Tag Archives: 28 april

Asia: ANROEV Statement on International Workers’ Memorial Day 2019

Constant Demand to Governments in Asia for Immediate Ratification of  ILO Convention 155 and 170

28 April a day of remembrance for workers who were killed, injured or disabled due to lack of proper health and safety at work. Workers’ Memorial Day is an opportunity to highlight the preventable nature of most workplace incidents and ill health and to promote campaigns for the fight of improvements in workplace safety.The basic slogan for the day is remembering the deadfight for the living.

According to recent report of the ILO, currently, more than 374 million people are being injured or affected by illness every year by work-related accidents. It is estimated that economic loss due to OSH-related causes represent almost 4 per cent of global GDP, in some countries the cost can be as high as 6 per cent. The developing Asia is one of a key region in the world constantly suffering with high number of work related deaths, diseases and injuries caused by unsafe working condition.

According to a new report from the International Labour Organization (ILO), Changes in working practices, demographics, technology and the environment are creating new occupational safety and health (OSH) concerns. Growing challenges include psychosocial risks, work-related stress and non-communicable diseases, notably circulatory and respiratory diseases, and cancers.  Death caused by hazardous substances at work are all time high linked to 1 million preventable death worldwide each year which is unacceptable.

It’s a great sorrow to mention that, the overall development approach in the field of OSH in Asia is mainly focused on workplace accident; addressing occupational diseases is still not a priority. Occupational diseases (silicosis, asbestosis and occupational cancers and many more) are invisible and imminent threat for workers in Asia. The absence of OSH Rights, social protection and just compensation for industrial accidents, injuries and diseases are pushing affected families deeper into poverty and making them vulnerable.

Recent tragic workplace accidents in various parts of Asia show that, health and safety of workers is not prioritized by employers or the enforcement authorities. Occupational accident victims specially women and young people are even being further marginalized as they find it even harder to find long term unemployment or forced to take precarious work that is low paid, unprotected and hazardous.

We must recognize the economic cost, the immeasurable human suffering such illnesses and accidents. These are all-the-more tragic because they are largely preventable.

According to UNHCR, exposing workers to substances that do not have a determination of a health-based safe level of exposure is a violation of their rights. At the most fundamental level, comprehensive information regarding the intrinsic health hazards of the vast majority of industrial chemicals continues to be absent, including their ability to cause cancer, to be mutagenic or to be toxic for reproduction Continued exposure of workers to such chemicals not only constitutes a challenge to the rights of these workers to information, but also may amount to exploitation by deception. Without such information about toxic exposures at work, this further limits the rights of workers to realize other related rights.

OSH legislations are outdated (regressive) as these generally fail to keep in step with emerging workplace issues and non-standard forms of employment. In many cases, workers in the informal economy, domestic workers, migrant workers are not covered under the legislations. Enforcement of OSH legislations are equally a serious concern in Asia and require joint responses at national and regional level. Updated OSH legislation in the Asian region reflecting the nature of work in Asia is crucial to prevent workplace accidents and diseases and to ensure just compensation for victims.

The ILO convention 155 (occupational health and safety) and 170 (chemicals convention) is considered as basic international labour standard for securing health and safety rights of all working people inside the national boundary; ensure safe chemical management and exposer fee workplaces. On the other hand, the important feature of the ILO convention 155 is applied to all workers in all branches of economic activity. Therefore, ratification of 155 by countries in Asia is very important to ensure state’s basic legal obligation, ensure occupational health and safety rights of all workers within the country. The formulation of harmonization of compensation systems and ratification of ILO Convention 155 is an urgent need in Asia.

Furthermore, the goal of ILO conversion 170 is to provide workers with information about the chemicals at their workplaces, and about appropriate preventive measures so that they can effectively participate in protective programmes; establishing principles for such programmes to ensure that chemicals are used safely, but regretfully it is found that, till now only few countries in Asia has ratified convention 155 such as China, Korea, Mongolia, Australia, Fiji and Kazakhstan. Its ratification status in south Asia and South East Asia is nil. On the other hand only 21 countries in the world ratified ILO convention 170 (chemical safety), and only China and Korea from Asian region are included that list.

