Tag Archives: 2024

Gibraltar: Chief Minister honours workers in Memorial Day and International Day message


The Chief Minister says we owe a huge debt of gratitude to the workers who have built our community, our economy and our democracy. In his Workers’ Memorial Day and International Workers’ Day message, Fabian Picardo reaffirms his government’s commitment to ensuring every worker has a safe, healthy and fair working environment.

He says workers in Gibraltar’s economy have faced many challenges and hardships, especially with Brexit and the COVID-19 pandemic, which he says have disrupted our lives and livelihoods. He adds workers and employers have shown resilience, solidarity, and courage in the face of these generational challenges.

“They have been the heroes and heroines of our collective response as a Community to this unprecedented crisis.”

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ILO adopts climate risks theme for 28 April 2024

The impacts of climate change on occupational safety and health

Every 28 April, the International Labour Organization (ILO) commemorates the World Day for Safety and Health at Work, focusing on a timely theme related to occupational safety and health.This year, the theme will mirror the theme adopted by unions worldwide, and will focus on exploring the impacts of climate change on occupational safety and health.Changing weather patterns have notable impacts on the world of work, particularly affecting workers safety and health. Examples of occupational risks exacerbated by climate change include heat stressUV radiationair pollutionmajor industrial accidentsextreme weather events, an increase in vector-born diseases and increased exposure to chemicals.The ILO will produce several materials for the World Day 2024, including a report, promotional materials, as well as a global event with experts and guest speakers from governments, employers and workers to discuss how to protect workers and respond to this global challenge (April 2024 Exact Date To be announced).

Promotional Materials


Contact Information

Safe Day Team

Email : safeday@ilo.org

Manal Azzi, Occupational Safety and Health Team Lead

Email : azzi@ilo.org
