‘Fighting for hearts and minds’ – UK Hazards Campaign 28 April briefing

The UK safety campaign group the Hazards Campaign has issued the following 28 April briefing which includes some valuable resources and information for safety reps, campaigners and organisers of International Workers’ Memorial Day activities:

International Workers’ Memorial Day, 28 April 2020: ‘Fighting for hearts and minds’

Let’s make this the biggest and best yet, get planning and organising now! Tell everyone about it – our day to Remember the dead (how and why they died) and to Fight for the Living – demand the action that will stop preventable work deaths

Please circulate the theme to relevant networks in your union, officers, reps and activists, local councillors or your MP.

Use #IWMD20 in all social media communication for global solidarity

The global union confederation, ITUC, has announced the theme for 28 April 2020: ‘Tackling psychosocial hazards at work – taking the stress out of the job’.

In UK we are using Fighting for hearts and minds

This year’s International Workers’ Memorial Day activities will highlight the harm caused by occupational stress and related conditions, including depression, anxiety, burnout, work-related alcohol and drug misuse and work-related suicides. The world’s largest health and safety event will draw together campaign targets including the harm resulting from low pay, high workloads an unacceptable working hours and work patterns. It will also highlight the real-life pressures that lead to work stress, including inadequate staffing, job insecurity, downsizing and precarious work. Bad management practices that contribute to the explosion in work-related psychosocial problems will also be highlighted, including punitive sickness absence policies and disciplinary procedures, oppressive performance management, targets and appraisal systems and a lack of control at work.


Unions fighting for hearts and minds

RESOURCES – Please order resources early

Hazards Campaign resources ribbons, stickers, posters here :   http://www.hazardscampaign.org.uk/blog/hazards-campaign-28-april-2020-resources-order-form

Hazards Magazine is designing a brilliant new poster to capture the theme – preview soon…

New resources and updates on the ‘union fight for hearts and minds’ will be made available on the dedicated ITUC/Hazards 28 April website. The dedicated ITUC/Hazards 28 April 2020 International Workers’ Memorial Day website will be updated soon. https://28april.org/

Briefing and more info ASAP.

EVENTS- tell the TUC !

Events are  being organised and advertised across UK – tell the details :  info@gmhazards.org.uk and TUC at: healthandsafety@tuc.org.uk and see TUC Workers’ Memorial Day pages. https://www.tuc.org.uk/WMD

MAPPING #IWMD20  – Tell us what you are doing info@hazardscampaign.org.uk

Please tell Hazards Campaign what you are doing to we can publicise and make a MAP!

With help from our friends in Scottish Hazards we hope to follow their and the Hazards Magazine ITUC idea of mapping events and deaths, so let us know the details of your event/activity

If you need ideas and support e-mail us.

Some TUC Resources for reps, activists and campaigners and more will be produced- watch out for Hazards Magazine #IWMD20 issue

See www.hazards.org for past posters and graphics  and heartbroken poster in last Hazards magazine – get it on noticeboard to advertise #IWMD20 http://www.hazards.org/gallery/heartbroken.htm

TUC guide to responding to harmful work-related stress. https://www.tuc.org.uk/resource/responding-harmful-work-related-stress

Tackling workplace stress using the HSE Stress Management Standards, TUC and HSE guidance for health and safety representatives. https://www.tuc.org.uk/sites/default/files/tacking%20workplace%20stress%20without%20edits.pdf

TUC workbook on mental health in the workplace. https://www.unionlearn.org.uk/publications/mental-health-and-workplace

TUC mental health awareness training. https://www.tuceducation.org.uk/findacourse/courses/52

TUC health, safety and wellbeing guide. https://www.tuc.org.uk/workplace-guidance/health-safety-and-wellbeing

Hazards magazine stress and mental health webpages http://www.hazards.org/stress/ and work-related suicide http://www.hazards.org/suicide/ webpages.

Hazards magazine’s ‘heartbroken’ poster (left) can be used on a workplace union noticeboard. http://www.hazards.org/gallery/heartbroken.htm

HSE ‘reporting a concern’  https://www.hse.gov.uk/stress/reporting-concern.htm

HSE advice on How to report a work related stress concern, https://www.hse.gov.uk/contact/concerns.htm

HSE ‘Tackling Stress Workbook’ that can be downloaded for free https://www.hse.gov.uk/pubns/wbk01.htm

HSE stress management standards https://www.hse.gov.uk/stress/standards/

Other HSE workplace stress resources https://www.hse.gov.uk/stress/resources.htm

Britain: Get resourced up for biggest ever 28 April campaign day!