The international community has long recognized health as a human right. But in a world where above 3 million workers continue to die every year as a result of occupational accidents and work-related diseases; it is time for safety and health at work to be recognized as a fundamental principle and right at work.

It has to be point out here that, one of key recommendations at just published Global Commission on the Future of Work report is a universal labour guarantee required that protects workers ’fundamental rights, an adequate living wage, limits on hours of work and safe and healthy workplaces.

On the International Workers’ Memorial Day 2019, ANROEV demanded to the governments in the region for immediately ratify the ILO Convention 155 and 170 as part of states obligation towards ensure safe, healthy and hazards free work places at national level.

Asian Network for the Rights of Occupational and Environmental Victims (ANROEV)

New Zealand: Multiple events to be held to mark International Workers’ Memorial Day

All around the globe events will be occurring to mark Workers Memorial Day to remember those who were killed at work.

“In the last year 55 working Kiwis went to work and never came home. Every single person who heads out the door to begin their working day should have full confidence that they’ll return home again at the end of their work day,” said CTU President Richard Wagstaff.

“Of particular concern are construction, manufacturing, and agriculture (farming). These industries are killing more Kiwis than any other. We challenge employers to do more to keep those they employ safe at work.”

“WorkSafe estimates that 800 – 1000 people each year die from “non-acute” work related illnesses more than double the number people killed on our roads. People are dying from exposures to harmful products and chemicals which cause cancers and other serious illnesses. Of particular note action is still very much needed on the issue of asbestos.”

“More than 3,000 people were seriously hurt at work in the last year. These are injuries which in many cases could have resulted in death. This number should be of real concern and a very clear indication that more, much more, needs to be done to make work safer,” Wagstaff said.

For more information about New Zealand statistics including break down by industry – https://worksafe.govt.nz/data-and-research/ws-data/fatalities/

International Information about Workers Memorial Day https://28april.org/

New Zealand Events to mark Workers Memorial Day: 

Sunday 28 April

Timaru – 12 noon at corner of Port Loop Road and Marine Parade, opposite the port offices. Deputy Mayor to speak.

Dunedin -11.45am, Workers Memorial, Market Reserve, Dunedin. Clare Curran MC

Christchurch – at 12noon at Memorial Garden, Sydenham

Monday 29 April

Wellington Rail Yard – 12 noon – new memorial unveiling for Ambrose Manaia killed March 2000

Hutt Rail Shops – 12noon at memorial flagpole site

Palmerston North – 12.10pm – 12.50 Workers’ Memorial, Memorial Park, Fitzroy St

Napier – 12noon Port southern entrance by seafarers rest – service at memorial site

Waikato Rail – 12noon service at KiwiRail Te Rapa memorial site

Blackball May 4th at 3pm a short ceremony at the Museum as part of Mayday.


Qatar: ITF joins 28 April commemoration

Global: Tomar el control – eliminar sustancias peligrosas del lugar de trabajo (CSI)

Cada 11 segundos una persona pierde la vida debido a condiciones de trabajo letales. Pese a que cada vez hay mayor conciencia del problema, en muchos países el cáncer sigue siendo la principal causa de muertes en el lugar de trabajo. En esta Jornada Internacional de Conmemoración de los Trabajadores y Trabajadoras fallecidos y heridos, la CSI reclama cáncer cero.

“Trabajar es sinónimo de ganarse la vida, sin embargo, los trabajadores y las trabajadoras siguen exponiéndose a substancias letales en el lugar de trabajo. Hoy rendimos tributo a todos aquellos que se dejaron la vida en el trabajo. En su memoria, continuaremos luchando por los vivos”, indicó Sharan Burrow, Secretaria General de la CSI.

