All posts by Jawad

ITUC 28 April graphics [Spanish]

ITUC has published a large variety of 28 April graphics for free use across social media channels and beyond. Below are the Spanish language resources. These graphics are suitable for X/Twitter, Instagram, Facebook and more.  You can also download the images here.

La CSI ha publicado una gran variedad de gráficos del 28 de abril para uso gratuito en los canales de redes sociales y más allá. A continuación se encuentran los recursos en español. Estos gráficos son adecuados para X/Twitter, Instagram, Facebook y más. También puedes descargar las imágenes aquí.


Global: BWI launches series of comprehensive hazard briefers to ensure workplace safety

As part of its commemoration of this year’s International Workers’ Memorial Day, the Building and Wood Workers’ International (BWI) has launched a comprehensive series of Hazards briefers to raise awareness among workers on how to protect themselves while on the job and to advocate for healthy and safe workplaces across the globe. This is part of BWI’s continuing proactive initiative to prioritise the health and safety of workers worldwide.

This is part of BWI’s continuing proactive initiative to prioritise the health and safety of workers worldwide.

First in its series of hazard briefers is on Biological Hazards such as infections, allergies, or poisoning caused by biological agents like bacteria, viruses, fungi, and toxins.


BWI stresses that the construction and woodworking industries carry significant risks and hazards, spanning from falls and exposure to hazardous substances to incidents involving heavy machinery. Consequently, BWI aims for its hazard briefings to be utilised by trade unionists and workers at large to disseminate critical safety information, empower them to advocate for their own safety, and advocate for improved working conditions. These briefings, directed at both workers and employers, underscore the substantial responsibility employers bear in maintaining safe workplaces. They serve to facilitate more constructive dialogues between trade unions, worker representatives, employers, government entities, and policymakers to establish more robust safety regulations.

BWI’s hazard briefers cover a wide range of topics, including but not limited to:

  • Fall Prevention: Providing guidelines and best practices to minimise the risk of falls from heights, a common hazard in construction sites.
  • Safety Equipment Usage: Educating workers on the proper use of personal protective equipment (PPE) such as helmets, gloves, and harnesses to ensure maximum protection on the job.
  • Chemical Safety: Informing workers about the potential hazards of exposure to harmful chemicals commonly used in construction and woodworking, along with measures to safely handle and store these substances.
  • Machinery Safety: Offering guidance on the safe operation of heavy machinery and power tools to prevent accidents and injuries.
  • Emergency Preparedness: Equipping workers with the knowledge and skills to respond effectively to emergencies such as fires, collapses, or medical incidents on construction sites.

As the construction and woodworking industries continue to evolve and expand, it is imperative that safety remains a top priority.

Through initiatives like the hazard briefers launched by BWI and the commitment of employers to implement in internationally-sanctioned safety measures, trade unions can strive towards a future where every worker returns home safely at the end of each working day.

UK: TUC leading building safety inspection drive for Workers’ Memorial Day

TUC says  “We know the risks of Raac, asbestos, poor fire safety and ventilation can be a dangerous mix. Too many of our workplaces are riddled with one or more of these. Successive governments have failed to remove and improve, and too many employers fail to properly control risk.”

So in the week leading up to Workers’ Memorial Day, TUC is taking action asking union safety reps, or reps who are responsible for health and safety as part of their role  to carry out a building safety inspection. Between Monday 22 and Sunday 29 April, union safety reps across the country will all inspect together. More than 600 reps have already signed up. More details

USA: National COSH Dirty Dozen report – release event

National COSH  • Dirty Dozen Release Event/ Evento de Lanzamiento La Docena Sucia

National COSH reports “every year, far too many workers never make it home – like the hardworking immigrants, assigned to the night shift, who perished last month when a bridge collapsed in Baltimore.

“Millions more, still with us, find their lives diminished, their incomes lower and their expenses higher because of preventable workplace illnesses and injuries.