New resources for International Workers’ Memorial Day on 28 April 2020, including stickers ribbons and posters, can now be ordered from the national Hazards Campaign. The 28 April 2020 campaign theme will be ‘tackling psychosocial hazards at work – taking the stress out of the job’; tag lines for the union-led event, which has become the world’s biggest health and safety campaign day, include ‘Unions – Fighting for hearts and minds’.

Hazards Campaign blog and 28 April 2020 order resources.
Email the details of your 28 April 2020 plans to the TUC at: healthandsafety@tuc.org.uk
ITUC/Hazards 28 April 2020 International Workers’ Memorial Day website. TUC Workers’ Memorial Day pages.

28 April theme announcement: ‘Tackling psychosocial hazards at work – taking the stress out of the job’

‘Tackling psychosocial hazards at work – taking the stress out of the job’


28 de Abril Jornada Internacional de Conmemoración (JIC) de los Trabajadores Fallecidos y Heridos
28 Avril Journée Internationale de Commémoration (JIC) des travailleurs décédés et blessés
28 April International Workers’ Memorial Day
28 April International commemoration day for dead and injured workers 28 April International day of mourning

The 28 April 2020 campaign theme will be ‘tackling psychosocial hazards at work – taking the stress out of the job’. We will seek to highlight the harm caused by occupational stress and related conditions, including depression, anxiety, burnout, and work-related alcohol and drug dependency, and work-related suicides.

The theme allows us to campaign for action to remedy the broad range of contributory factors and will also engage those in the union movement not primarily interested in occupational health and safety, including:

– low pay, payment by results, piecework
– workload, working hours and work patterns
– inadequate staffing
– job insecurity, downsizing
– precarious/informal/gig work
– punitive sickness absence policies
– punitive disciplinary procedures
– oppressive performance management/appraisal systems
– lean production, new management techniques/behavioural safety
– surveillance at work
– lack of control

Unions have also identified a gap in the ILO instruments – there are not dealing explicitly with psychosocial hazards, so we could use 28 April to press for an ILO convention on this area, and for an expansion of the ILO list of occupational diseases to include a more detailed entry on work-related psychosocial conditions and impacts, including an explicit reference to the need for action to prevent the growing problem of work-related suicide.

There is also scope to link to existing international union campaigns on precarious work, low pay, safe rates, safe staffing and other issues. And we can highlight best practice – laws, agreements, actions, union resources and campaigns.

ITUC will be providing further details on the 28 April 2020 campaign early in the new year.

In the coming weeks, we will be posting updates and signposting resources on the dedicated 28 April webpages at: www.28april.org

In the meantime if you have successful case histories you would like us to feature in our materials please email them to: editor@hazards.org

Some general background materials and link are available here:


28 April theme announcement: ‘Tackling psychosocial hazards at work – taking the stress out of the job’.

‘Tackling psychosocial hazards at work – taking the stress out of the job’


28 de Abril Jornada Internacional de Conmemoración (JIC) de los Trabajadores Fallecidos y Heridos
28 Avril Journée Internationale de Commémoration (JIC) des travailleurs décédés et blessés
28 April International Workers’ Memorial Day
28 April International commemoration day for dead and injured workers 28 April International day of mourning

The 28 April 2020 campaign theme will be ‘tackling psychosocial hazards at work – taking the stress out of the job’. We will seek to highlight the harm caused by occupational stress and related conditions, including depression, anxiety, burnout, and work-related alcohol and drug dependency, and work-related suicides.

The theme allows us to campaign for action to remedy the broad range of contributory factors and will also engage those in the union movement not primarily interested in occupational health and safety, including:

– low pay, payment by results, piecework
– workload, working hours and work patterns
– inadequate staffing
– job insecurity, downsizing
– precarious/informal/gig work
– punitive sickness absence policies
– punitive disciplinary procedures
– oppressive performance management/appraisal systems
– lean production, new management techniques/behavioural safety
– surveillance at work
– lack of control

Unions have also identified a gap in the ILO instruments – there are not dealing explicitly with psychosocial hazards, so we could use 28 April to press for an ILO convention on this area, and for an expansion of the ILO list of occupational diseases to include a more detailed entry on work-related psychosocial conditions and impacts, including an explicit reference to the need for action to prevent the growing problem of work-related suicide.

There is also scope to link to existing international union campaigns on precarious work, low pay, safe rates, safe staffing and other issues. And we can highlight best practice – laws, agreements, actions, union resources and campaigns.

ITUC will be providing further details on the 28 April 2020 campaign early in the new year.

