 ou par courriel :




Global: April 28 – International Workers’ Memorial Day, ITUC

On 28 April, International Commemoration Day for Dead and Injured Workers, trade union events around the world will underline the vital role that unions play in protecting workers from work-related accidents and disease. More than 2.5 million workers lost their lives to workplace injuries and illness in 2017, with many more deaths going unrecorded.

“Worldwide, poor working conditions kill a worker every 11 seconds. All these deaths are avoidable, yet the body count is increasing. Unions, and laws which are effective and enforced, provide vital protection to workers, and with labour laws being weakened and workers’ right to organise being undermined in every region of the world, it is little surprise that the death toll is so high. That is why global unions are launching a reinvigorated and urgent organising campaign to demand safety, justice and accountability,” said ITUC General Secretary Sharan Burrow.

This year, unions will also be focusing on the scourge of occupational cancer, which is responsible for a large proportion of the 2.4 million deaths due to occupational disease annually. More than 10 per cent of cancer cases are a result of workplace exposure to hazards.

“Cancer caused by work is a major killer, and where workers are not allowed to organise and governments fail to regulate effectively and ensure compliance, the risks skyrocket. There are too many examples like the case of Samsung in Korea, which has used ‘trade secrets’ as a way to hide the toxicity of chemicals which production line workers have to use,” said Burrow.

The union movement is also calling for occupational health and safety to be recognised as one of the Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work of the International Labour Organization, alongside existing fundamental standards on forced labour, child labour, discrimination at work and freedom of association and the right to collectively bargain.

For more information, see:

News release

ITUC: Global unions launch an urgent organising campaign to demand safety, justice and accountability

April 28: International Workers’ Memorial Day

ITUC News release, 26 April 2018

On 28 April, International Commemoration Day for Dead and Injured Workers, trade union events around the world will underline the vital role that unions play in protecting workers from work-related accidents and disease. More than 2.5 million workers lost their lives to workplace injuries and illness in 2017, with many more deaths going unrecorded.

“Worldwide, poor working conditions kill a worker every 11 seconds. All these deaths are avoidable, yet the body count is increasing. Unions, and laws which are effective and enforced, provide vital protection to workers, and with labour laws being weakened and workers’ right to organise being undermined in every region of the world, it is little surprise that the death toll is so high. That is why global unions are launching a reinvigorated and urgent organising campaign to demand safety, justice and accountability,” said ITUC General Secretary Sharan Burrow.

This year, unions will also be focusing on the scourge of occupational cancer, which is responsible for a large proportion of the 2.4 million deaths due to occupational disease annually. More than 10 per cent of cancer cases are a result of workplace exposure to hazards.

“Cancer caused by work is a major killer, and where workers are not allowed to organise and governments fail to regulate effectively and ensure compliance, the risks skyrocket. There are too many examples like the case of Samsung in Korea, which has used ‘trade secrets’ as a way to hide the toxicity of chemicals which production line workers have to use,” said Burrow.

The union movement is also calling for occupational health and safety to be recognised as one of the Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work of the International Labour Organization, alongside existing fundamental standards on forced labour, child labour, discrimination at work and freedom of association and the right to collectively bargain.

For more information, see: http://28april.o

28 April ITUC/CSI/IGB posters and briefings

Download the poster: EspañolFrançais • English

Download the briefing: EnglishDeutsch Español •  Français  


CSI: Les syndicats organisent en faveur d’un travail décent, plus sûr et plus sain

Toutes les 11 secondes, un travailleur meurt dans le monde en raison des conditions de travail. Tous les décès sont évitables. Les connaissances existent, la technologie existe, mais la volonté n’y est pas. L’organisation syndicale est un antidote avéré.


Les syndicats organisent en faveur d’un travail décent, plus sûr et plus sain

IGB: Gewerkschaften organisieren sich für sicherere, gesündere, menschenwürdige Arbeit

Weltweit kommt alle elf Sekunden ein Mensch aufgrund schlechter Arbeitsbedingungen ums Leben. All diese Todesfälle sind vermeidbar, aber dennoch steigt die Zahl der Opfer, warnt Sharan Burrow. Die Generalsekretärin des IGB erläutert, dass dies der Grund für den umgehenden Start einer intensivierten Organisierungskampagne der internationalen Gewerkschaftsbewegung ist, die darauf abzielt, Sicherheit, Gerechtigkeit und Rechenschaftspflicht einzufordern.

Gewerkschaften organisieren sich für sicherere, gesündere, menschenwürdige Arbeit

CSI: Los sindicatos organizan para lograr trabajo decente, más seguro y más saludable

En todo el mundo, unas malas condiciones de trabajo ocasionan la muerte de un trabajador cada 11 segundos. Todas estas muertes son evitables, y sin embargo la cifra sigue incrementándose, advierte Sharan Burrow. La Secretaria General de
la CSI indica que es por ese motivo que los sindicatos mundiales están lanzando una urgente y renovada campaña de  organización, reclamando seguridad, justicia y responsabilidad.

Los sindicatos organizan para lograr trabajo decente, más seguro y más saludable

ITUC – Unions are organising for safer, healthier, decent work

Worldwide, poor working conditions kill a worker every 11 seconds. All these deaths are avoidable, yet the body count is increasing, warns Sharan Burrow. The ITUC General Secretary says that is why global unions are launching a reinvigorated and urgent organising campaign to demand safety, justice and accountability.

ITUC – Unions are organising for safer, healthier, decent work

ITUC 28 April poster: Unions make work safer

ITUC has published a 28 April poster to accompany its Unions are organising for safer, healthier, decent work report.