“Each year we honor all of these workers and their families during Workers’ Memorial Week, which takes place this year from April 21st through April 28th. ”

Cada año, demasiados trabajadores no regresan a casa, como trabajadores inmigrantes, asignados en el turno de la noche, que fallecieron el mes pasado cuando se derrumbó un puente en Baltimore.

Evento de lanzamiento de La Docena Sucia de 2024jueves 25 de abril a las 2 pm ET / 1 pm CT / 12 pm MT / 11 am PT

Millones más, aún con nosotros, encontrarán sus vidas disminuidas, sus ingresos más bajos y sus gastos más altos debido a enfermedades y lesiones prevenibles en el lugar de trabajo.

Cada año honramos a todos estos trabajadores y sus familias durante la Semana Conmemorativa de Trabajadores Fallecidos, que se lleva a cabo este año del 21 al 28 de abril.

¿Puedes unirte a COSH Nacional el jueves 25 de abril a las 2:00 pm Este / 1:00 pm Centro / 12:00 pm Montaña / 11:00 am Pacifico, en Zoom? Celebraremos la Semana Conmemorativa de Trabajadores Fallecidos con nuestro anuncio de los(las) empleadores injustos de La Docena Sucia de este año. Hacemos hincapié en el comportamiento irresponsable que pone en riesgo a trabajadores y comunidades. Elevaremos las historias de los trabajadores y las comunidades que luchan para obtener mejores protecciones para reducir muertes, lesiones y enfermedades.

Estamos invitando a los medios de comunicación, ¡y a tí! – a escuchar directamente de trabajadores y familias que pagan el precio cuando un empleador no es responsable. Nos encantaría tenerte con nosotros el 25 de abril.

La Semana Conmemorativa de Trabajadores Fallecidos es un momento para recordar a aquellos que hemos perdido y para luchar con todas nuestras fuerzas por los vivos. Nos sentiríamos honrados si pudieras unirte a nosotros el 25 de abril,


UK: Unison – Workers’ Memorial Day video

Unison – Workers’ Memorial Day video

USA: Numerous Workers’ Memorial Day activities in Connecticut across April

ConnectiCOSH has published a list of numerous International Workers’ Memorial Day events taking place  across April:

  • April 20 from 3-5pm:  Greater New Haven Labor History Association presents HEALTH AND SAFETY ON THE JOB MUST BE A FUNDAMENTAL WORKER RIGHT. The presentation will include films and speaker Jordan Barab, Former OSHA Deputy Assistant Secretary. Flyer is attached.
  • April 23 at 11am:  L’Ambiance Memorial Service at Bridgeport City Hall
  • April 28 at 8 am:  Worker Memorial Day Service at Washington Park in Groton
  • April 28 at 12 noon:  Worker Memorial Day Service at Worker Memorial in Bushnell Park, Hartford
  • April 29 at 10 am:  Worker Memorial Day Service at AFSCME Council 4

683 North Mountain Road
Newington, CT  06111

Email contact Web 


POLAND: Światowy Dzień Bezpieczeństwa i Ochrony Zdrowia w Pracy 2024: BEZPIECZEŃSTWO PRACY A ZMIANY KLIMATYCZNE

Światowy Dzień Bezpieczeństwa i Ochrony Zdrowia w Pracy 2024:


 Szanowni Państwo,

 Uprzejmie informuję, że na stronie zamieściliśmy informacje dotyczące tematyki i obchodów Światowego Dnia Bezpieczeństwa i Ochrony Zdrowia w Pracy. Są tam: plakat Dnia (do druku), baner internetowy, infografiki, linki do nagrań seminariów oraz szereg materiałów źródłowych –

 Obciążenia cieplne pracowników w środowisku cieplnym i zimnym (pdf)

 Zachęcamy do wykorzystania zgromadzonych materiałów.

 Z pozdrawieniami

Dorota Pięta
Ośrodek Promocji i Wdrażania
tel. 22 623 37 22

Centralny Instytut Ochrony Pracy – Państwowy Instytut Badawczy
ul. Czerniakowska 16, 00-701 Warszawa