Pese a que puede transcurrir cierto tiempo desde la exposición a una substancia peligrosa y el diagnóstico de un cáncer, los estudios cada vez dejan más patente el vínculo entre el cáncer y sus causas profesionales. La CSI, junto con la campaña Hazards, ha elaborado una breve guía donde se resumen los principales riesgos de cáncer en el trabajo.

“Los sindicatos hacen el trabajo más seguro. Las personas son quienes están más capacitadas para saber dónde está el peligro en sus lugares de trabajo, y es gracias a su comprensión y sus acciones colectivas que pueden introducirse mejoras duraderas respecto a salud y seguridad. Reclamamos condiciones aún más seguras, desde el lugar de trabajo hasta el nivel de las normas internacionales adoptadas por la Organización Internacional del Trabajo. Resulta fundamental garantizar la salud y seguridad en el trabajo. La Declaración del Centenario de la OIT supone una oportunidad real para lograr progresos significativos que podrían salvar millones de vidas. No debemos desaprovecharla”, afirmó la Sra. Burrow.

Se hizo eco de esta opinión el Sr. Baskut Tuncak, Relator Especial de las Naciones Unidas sobre las obligaciones de derechos humanos relacionadas con la gestión y eliminación ecológicamente racionales de las sustancias y los desechos peligrosos. Indicó que la comunidad internacional debe “aprovechar las oportunidades que se nos ofrecen de momento para eliminar algunas de las distintas normativas existentes entre países, que están siendo aprovechadas por empresarios sin escrúpulos a través de sus cadenas de suministro”. Comentando sobre la necesidad de reforzar la seguridad internacional, afirmó que “los instrumentos globales se limitan a prohibir o restringir la utilización o la emisión de menos del 0,1% de todos los pesticidas y productos industriales tóxicos que plantean inquietudes a nivel mundial y a los que están expuestos trabajadores/as y comunidades”.

Nuevos productos químicos se introducen en los lugares de trabajo continuamente, pero muy pocos de éstos han sido evaluados exhaustivamente en cuanto a sus efectos cancerígenos. Es necesario mejorar los estándares de control para evitar que se produzcan más muertes. La OIT es la principal institución encargada de garantizar mejores normas para millones de trabajadores y trabajadoras en todo el mundo. La CSI insta a empleadores y gobiernos a cumplir su mandato y aceptar la naturaleza fundamental de la salud y seguridad laboral, durante la Conferencia del Centenario de la OIT en junio de 2019.

Los sindicatos del mundo entero se movilizan hoy para rendir tributo y exigir mejores condiciones de salud y seguridad en el trabajo. Sigan las últimas novedades en 28April.org

Cartel – Reacción química
Infografía – Tipos de cáncer y causas relacionadas con el trabajo


Para más información, sírvanse ponerse en contacto con el Departamento de Prensa de la CSI llamando al +32 2 224 02 53 o por e-mail a: press@ituc-csi.org

Global: Prendre le contrôle – éliminer les substances dangereuses du lieu de travail (CSI)

Toutes les 11 secondes, une personne meurt en raison des conditions dangereuses dans lesquelles elle travaille. La prise de conscience gagne du terrain, mais le cancer est toujours la première cause de décès dû au travail dans de nombreux pays. Cette année, à l’occasion de la Journée internationale de commémoration des travailleuses et des travailleurs, la CSI appelle à «zéro cancer».

«Nous travaillons pour ‘gagner notre vie’ mais les travailleurs sont toujours exposés à des substances mortelles. Aujourd’hui, nous rendons hommage aux personnes qui ont perdu la vie au travail. En leur mémoire nous continuons à nous battre pour vivre,» a déclaré Sharan Burrow, la secrétaire générale de la CSI.

En dépit de la longue période qui peut se dérouler entre l’exposition à des substances dangereuses et le diagnostic du cancer, la recherche met de plus en plus souvent en évidence le lien existant entre le cancer et ses causes professionnelles. La CSI, en partenariat avec la campagne de la revue «Hazards», a réalisé un guide pratique qui résume les principaux risques de cancers professionnels.

