All posts by Jawad

Global: BWI to launch ‘safety brigade manual’ on 28 April

On the occasion of this year’s observance of “International Workers’ Memorial Day,” and as part of BWI’s “Global OSH Brigades Programme,” the 12 million-strong global union on 27 April will launch its “Occupational Health and Safety Brigade Manual”. more

Western Balkans: Two day trade union seminar to recognise OHS standards as a fundamental right

The strategic use of ILO Supervisory Machinery in light of recognition of OHS standards as Fundamental Rights at Work, Seminar for Trade Unions from the Western Balkans, Skopje, 27 – 28 April 2023. North Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia, Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Kosovo

Philippines: Remembrance and Resistance: A Workers’ Memorial Day Solidarity Event and Open Mic Night

Remembrance and Resistance: A Workers’ Memorial Day Solidarity Event and Open Mic Night
An evening of performances and solidarity to commemorate the lives of workers who died due to work and call for justice and action for workers’ health, safety, and rights. This event also aims to strengthen our resolve to take part and mobilize our ranks on May 1, International Workers’ Day.
The solidarity night will start off with its annual candle lighting activity to remember all the workers around the world who died due to work-related accidents and diseases. The program will highlight the different forms of cultural art and performance such as poetry reading, one-act play, short films and documentaries that express the long-standing calls of our workers.
Solidarity messages and performances will be shared by Tambisan sa Sining, Justice for Kentex Workers, Makabayan at Makataong Sining Obrero (MASO), Gabriela She Lang and leaders from local unions and federations. Mayday Multimedia and NSTP students from the UP Manila Political Science Program will also screen short videos and films on the labor rights situation in the country.
We invite you to join and share your works and talents as we creatively express our solidarity and resistance through the Open Mic event that will take place after the program. Open Mic will begin at around 8:30 PM onwards.
This solidarity event is presented by Institute for Occupational Health and Safety Development, Mayday Multimedia, and Human Rights and People Empowerment Center, with the help of UP Manila PolSci Program NSTP students, NAFLU KMU, Tambisan sa Sining, Balai Obrero Foundation Inc., Makabayan, Makatao Sining Obrero (MASO), Justice for Kentex Workers Alliance, and support of DAKILA, and Active Vista.

Macedonia: Seminar za megjunarodni standardi za rabota za sindikatite od Zapaden Balkan vo organizacija na ILO

Seminar za megjunarodni standardi za rabota za sindikatite od Zapaden Balkan vo organizacija na ILO

Global: BWI issues a global call to action for 28 April

International Workers’ Memorial Day is annually observed on April 28. This year, BWI will highlight ways to put the right to safe and healthy workplaces into practice through the theme “MAKE IT HAPPEN.” This is an effort to celebrate and raise awareness on occupational safety and health (OSH) as a fundamental worker right.
Trade unions worldwide will carry out joint activities with employers and/or organise rallies to promote the implementation of OSH as a basic worker right. Activities will take place the whole week covering 24-30 April. #MakeItHappen #iwmd23

Croatia: SSSH reports 118 construction worker deaths in ten years

BWI affiliate SSSH reports 118 construction worker deaths in the last ten years.


Australia: VTHC – A history of 28 April

Workers Memorial day 28th April. History of the day here

Moldova: National Federation of Trade Unions of Moldova seminar on work safety and compensation

📌The National Federation of Trade Unions of Moldova organized the seminar “Evaluation of working conditions and establishment of compensation spheres for work performed in adverse conditions in Glodeni on Thursday, April 27, in Glodeni. The role of union representatives in avoiding work accidents.
➡️ The activity was attended by Galina Graur, the CNSM representative in the Glodeni district, Ion Cojocari, the President of the Glodeni District, Alexandru Pascari, the Chief Labor Inspectorate of the Unions.
✅ The participants emphasized the importance of intensifying the collaboration between social partners at the local level in the field of prevention of occupational accidents.

UK: Unions make work safe

Every year more people are killed at work than in wars.

Most don’t die of mystery ailments, or in tragic “accidents”. They die because an employer decided their safety just wasn’t that important a priority.

International Workers Memorial Day (IWMD) 28 April commemorates those workers.

It’s a time for us to come together as a movement and as a community. To remember those who have lost their lives to work, and renew our commitment to fight for the living and make work safe.

We’re getting in touch because there’s an event happening in your area. Click on the map to find it and don’t forget to RSVP!

View the map

Workplace deaths are preventable deaths. Trade unions will continue to fight for a future where no worker must risk their health or life while doing their job.

The COVID-19 pandemic has shown beyond doubt that working people suffer at the hands of unscrupulous employers.

We must remember those we have lost and organise for safer, healthier work in their memory.

Can’t make it to an event?


Portugal: Sessão Comemorativa do Dia Internacional em Memória dos Trabalhadores Vítimas de Acidentes de Trabalho e Doenças Profissionais, intitulada “Vamos Agir em conjunto para atingir Zero Mortes no Trabalho até 2030”

No próximo dia 27 de abril 2023 a UGT irá realizar na sua Sede, Rua Vitorino Nemésio, nº 5, em Lisboa, a ter início pelas 14h30m, em formato híbrido, uma Sessão Comemorativa do Dia Internacional em Memória dos Trabalhadores Vítimas de Acidentes de Trabalho e Doenças Profissionais, intitulada “Vamos Agir em conjunto para atingir Zero Mortes no Trabalho até 2030”.

Neste Dia Internacional em Memória dos Trabalhadores, o movimento sindical alerta para o facto de quase 30.000 pessoas poderem perder a vida no trabalho, na UE, ao longo desta década, caso não sejam adotadas medidas para tornar os locais de trabalho mais seguros e saudáveis.

Prevê-se que em Portugal ocorrem mais 481 mortes no trabalho até 2030.

Como efeito, na última década, o número de acidentes mortais no local de trabalho diminuiu lentamente, embora o progresso esteja longe de ser constante, com as mortes a aumentar novamente em 2019, segundo dados do Eurostat.

Tendo em conta estas negras previsões, a Confederação Europeia de Sindicatos lançou um Manifesto para ZERO MORTES NO TRABALHO, que apela aos líderes europeus a cumprirem o prometido no que respeita a salvar a vida dos trabalhadores.

O Manifestó – assinado por ministros, eurodeputados, dirigentes sindicais e peritos em Saúde e Segurança no Trabalho – apelou a um aumento da formação em Saúde e Segurança no local de trabalho e a um aumento das inspeções e das sanções, como forma de eliminar as mortes no local de trabalho, até 2030.

Neste Dia Internacional em Memória dos Trabalhadores, lembramo-nos dos mortos e continuamos a LUTAR PELOS VIVOS!


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Publicada por Segurança e Saúde no Trabalho em 05:19

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