All posts by Jawad

Asia: ANROEV call for Action – International Workers Memorial Day, 28 April

Greetings from ANROEV secretariat!

International Workers Memorial Day (IWMD), 28 April 2019 is knocking at the door.

Every year IWMD observed on April 28 as a day of commemoration and action for workers those who killed, disabled, injured, intoxicated by chemical exposure or made unwell by lack of safety and health at work. It is a day to commemorate for those who died at work, fight for the rights of injured workers and to acknowledge the grievous suffering experienced by families and communities.

This day is also an opportunity for us to highlight the OSH awareness , demands and promotion of preventative safety culture.

This year the proposed theme of ANROEV for IWMD is: ʺRaising Voice to Ratify ILO Convention no. 155 (Occupational Safety and Health Convention, 1981)ʺ.

It will be appreciated if you could share us your organisation’s plan of action on 28 April.

Furthermore, we also request you to send us activities picture or produced materials (if any) after the event.

With best regards,


Global: Infografía – tipos de cáncer y causas relacionadas con el trabajo

El 28 de abril, Día de Conmemoración de los Trabajadores y Trabajadoras, nos organizaremos bajo el lema ““Tomar el control – eliminar sustancias peligrosas del lugar de trabajo”.

Este año nos centraremos en la campaña Cero Cáncer, publicando un nuevo póster que muestra los factores de riesgo de cáncer en el trabajo.

Infografía – Tipos de cáncer y causas relacionadas con el trabajo

Global: Infographic – cancers and their work causes

On April 28th, International Workers’ Memorial Day, we will organise under the theme, Taking control – removing dangerous workplace substances from the workplace.

This year we will focus on Zero Cancer, with a new poster showing risk factors for cancers at work.

Infographic – Cancers and their work causes


Global: Infographie – Les cancers et leurs causes professionnelles

À l’occasion de la Journée internationale de commémoration des travailleuses et des travailleurs le 28 avril, nous nous organiserons sur le thème « Prendre le contrôle – éliminer les substances dangereuses du lieu de travail ».

Cette année, nous mettrons l’accent sur la campagne zéro cancer. Trouvez ci-dessous une nouvelle affiche présentant les facteurs de risque des cancers au travail.

Infographie – Les cancers et leurs causes professionnelles

Global: Reacción química – cartel

El 28 de abril, Día de Conmemoración de los Trabajadores y Trabajadoras, nos organizaremos bajo el lema ““Tomar el control – eliminar sustancias peligrosas del lugar de trabajo”.

Este año nos centraremos en la campaña Cero Cáncer, publicando un nuevo póster que muestra los factores de riesgo de cáncer en el trabajo.

La exposición a substancias peligrosas en el trabajo se sitúa en niveles históricamente altos, estando vinculada a un millón de muertes evitables cada año a nivel mundial.

Los sindicatos dicen a los empleadores negligentes que ya basta. Si nos exponen, también los expondremos.

Cartel – Reacción química PDF

Global: Chemical reaction – poster

On April 28th, International Workers’ Memorial Day, we will organise under the theme, Taking control – removing dangerous workplace substances from the workplace.

This year we will focus on Zero Cancer, with a new poster showing risk factors for cancers at work.

Deaths caused by hazardous substances at work are at an all-time high, linked to 1 million preventable deaths worldwide each year. Unions are telling negligent employers, no more. If you expose us, we will expose you.

Poster – Chemical Reaction PDF

Global: Réaction chimique – affiche

À l’occasion de la Journée internationale de commémoration des travailleuses et des travailleurs le 28 avril, nous nous organiserons sur le thème « Prendre le contrôle – éliminer les substances dangereuses du lieu de travail ».

Cette année, nous mettrons l’accent sur la campagne zéro cancer. Trouvez ci-dessous une nouvelle affiche présentant les facteurs de risque des cancers au travail.

La mortalité due aux substances dangereuses sur le lieu de travail n’a jamais été aussi élevée. Pourtant, un million de décès pourraient être évités chaque année.

Les syndicats avertissent les employeurs négligents. Assez ! Si vous nous exposez au danger, nous le ferons savoir.

Affiche – Réaction chimique


Spain: Manifiesto 28 de Abril 2019 definitivo CCOO UGT

CCOO y UGT estamos en plena campaña de preparación del 28 de Abril de 2019, con el lema #TRABAJOSTOXICOS ¡TOMA EL CONTROL , EXIGE UN TRABAJO SIN RIESGOS!

Manifiesto 28 de Abril 2019 definitivo_CCOO UGT

[Flag] LogoUGT.png


Canada: TV advert runs to mark 28 April in Nova Scotia

NS Federation of LabourThe Nova Scotia Federation of Labour – in partnership with the Workers’ Compensation Board of Nova Scotia, Threads of Life  and  Nova Scotia province – has produced a television advert  to mark the 28 April International Day of Mourning (featured below) . The Federation observed that “In 2018 there were 16 deaths in workplaces and several others died because of a workplace illness or disease. We continue to advocate for worker safety every day of the year.” MoreFacebook

Scotland: 28 April map and events listing from Scottish Hazards

Scottish Hazards has developed a map of memorials established across Scotland to commemorate International Workers Memorial Day as well as recording other memorials commemorating workers who have lost their lives in workplace tragedies and individuals who have left for work never to return to their families.

Pictures of memorials and individual cases will be added to in the coming weeks and months and if you know of any family who would like their story told please  contact Scottish Hazards.

Likewise if you know of a memorial in your community that marks an incident where workers have been killed at work please send details to

Aberdeen Persley Walled Garden, Bridge of Don Sunday 28th April 12.30pm for 1.00pm
Alexandria Memorial Tree, Christie Park Saturday 27th April, 1.00pm
Alloa Workers Memorial adjacent to Clackmannanshire Council Headquarters Friday 26th April 10.30am
Bathgate Workers Memorial, Bathgate Sports Centre, Torpichen Road Sunday 28th April 12.30pm
Bonnyrigg Michael McGahey Memorial, George V Park, Bonnyrig Sunday, 28 April 12.30pm
Clydebank Truth and Justice Square,  Dumbarton Road Saturday 27 April 11.00am
Coatbridge Summerlee Industrial Museum, Heritage Way, Coatbridge Sunday 28th April 12 noon
Dundee Memorial Tree, adjacent to Discovery Point, Riverside Drive Sunday 28th April 12 noon
Edinburgh Memorial and Tree, West Princes Street Gardens Sunday 28th April 1.00pm
Falkirk Municipal Buildings, West Bridge Street, Falkirk Sunday 28th April 12 noon
Fife Memorial Tree, Beveridge Park Saturday  27th April 11.00am
Greenock Grand Hall, Inverclyde Council HQ followed by wreath laying in Clyde Square Friday 27th April 11.45am
Glasgow Workers Memorial, People’s Palace/ Winter Gardens, Glasgow Green Sunday, 28th April 12 noon
Hamilton Townhouse, Beckford Street Sunday, 28th April, 11.45am
Inverness Workers Memorial Friar’s Shott/Huntly Street, Inverness Saturday 27th April 12.45pm for 1.00pm
Irvine Memorial Garden, Kilwinning Road Thursday 25th April 6.30pm
Kilmarnock Memorial Tree, Dean Country Park Saturday 27th April 10.45am for 11.00am
Paisley Workers Memorial , Renfrewshire House, Cotton Street Sunday 28th  April 1.00pm
Renfrew Workers Memorial Cairn, Robertson Park, Paisley Road Sunday  28th April 11.00am
Stirling International Workers Memorial Tree, Viewforth, Pitt Terrace Thursday 25 April 1.20pm at the tree