«Grâce aux syndicats, le travail est plus sûr. Les travailleurs sont les mieux placés pour savoir où se trouvent les dangers sur leur lieu de travail et c’est leur connaissance et leur action collective qui permettent d’améliorer durablement la santé et la sécurité. Nous plaidons en faveur de conditions toujours plus sûres, depuis le lieu de travail jusqu’aux normes internationales élaborées par l’Organisation internationale du travail. Il est fondamental de garantir la santé et la sécurité au travail. La Déclaration du centenaire de l’OIT offre une réelle opportunité de réaliser les importantes avancées qui permettraient de sauver des millions de vies. Il ne faut pas la manquer,» a précisé Sharan Burrow.

C’est également ce qu’a annoncé M. Baskut Tuncak, le Rapporteur spécial des Nations Unies sur les droits de l’homme et les produits et déchets dangereux, pour qui la communauté internationale doit «veiller aux opportunités dont nous disposons actuellement pour éliminer les inégalités de traitement existantes entre les pays exploités par des entreprises peu scrupuleuses au travers de leurs chaînes d’approvisionnement.» Puis, s’exprimant sur la nécessité de renforcer la sécurité internationale, il a ajouté: «les instruments mondiaux interdisent ou limitent l’utilisation ou l’émission de moins de 0,1% seulement des substances chimiques industrielles toxiques et des pesticides suscitant une préoccupation mondiale auxquels les travailleurs et les populations locales sont exposés.»

De nouveaux produits chimiques arrivent sans cesse sur les sites de travail, et très peu ont fait l’objet d’un contrôle approfondi pour évaluer leur cancérogénicité. L’amélioration des normes de test est indispensable pour éviter d’autres décès. L’OIT est la principale organisation chargée d’améliorer les normes pour des millions de personnes à travers le monde. La CSI exhorte les employeurs et les gouvernements à se montrer à la hauteur de cette mission et à accepter la nature fondamentale de la santé et de la sécurité organisationnelle lors de la Conférence du centenaire de l’OIT en juin 2019.

Les syndicats de toute la planète se mobilisent aujourd’hui pour rendre hommage aux travailleuses et aux travailleurs et obtenir de meilleures conditions de santé et de sécurité au travail. Consultez les dernières nouvelles sur 28April.org.

Affiche – Réaction chimique
Infographie – Les cancers et leurs causes professionnelles


Germany: IG BAU-Bundesvorstandsmitglied Carsten Burckhardt über die Bedeutung des Workers’ Memorial Day.

IG BAU-Bundesvorstandsmitglied Carsten Burckhardt über die Bedeutung des Workers’ Memorial Day.

Global: On 28 April IndustriALL launches year long safety campaign

Cambodia: Building and woodworkers rally to demand action to ban asbestos


Cambodia April 28 Building and Wood Workers Trade Union Confederation rally this morning to remember workers killed through work International Workers Memorial Day and demand action on an asbestos ban in Cambodia and improved OSH #IWMD19 @unionsaustralia @SolidarityCntr @ituc pic.twitter.com/TyPP6BnOxq

Mauritius: CMWEU calls for risk assessments to be required by law


For IWMD on 25 April, CMWEU, an affiliate of BWI in Mauritius conducted a campaign at the House of Parliament. The union called for the Risk Assessment Report to be mandatory in the law.

Image may contain: one or more people, tree, sky and outdoor
Image may contain: one or more people, tree, sky and outdoor

Tunisia: Joint construction union site visits and campaigns to mark 28 April

On 25 April, FGBB, BWI’s affiliate in Tunisia mobilised its members in four major companies to celebrate IWMD. The unions visited AFRICA WORKS a construction company and three cement companies— Colacem, Jabal Al Wassat Cemen,t and Carthage Cement to campaign for better health and safety conditions. The FGBB used the opportunity to distribute OHS campaign materials.

Image may contain: 14 people, people standing and outdoor
Image may contain: 3 people, people standing and outdoor
Image may contain: 5 people, people standing and outdoor
Image may contain: 3 people, people smiling, people standing and outdoor