In the coming weeks, we will be posting updates and signposting resources on the dedicated 28 April webpages at: www.28april.org

In the meantime if you have successful case histories you would like us to feature in our materials please email them to: editor@hazards.org

Some general background materials and link are available here:


Anuncio sobre el tema del 28 de Abril: ‘Combatir los riesgos psico-sociales y eliminar el estrés en el trabajo’

‘Combatir los riesgos psico-sociales y eliminar el estrés en el trabajo’


  • 28 de Abril Jornada Internacional de Conmemoración (JIC) de los trabajadores fallecidos y lesionados
  • 28 Avril Journée Internationale de Commémoration (JIC) des travailleurs décédés et blessés
  • 28 April International Workers’ Memorial Day
  • 28 April International commemoration day for dead and injured workers
  • 28 April International day of mourning

El tema para la campaña del 28 de abril en 2020 será ‘combatir los riesgos psico-sociales y eliminar el estrés en el trabajo’ Queremos poner de relieve el daño ocasionado por el estrés laboral y otras afecciones relacionadas, incluyendo depresión, ansiedad, desgaste profesional, alcoholismo y drogodependencia relacionados con el trabajo, y suicidios por problemas laborales.

El tema nos permite hacer campaña reclamando acciones para poner remedio a toda una serie de factores coadyuvantes, además de involucrar también a miembros del movimiento sindical que no se ocupan principalmente en la salud y seguridad en el trabajo, incluyendo:

– bajos salarios, pago en función de los resultados, trabajo a destajo
– carga de trabajo, jornadas laborales y pautas de trabajo
– carencias en materia de personal
– inseguridad del empleo, reducción de personal
– trabajo precario/informal/economía gig
– políticas punitivas en caso de ausencia por enfermedad
– procedimientos disciplinarios punitivos
– sistemas opresivos de gestión/evaluación de rendimiento
– producción ajustada, nuevas técnicas de gestión/seguridad conductual
– vigilancia en el trabajo
– falta de control

Los sindicatos han identificado además una laguna en los instrumentos de la OIT –no abordan específicamente los riesgos psico-sociales– de manera que podríamos aprovechar el 28 de Abril para incidir en la necesidad de contar con un convenio de la OIT al respecto, y para que se extienda la lista de enfermedades profesionales de la OIT incluyendo una mención más detallada de afecciones psico-sociales relacionadas con el trabajo y su impacto, así como una referencia explícita a la necesidad de actuar para prevenir la creciente problemática del suicidio relacionado con el trabajo.

También existe la posibilidad de vincular campañas sindicales internacionales existentes sobre trabajo precario, bajos salarios, ritmo de trabajo y dotación de personal adecuados, entre otras cuestiones. Pueden asimismo ponerse de relieve las mejores prácticas: leyes, acuerdos, acciones, recursos y campañas sindicales.

La CSI proporcionará detalles adicionales sobre la campaña del 28 de Abril a principios del año que viene.

En las próximas semanas, publicaremos información actualizada y apuntaremos a recursos disponibles en la página web sobre el 28 de Abril: www.28april.org

Entre tanto, si tienen historias de casos que quieran que incluyamos entre nuestro material, por favor remitirlas a la lista o directamente a editor@hazards.org

Pueden encontrar distinto material general de fondo (en inglés) en los siguientes enlaces:www.hazards.org/mentalhealth

Annonce du théme de la journée du 28 Avril: Lutter contre les risques psychosociaux au travail: éliminer le stress au travail

«Lutter contre les risques psychosociaux au travail: éliminer le stress au travail»


  • 28 de Abril Jornada Internacional de Conmemoración (JIC) de los Trabajadores Fallecidos y Heridos
  • 28 Avril Journée Internationale de Commémoration (JIC) des travailleurs décédés et blessés
  • 28 April International Workers’ Memorial Day
  • 28 April International commemoration day for dead and injured workers 28 April International day of mourning

Le 28 avril 2020, le thème de la campagne sera le suivant: «Lutter contre les risques psychosociaux au travail: éliminer le stress au travail». Nous chercherons à attirer l’attention sur le préjudice provoqué par le stress au travail et les troubles connexes, tels que la dépression, l’angoisse, le burnout, la dépendance à l’alcool et aux médicaments due au travail et le suicide lié au travail.

Ce thème nous invite à promouvoir les solutions permettant de faire face aux multiples facteurs à l’origine des risques psychosociaux, et d’en examiner d’autres qui ne sont pas fondamentalement associés à la santé et à la sécurité au travail, notamment:

– faible salaire, salaire au rendement, salaire aux pièces
– charge de travail, horaires et régime de travail
– effectifs insuffisants
– précarité de l’emploi, réduction des effectifs
– travail précaire/informel, «petits boulots»
– politiques punitives en cas d’absence pour maladie
– procédures disciplinaires punitives
– gestion des résultats et systèmes d’évaluation oppressifs
– production au plus juste, nouvelles techniques de gestion, sécurité comportementale
– surveillance au travail
– manque de contrôle

Les syndicats ont par ailleurs constaté une lacune dans les instruments de l’OIT qui, en effet, ne traitent pas explicitement des risques psychosociaux. C’est pourquoi, à l’occasion de la journée du 28 avril, nous pourrions solliciter une convention de l’OIT dans ce domaine, et demander l’allongement de la liste des maladies professionnelles répertoriées par l’OIT pour y inclure des données plus détaillées sur les troubles et les impacts psychosociaux dus au travail, en faisant explicitement référence à la nécessité d’agir pour enrayer le problème croissant des suicides liés au travail.

Il serait également possible d’établir un lien avec les campagnes syndicales internationales existantes sur le travail précaire, les faibles salaires, les niveaux suffisants de salaire et de personnel, et sur d’autres questions. Nous pourrions aussi mettre en avant les meilleures pratiques en termes de lois, d’accords, de mesures, de ressources syndicales et de campagnes.

La CSI donnera des informations plus détaillées sur la campagne du 28 avril 2020 au début de l’année prochaine.

Au cours des semaines à venir, nous publierons des mises à jour et nous indiquerons des ressources sur les pages web relatives au 28 avril à l’adresse www.28april.org

Entre-temps, si vous avez connu des expériences fructueuses sur cette question et que vous souhaitez les voir figurer dans nos matériels, veuillez les envoyer par courriel sur la liste, ou directement à mon adresse editor@hazards.org

Voici plusieurs liens et informations générales:



Global: Objectif – zéro cancer professionnel

ABVV-FGTB: Chaque année, dans l’Union européenne, on enregistre environ 2,6 millions de nouveaux cas de cancers (sans compter les cancers de la peau qui ne sont pas des mélanomes). La mortalité est de l’ordre de 1,3 million de personnes par an. Chez les hommes, la cause de mortalité principale par cancer est le cancer du poumon; chez les femmes, il s’agit du cancer du sein.

Selon l’Organisation mondiale de la santé (OMS), 20% des cas de cancers sont d’origine génétique et 80% sont attribuables à des facteurs environnementaux. L’OMS estime que 30 à 50% des cancers pourraient être évités grâce à des stratégies de prévention efficaces.

Mais saviez-vous que le cancer est la première cause de mortalité due aux conditions de travail en Europe ? Le cancer cause de 20 à 30 fois plus de décès que les accidents du travail.

Objectif – zéro cancer professionnel (Target – zero cancer at work) Download

Objectif : zéro cancer professionnel

Global: Doel – nul kanker op het werk

AVBB-FTGB: Kanker is nog steeds een belangrijke doodsoorzaak bij sterfgevallen gelieerd aan een beroepsactiviteit. In deze brochure lezen delegees hoe ze het aantal gevallen van kanker op de werkvloer kunnen terugdringen.

Doel – nul kanker op het werk (Target – zero cancer at work) Download

Doel: nul kanker op het werk

Global: ABVV-FGTB – De kankers en hun beroepsgerelateerde oorzaken



Infogids IVV/Gevaren: de risico’s op beroepskankers in één oogopslag

De kankers en hun beroepsgerelateerde oorzaken – PDF A4
De kankers en hun beroepsgerelateerde oorzaken – PDF A3

Brazil: Month of mobilisation for better working conditions (SINTRACOM Londrina)

SINTRACOM Londrina General Secretary at event opening.

The Union of Construction and Furniture Industries Workers of Londrina (SINTRACOM Londrina), affiliated to Building and Wood Workers’ International (BWI), mobilized during April in a campaign for better health and safety conditions at different worksites of the region.

The union’s directors were present at 48 workplaces where they spoke to workers about potential safety hazards that will lead to injuries and fatal accidents in the construction industry such as falls from heights, burial and electric shock. At the end of the month, a large meeting of the members of the Internal Committees for Accident Prevention (CIPAs) was held, to highlight the importance of the Committee by valuing the work of construction workers.

On the 28th, an action was conducted out placing 209 crosses symbolizing each of the deaths resulting from occupational accidents in the year 2017.


Remember the dead, fight like hell for the living